Mplab x rs485 code in Title/Summary

SOMFY RS485 Demo Tool
SOMFY RS485 Demo Tool is a program designed to control the Somfy motorized applications through a RS485 network from your computer. The program is also capable of controlling the Sonesse 30 RS485 motor directly and the RTS devices via the RS485 RTS Transmitter.
- Publisher: SOMFY
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2014

RS485 DemoTool
Use RS485 to establish a communication link between your laptop and the Somfy RS485 product. The RS485 demo tool software is used to control, from a computer, Somfy motorised applications through a RS485 network. It is possible to control the Sonesse 30 RS485 motor directly, or control RTS devices via the RS485 RTS Transmitter.
- Publisher: SOMFY
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 19th, 2014

The MPLAB C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (also known as MPLAB C18) is a full-featured ANSI compliant C compiler for the PIC18 family of PICmicro 8-bit MCUs.Main features: - ANSI '89 compatibility. - Integration with the MPLAB IDE for easy-to-use project management and source-level debugging. - Generation of relocatable object modules for enhanced code reuse. - Extensive multi-pass optimizations.
- Publisher: Microchip
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2015
Mplab x rs485 code in Description

Features: -DSP library- C callable DSP functions written in assembly using the standard MIPS DSP library APIs. A future compiler release will contain a second set of APIs that are compatible with Microchip's 16-bit compilers. -Quick Migration- Complete run-time optimized peripheral libraries that are API compatible with Microchip compiler libraries for 16-bit products.
- Publisher: Microchip Technology Inc.
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

MPLAB XC16 C Compiler
MPLAB XC16 is a compiler for 16-bit PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers. Combined with MPLAB X IDE, you get a complete IDE with debugging features. You can single-step through C and C++ source code to inspect variables and structures at critical points. It supports data structures with defined data types, including floating point.
- Publisher: Microchip Technology Inc.
- Last updated: February 21st, 2017

Exeba E-Swipe
E-swipe is a user-friendly serial communication software designed for the smart swipe readers. E-swipe provides all the features you need to communicate with the reader easily and efficiently. With E-swipe you don't have to remember the commands that set the different options on the reader you just have to select and click on the command button.
- Publisher: Escan Technologies Corp
- Last updated: November 14th, 2008

Command line compilers are fully optimized for efficient code and may be run from a DOS prompt or be integrated into MPLAB® IDE or other Microchip Third Part environments. Code optimizing C compiler for Microchip's 24-bit opcode PIC® PIC24 MCU and dsPIC® DSC families.
- Publisher: Custom Computer Services, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2009

Hydac CoCoS1000
CoCoS Light enables you to conveniently operate the FluidControl Units FCU 2000 series and FCU 8000 series and ContaminationSensors CS 2000 with RS232 and RS485 ports. An RS485/RS232 port converter is additionally required for the RS485. (Hydac article)
- Publisher: Hydac International
- Last updated: May 28th, 2012
Additional Mplab x rs485 code selection

Code::Blocks is a free C, C++, and Fortran IDE that is fully configurable. Built around a plugin framework, Code::Blocks can be extended with plugins. Any kind of functionality can be added by installing/coding a plugin. Its compiling and debugging functionality is already implemented by plugins.
- Publisher: The Code::Blocks Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 25th, 2020

Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages and runtimes (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET).
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

MPLAB XC32 C Compiler
Features: -Supports all 8-, 16- and 32- bit PIC MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs -Integrates with MPLAB® X IDE and all Microchip development tools -Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X -Different optimization levels to suit your needs with FREE downloads available
- Publisher: Microchip
- Last updated: October 25th, 2012

MPLAB 16-bit Device Blocks for Simulink
The MPLAB Device Blocks for Simulink provides a set of user interfaces and Simulink peripheral blocks for the dsPIC®30 and dsPIC®33 DSCs. Standalone applications can be created from a Simulink discrete time model by adding blocks provided by Microchip. Code for the application is generated, compiled and loaded on a target in a single, one-push-button step.
- Publisher: Microchip
- Last updated: August 14th, 2015

Code Composer Studio
It includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler, source code editor, project build environment, debugger, profiler, and many other features. The intuitive IDE provides a single user interface taking you through each step of the application development flow. Familiar tools and interfaces allow users to get started faster than ever before.
- Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 11th, 2017

Action Replay DSi Code Manager
Dependant on where you purchased your Action Replay DSi™ it may include a software disc containing the Code Manager PC software application and USB drivers. If your Action Replay DSi™ does not include a software disc or you have misplaced the software disc.
- Publisher: Datel Design & Development
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 23rd, 2014

CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader
QR codes are becoming more and more ubiquitous these days. Their versatility and their storage capacity are boosting their popularity. You can find QR codes anywhere and you can add a QR code to almost anything. That is why CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator offers you both functionalities – it gives you the option to load one and decipher it and to create one and save it as an image file.
- Publisher: CodeTwo
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2017

Action Replay Code Manager
Action Replay DS is a powerful cheat code system for Nintendo DS. This program, Action Replay Code Manager, allows you to connect your PC to your Action Replay DS cartridge via USB to add new codes which can be downloaded from various Internet sources using this software.
- Publisher: Datel Design & Development
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

Code VBA
Code VBA is a plugin that lets you write VBA code faster. You also spend less time looking for solutions on-line. It makes declaring variables quicker. You can find and insert VBA, Access VBA / ADO / DAO and Excel VBA source code from the logically organized menu.
- Publisher: AGORA Software BV
- Last updated: October 5th, 2021

Code of Honor: The French Foreign Legion
For almost two hundred years now, the French Foreign Legion has attracted adventurers from all over the world.One of them is Claude Boulet, a 26 year-old Parisian, brought up in harmony with tough street rules.The Legion was where he found his place, and it led him straight to the hellish African savanna.
- Publisher: City Interactive
- Last updated: June 6th, 2015