Mp3 remix stand alone version in Title/Summary

MP3 Remix Player Standalone
MP3 Remix® lets you take any song in your MP3 or CD collection and remix it into your own custom creation. Detects the rhythm and dynamics of any song to create incredible "beat-synchronized" remixes. Mix up to 320 different sounds (beats, loops, scratches, instruments, vocals) simultaneously and automatically drop them right on song beats.
- Publisher: Power Technology
- Last updated: February 18th, 2008

MP3 Remix for Windows Media Player
MP3 Remix has been created to allow you to “remix” songs in real time. It can accurately detect the rhythm and the dynamics of the played song and use these to add synchronized sound effects and create the so-called “remixes”. It comes as a plugin for Windows Media Player and Winamp.
- Publisher: Power Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2013

MP3 Remix Player Standalone Plus
MP3 Remix Player Standalone Plus lets you take any song in your MP3 or CD collection and remix it into your own custom creation.Beat Detection Processing: -Detects the rhythm and dynamics of any song to create incredible "beat-synchronized" remixes.
- Publisher: FXsound
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Mp3 remix stand alone version in Description

MP3 Remix for Winamp
Enjoy your favorite songs in new and exciting ways! Even if you have no musical ability, with MP3 Remix you can easily create beautiful and original interpretations of any song in your MP3 or CD collection.Simply select a song from your MP3 or CD library and start remixing!
- Publisher: Power Technology
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2010

Abee MP3 Duplicates Finder
Abee MP3 Duplicate finder is a tool which allow user to find any duplicate music file and remove useless file from their hard disk. This helps user to save space on their hard disk. This tool is dedicated for finding only duplicate song files which makes it better than others. This tool works only with MP3, wma, ogg and m4a files which allow using specific methods for duplicate detection.
- Publisher: AbeeTech
- Last updated: September 12th, 2011

MP3 to WAV Converter
When it comes to digital music, sometimes you may want the compactness of the MP3s, and other times you want the quality of a CD. MP3 to WAV Converter Pro makes it easy to have both of them. MP3 to WAV Converter Pro converts .wav music files to .mp3 format to reduce the size of the files by roughly a factor of 10, and it changes MP3s to .wav files for playback on standard CD players.
- Publisher: MP3 to WAV Converter
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 1st, 2010

EPE Index
EPE Index provides a full index of all constructional projects published in Everyday Practical Electronics magazine. This is available as stand-alone application, an MS Access database and an Excel spreadsheet. The stand-alone version includes the database file and can be used without having Access installed, and allows you to search for projects by description or date.
- Publisher: Electronics 2000
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 4th, 2009

ACD FotoAngelo
Whether you want to get the whole family together in one room and impress them with a slide show of your latest vacation or send your slide show to a far away relative, ACD FotoAngelo slide show software and screen saver creator can make it happen.
- Publisher: ACD Systems
- Last updated: April 12th, 2008
Additional Mp3 remix stand alone version selection

SWF to MP3 Converter
SWF FLV to MP3 Converter (formerly SWF to MP3 Converter) converts SWF (Adobe Flash Movie File) and FLV (Flash Video) into MP3 and WAV formats. SWF FLV to MP3 Converter software converts any version SWF files into MP3 and WAV formats. A SWF file may contains one or more sound elements.
- Publisher: Hoo Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 4th, 2011

TiffSurfer is much more than just a TIFF viewer; it is a complete document management solution. Besides TIFF image viewing, it provides image manipulation, cleaning, printing and conversion features, as well as PDF generating capabilities and support for text recognition and OCR reading functions.
- Publisher: VisionShape, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2010

eWallet helps you remember usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, bank accounts details, DNS settings, and other important data. It includes a sync engine to keep your data in sync with eWallet on other devices, using direct connect, local WiFi, or the cloud.
- Publisher: Ilium Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Phoenix Viewer
Phoenix Viewer is a viewer developed for usage in Second Life. The viewer has new features added for improving performance and for enhance your game experience. Phoenix is becoming less popular since Exodus, Firestorm, and all those other viewers showed up on the market.
- Publisher: Phoenix Viewer Team
- Last updated: March 21st, 2012

LFX-1310 is a Free plug-in multi-effector including 24 types of algorithm and 3 serial slots. This freeware is the stand-alone version of Effecting Module of Ravity(S) & Ravity(R). Every algorithm realizes the very effect you have on your mind, and is fully optimized for low CPU load.
- Publisher: LUXONIX
- Last updated: December 7th, 2009

Every business must organize and access it's documentswhether they are computer files or printed material. Designed especially for SMEs our unique and inexpensive software includes an advanced search function that tracks files and quickly locates doc...
- Publisher: home
- Last updated: May 31st, 2011

Another unique and powerful feature the DSP-FX is the use of MIDI control. Simply connect any standard MIDI controller to a DSP-FX Plug-In and you will be able to adjust all DSP-FX parameters with the physical controls. Also you can use your favorite MIDI sequencer to "automate" the parameter changes of any DSP-FX Plug-In.
- Publisher: Power Technology
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

This site provides a location to download the latest version of Wega2 the HQ image viewer (now also as Stand Alone version) and the ExposurePlot (former FocalPlot) utility, see the menu on the left for more information. On this site you can view some images also, taken with the Minolta D5 and my previous cameras the Minolta A1 and the Nikon 990, nothing fancy, see my Canon A720IS review if you're looking for a affordable backup camera, this one could be it.
- Publisher: vAndel,nl
- Last updated: September 9th, 2011

PDF Content Split SA
This is an ideal product if you had for example a PDF statement that needed splitting up on account number, PDF Content Split would do this with ease
- Publisher: Traction Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SHARP Digital Signage Software
SHARP Digital Signage Software delivers program creation, registration, scheduling and distribution of pre-scheduled information on Sharp “PN” series LCD monitors. Operating easily with a user-friendly interface, this package includes the PN-SS01 (Stand Alone Version), PN-SS02 (Network Version), PN-SS05 (Pro Version) and PN-SV01 (Viewer Version).
- Publisher: Sharp Electronics Corporation
- Last updated: April 1st, 2015