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Ms access custom icon in Title/Summary

Custom Icon Design

Custom Icon Design

IconDesignLAB.com offers you the services you need to have professional custom icon design for your software, including the main program icon as well as the toolbar and menu icons for the program's interface.

Dynamic Icon Browser

Dynamic Icon Browser

Dynamic Icon Browser helps you to change your standard Microsoft Office icons. Standard Microsoft Office icons can be displayed in custom Ribbon controls by setting the ImageMSO attribute to a valid built-in image name. The name (label) of any button or gallery item clicked is copied to the clipboard automatically.

  • Publisher: Esoteric Consulting Ltd.
  • Home page: www.spreadsheet1.com
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2017
American Express Icon Installer

American Express Icon Installer

If you use American Express on a regular basis, you will absolutely love the American Express Icon Installer. What does it do? It just puts a American Express Icon on your desktop in the form of an Internet Desktop Shortcut that when clicked, takes you straight to the home page for American Express.

  • Publisher: Iconomize
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2011

Ms access custom icon in Description

Shedko Folder2MyPC

Shedko Folder2MyPC

Shedko Folder2MyPC 1.9 is a program that lets you add any folder or program to "My Computer " and "Control Panel". This version works only under Windows Vista and Windows Seven. The last version that works with Windows XP is version 1.8.5, that can be downloaded from http://shedko.googlepages.com/Shedko_Folder2MyPC_1.8.5.0.zip.

  • Publisher: Shedko software
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2008


WiseIconMaker is a good, useful and simple icon editor and creator. The application displays a main window where users can show or hide the guiding grid and edit, create or modify any icon picture 16, 32, 48, 72 or 128 pixels in size. Also, the program allows users to extract icons from executable programs or dynamic libraries.

  • Publisher: JosesSoft, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008
Toolbar Icons for Windows 8

Toolbar Icons for Windows 8

A package of 281 popular toolbar icons for Windows 8 is a perfect choice for a busy Windows 8 developer. This product includes all the icons you will ever need to create a user interface in in accordance with strict Microsoft guidelines.

  • Publisher: ArwebDesigns
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2015


123IconHunter software has a powerful feature for searching and scanning the folders and drives to extract icons hidden in the exe, dll, ocx and other file types. The tool helps in saving these icons as icon files ICO or bitmap files. The standard Windows icon and the custom icon sizes are supported efficiently by this software.

  • Publisher: Boilsoft, Inc.
  • Home page: www.boilsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
BuyPin ColorFolders

BuyPin ColorFolders

Allows you to change the icon of any normal folder in Windows. Just select the folder whose icon should be modified, then one of the six preset foldericons or a custom icon you created yourself. This way you can better organize your harddisk, by assi...

  • Publisher: BuyPin Software
  • Last updated: June 9th, 2010

Additional Ms access custom icon selection



FolderIco offers a hassle-free, quick way to customize and organize folders on your computer. Tired of the standard yellow Windows folder icon? This is your solution. With just a single mouse click, FolderIco allows you to colorize your folders and decorate them with a range of attractive icons, making file classification more intuitive than ever before.

Gmail Icon Installer

Gmail Icon Installer

Supposedly, this program installs a shortcut in your desktop to open your Gmail inbox automatically. Nevertheless, the truth is that it opens the iconomize.com/redirect URL first, and then redirects you to your inbox, probably to artificially generate traffic to the Iconomize website.

  • Publisher: Iconomize.com
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2013
Python comtypes

Python comtypes

comtypes is a pure Python COM package based on the ctypes ffi foreign function library. ctypes is included in Python 2.5 and later, it is also available for Python 2.4 as separate download.rnrnWhile the pywin32 package contains superior client side support for dispatch based COM interfaces, it is not possible to access custom COM interfaces unless they are wrapped in C++-code.

  • Publisher: Python
  • Home page: pypi.python.org
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2011


CCGLauncher is a free program that enables you to access Custom Combat Gaming servers in order to play the Arma2, Arma2OA and Arma3 games. You can set up the path for each of the mentioned games, search for your preferred online server and play worldwide tournaments.

  • Publisher: CCGLauncher
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2015
Seanau Icon Toolkit

Seanau Icon Toolkit

From the first time you open the program, it comes as a user-friendly application that displays hints and tips to guide you through the editing process. The workspace is neatly disposed, being coated with menus on each side, in order to allow you to easily access Seanau Icon Toolkit's features and options.

  • Publisher: Seanau
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2015
Syncfusion Metro Studio

Syncfusion Metro Studio

Syncfusion Metro Studio is a collection of over 7,000 flat and wireframe icon templates that can be easily customized to create thousands of unique icons. It also supports creating custom icon font packages from selected sets of icons. Metro Studio includes a powerful icon editor that lets you quickly find and customize all the icons that you need in only a few minutes.

  • Publisher: Syncfusion, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2021
Walmart Icon Installer

Walmart Icon Installer

Walmart Icon Installer is a program that enables you to install a High Resolution Walmart icon in the form of a Internet shortcut on your desktop so you can click the icon and get to Walmart right away. It automatically opens your default browser to walmart.com.

  • Publisher: Iconomize
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2014
VX-7 Commander

VX-7 Commander

If you own the VX-7R transceiver, which is the first amateur handheld to be submersible, you may wish to modify it to enable transmission on MARS and CAPS frequencies. You can do this in two ways, using a hardware method or a software method. Using the hardware method, you would need to remove some small solder contacts that are positioned under the battery pack.

  • Publisher: Jim Mitchell
  • Home page: www.kc8unj.com
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2008
Yellow Pages Icon Installer

Yellow Pages Icon Installer

If you use Yellowpages on a regular basis, you will absolutely love the Yellowpages Icon Installer. This software utility allows you to have on your desktop, a Yellowpages Icon which can be use to get instant access to Yellowpages website. All you have to do is double-click the Yellow Pages icon and the Yellowpages website will open on your favorite browser.

  • Publisher: Iconomize
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2011
MSI to EXE Compiler

MSI to EXE Compiler

Already have an MSI package, but your client need EXE file? MSI to EXE compiler can help! This is professional solution to convert MSI to EXE with minimal overhead and maximal compatibility. MSI to EXE Compiler allows you to assign custom icon to the installer. Compiler can be used from command line or in GUI mode.