Msd employees in Title/Summary

MSD Employees Multiuser
MSD Employees is a complete and easy to use employees information manager. It manages relatives, history, documents, qualifications, courses, certificates, knowledge, experience, contracts, salaries, fringe benefits, absences and holidays, etc.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

MSD Employees
MSD Employees is an employee management software and human resources software, that allows you to catalog the following information: personal data, company data, relatives, history, documents, equipment, qualifications, courses, certificates, knowledge, labor experience, contracts, salaries, fringe benefits, absences and holidays, delays, overtime hours, congratulations, warnings and sanctions.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

MSD Organizer Freeware
MSD Organizer freeware is an information manager, which can be used to plan daily activities, manage appointments, keep control of tasks, manage contacts, manage to do lists, take notes, and keep a personal and professional diary. It has a Calendar Module that lets you control all your alarms and tasks in various modes.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022
Msd employees in Description

The Connect screen appears on startup or when the connect icon is selected. All MSD products that communicate with MSD View are listed in this window. The list includes all products connected via the USB port or the CAN bus (if the CAN bus is powered-up). To communicate with a specific device, select the device and press ‘Connect’.
- Publisher: MSD Performance
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

MSD Strongbox
MSD Strongbox is a confidential documents and files manager of maximum security, which can store files in the database and protect them with a password. To extract the files from the database it is necessary to know the password with which the files where stored.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021

MSD View
MSD View is a free program that can auto detect MSD devices connected to the PC. It lets the user view or program settings, select monitor items to view real time data or import acquisition files. MSD View also enables you to transfer device data, to configure alerts and to check data recordings.
- Publisher: MSD Ignition
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2014

CyberMatrix Office
CyberMatrix Office is a virtual office collaboration program. It is designed for those companies that would like their employees to work from home while still be accessible to those that need to work with them.
- Publisher: CyberMatrix Corporation, Inc.
- Last updated: September 4th, 2010

Because not all time spent in front of your computer can be considered productive, and no serious assessment of the quality of your work is possible without an accurate measurement of where your time goes, Yaware.TimeTracker offers you a Web-based time management application to not only measure how much time you spend at your PC, but to analyze it to boost your productivity.
- Publisher: Yaware
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
Additional Msd employees selection

Net Monitor for Employees Pro
The Net Monitor for Employees is employee monitoring software that allows you to see screens of remote computers or show your screen to employee. This activity monitoring software allows you to take full control of your employee remote computers.
- Publisher: Employee Monitoring
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MSD Organizer
MSD Organizer is a personal and professional information manager with and email client. It can be used to plan daily activities, manage appointments, keep control of tasks, manage contacts, manage to do lists, take notes, and keep a personal and professional diary.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

MSD GraphView
GraphView is a Windows based application used to view, monitor,and modify user data for all MSD digital programmable products. A mouse is required to fully apply all features and functionality of Graphview.To implement Graphview, simply connect the MSD product to the serial port on the PC and verify that the PC is communicating with the MSD programmable product.
- Publisher: Autotronic Controls Corporation
- Last updated: December 5th, 2011

Net Monitor for Employees Console
The Net Monitor for Employees is an application for monitoring remote computers. It allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users (e.g. employees) are doing on the remote computer; this is especially useful when you need to assist the person who uses the remote computer.
- Publisher: Network Lookout
- Last updated: May 16th, 2009
- Publisher: AraXGroup
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 16th, 2009

Net Monitor for Employees
Net Monitor for Employees Professional allows you to see screens of computers connected to the network. This way you can observe what your employees are doing! Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard. You can record remote computers screens even when you are not monitoring them.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

MSD Passwords
MSD Passwords is an effective and easy-to-use password manager. I like the fact that it saves a lot of time and makes the Internet experience more enjoyable, as you don’t have to remember lots of login usernames and passwords for all the visited sites. The software stores the login information of Internet protected sites, so you can access them with just a few clicks.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: June 11th, 2018

Scheduling Employees
Scheduling Employees was developed for those institutions that have mostly part-time help and keep an eye on the bottom line, time and labor cost as they schedule. The program is widely used in restaurants and other businesses. The application is designed for managers to schedule personnel resources while monitoring the time and wages as the scheduling process progresses.
- Publisher: Guia International
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

MSD Collections
MSD Collections is an advanced cataloger that allows to manage collections of Books, Magazines, Movies, Music and Software. It also provides support for the management of the Loans of the elements in the collections. The information about Movies and Music can be automatically downloaded from Internet.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: April 21st, 2021

MSD Organizer Multiuser
The program is very useful, powerful and easy to use. It features multiple modules and tools, with which you will be able to manage your personal information, your family information and your professional information, and you will do it in a reliable and safe environment.
- Publisher: MSD Soft
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022