Ms word fonts package in Title/Summary

Font Commander for Word
This application is a font tool for working with Microsoft Word fonts. The font selecting and formatting features work with Word and PowerPoint. Font Commander for Word gives you fast and immediate access to efficient font selecting and text editing.
- Publisher: Internet High Road
- Last updated: March 7th, 2010

All-In-One Khmer Fonts 2010
All in one Khmer Fonts 2010 is a package of free writing styles. We’ve just updated our “All Khmer Fonts” download – you can download it here. To preview the fonts you can view SBBIC All-Khmer-Fonts Preview PDF (615) showing all the font names and a sample Khmer text.
- Publisher: Society for Better Books in Cambodia
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 28th, 2011

Sinhala Font Package - Nidahasa x
Sinhala Font Package - Nidahasa x are a pack of 6 fonts. The weight of a particular font is the thickness of the character outlines relative to their height. A typeface may come in fonts of many weights, from ultra-light to extra-bold or black; four to six weights are not unusual, and a few typefaces have as many as a dozen.
- Publisher: NIDAHASA OnLine
- Last updated: February 28th, 2010
Ms word fonts package in Description

MyPC HelaBasa is the Sri Lanka's number one Sinhala Fonts Package containing high quality Sinhala fonts for Graphic Designers, Type Setters, office users and domestic users with MyPC HelaBasa - Wijesekara Sinhala Keyboard Mapping Software Driver and free bonus Braille and LiyaWel (bordering) fonts.
- Publisher: Suchitra Madhava Tennakoon
- Last updated: July 28th, 2022

Hela Basa
MyPC HelaBasa is the Sri Lanka's number one Sinhala Fonts Package (Sinhalese Fonts / Singhalese Fonts / Sinhala Akuru) containing high quality Sinhala fonts for Graphic Designers, Type Setters, office users and domestic users with MyPC HelaBasa - Wijesekara Sinhala Keyboard Mapping Software with Original Keyman Engine License and free bonus Braille and LiyaWel (bordering) fonts.
- Publisher: MyPC Computer Systems
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

The Meltho Fonts package consists of over 20 Unicode OpenType fonts. OpenType fonts are TrueType fonts with additional tables that determine the contextual shapes of letters and ligatures. The Meltho fonts support the three Syriac type styles (i.e., scripts): Estrangelo, Serto and East Syriac. Each font was named after a historic city from the Syriac tradition.
- Publisher: Beth Mardutho Institute
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

Barcodesoft MICR E13B Font
Barcodesoft MICR E13B fonts package contains 9 font sets: MICR, MICRB, MICRBN, MICRBW, MICRL, MICRLN, MICRLW, MICRN, MICRW. These MICR fonts vary slightly in aspect ratios and stroke width in order to make up for the inaccuracy of MICR printing devices.
- Publisher: Barcodesoft
- Last updated: October 31st, 2016

LooKeys is a software application providing Chat, E-mail & Online Word Processing in Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Gujurati, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi and Urdu. This is a comprehensive Indian languages word editor package, a powerful tool to improve Indian languages typing capabilities.
- Publisher: FTK
- Last updated: November 14th, 2009
Additional Ms word fonts package selection

BCL easyConverter SDK
BCL easyConverter SDK allows you to programmatically convert Adobe Acrobat compatible Portable Document Format documents to Microsoft Word compatible RTF files. These Word compatible files can then be edited, modified or mined for text, graphics, tables and lists.
- Publisher: BCL Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2013

Supersoft Aksharam
Bilingual (Malayalam/English) Word Processor software under Windows. This software have all the features of MS Windows WordPad application. The program features: Remington (Typewriter) and Inscript (DOE) Keyboard Layout, 14 Malayalam fonts and supports Malayalam fonts of "Thoolika " and C-DAC ISM, iLeep.
- Publisher: Supersoft
- Last updated: November 24th, 2009

Kamban Word Processor is the latest release of Tamil Word Processor package. It includes spell-check, Tamil menus and numerous other features. The most important feature of KWP is the ability to use phonetic (Transliteration) of the keyboard to type in Tamil.
- Publisher: Kamban Software
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2010

Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Word is a program that allows you to create documents. It includes tools for the creation of tables, word arts, charts, etc. You can insert various shapes, images, flow-diagrams, and clip-arts to your document. Cross-referencing allows you to manage a list of references, or a numbered list of illustrations and tables.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2023

Adobe Reader
With Acrobat Reader DC, you can do even more than open and view PDF files. It’s easy to add annotations to documents using a complete set of commenting tools. Acrobat Reader DC is connected to Adobe Document Cloud, so you can work with your PDFs anywhere.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: September 19th, 2024

Word to PDF Converter
Word to PDF Converter is a simple tool that makes it easy to convert MS Word files to PDF documents. It installs itself as an add-in to MS Word and lets you quickly convert any opened Word document to a PDF file, right from the interface of MS Word: just press the “Save as PDF” button from the newly added toolbar and select the output location for the PDF document.
- Publisher: PDF-Convert, Inc.
- Last updated: June 7th, 2022

Quran in Ms Word
Quran in MS Word adds a menu to MS Word which allows browsing and searching the Quran for “Suras” (chapters), “Ayahs/Ayats” (signs), verses, and other texts of the Holy Quran, and quickly adding them to the currently opened MS Word documents. Finding Quran translations is also possible using this tool.
- Publisher: Mohamad Taufiq
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

PDF-XChange Pro
Actually three tools in one, PDF-XChange Pro includes a fully-customizable PDF virtual printing (PDF-XChange Standard), a state-of-the-art PDF editor (PDF-XChange Editor Plus), and a versatile set of PDF-related utilities called PDF-Tools. Given the wide scope covered by PDF-XChange Pro, you’ll find it hard to spot an action that you cannot perform on your PDF files using this tool.
- Publisher: Tracker Software Products Ltd
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Convert DOC to PDF For Word
This Word extension can help you create PDF documents. It has the advantage that it lets you use Microsoft Word for this purpose. As this text processor is widely known and used, any user can edit and create PDF documents without the need to use more specific software.
- Publisher: 8848SOFT, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

IDAutomation Word Excel Addin 2007
With this tool you can easily generate barcodes in Microsoft® Word and Microsoft® Excel® with a single click after highlighting the data to be encoded in the barcode. Main features: - Quickly change an entire data column or row to barcodes. - Royalty-free with the purchase of any IDAutomation barcode font package. - Supports all linear and 2D barcode fonts
- Publisher: IDAutomation, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 14th, 2010