Mssql refactor in Title/Summary

Developer Express Refactor! Pro
Refactor! Pro by DevExpress fuses a language-independent state-of-the-art code shaping engine with a revolutionary and highly-optimized user experience. Unlike other refactoring solutions that target the system architect, Refactor! Pro is designed to help all developers craft and sculpt their code with the speed and efficiency needed to meet their line of business demands.
- Publisher: Developer Express Inc.
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

ApexSQL Refactor
ApexSQL Refactor is a free SQL formatter and database refactoring tool for SQL Server. Format SQL queries, refactor SQL code, database tables. It expands wildcard, fully qualifies object names, renames SQL database objects. Supports SQL Server 2014.
- Publisher: ApexSQL Tools
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

Data Doctor MySQL to MSSQL Converter (Demo)
MySQL to MSSQL database converter provide secure and accurate conversion of large volume database records created in MySQL to MSSQL database record format. Database conversion tool facilitates to convert entire database or individual table records of MySQL to MSSQL server record format.
- Publisher: Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 31st, 2012
Mssql refactor in Description

MySQL-to-MSSQL implements synchronization as combination of insert MySQL records that are missing in MS SQL table and update existing MS SQL records with MySQL data. For synchronization purpose source and destination tables must have identical structures and have primary key or unique index defined.
- Publisher: Dell Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 17th, 2012

DBConvert for MS Excel and MSSQL
DBConvert for MS Excel and MSSQL is a program that enables you to convert Excel files to MSSQL format and vice versa. This application is also suitable to database migration between two Excel files or two SQL servers. DBConvert for MS Excel and MSSQL lets you select ranges of data from any Excel file and create as many tables as you wish.
- Publisher: DMSoft Technologies
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2013

MySQL-to-MSSQL implements synchronization as combination of insert MySQL records that are missing in MS SQL table and update existing MS SQL records with MySQL data. MySQL-to-MSSQL is a program to migrate MySQL databases to Microsoft SQL server. Also, you have the option to merge MySQL data into an existing MS SQL database.
- Publisher: Intelligent Converters, LTD.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 28th, 2012

SyslogIT by Pointesoft real-time 'Live' firewall syslog monitoring of both local and remote network devices. Archive, search and priint all syslog messages via MSSQL or MySQL database. Reporting and email alerts keep you current.
- Publisher: Pointesoft, LLC
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2011

SiteMechanics Database Manager
SiteMech Database Manager is a part of SiteMech Web Development Framework. This is a small and useful tool for backup and exchange data between Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. It allows to export entire database or particular tables to XML file. Later you can import saved file to a local or remote database. The software allows direct data transfer between MSSQL and MySQL databases.
- Publisher: SiteMechanics
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 30th, 2009
Additional Mssql refactor selection

DBConvert for MSSQL and PostgreSQL
DBConvert for MSSQL & PostgreSQL can convert between MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Dump, PostgreSQL Dump, and PHP Script. It can also convert Views from MS SQL to MySQL and Oracle. It has the ability to select TCP/IP, PIPE, IPX/SPX communications protocols.
- Publisher: DMSoft Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 24th, 2015

DBConvert for MS FoxPro and MSSQL
DBConvert for FoxPro and SQL provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data from FoxPro to MSSQL, SQL Azure databases. It is also intended for converting MS Visual FoxPro database (DBC) and MS Visual FoxPro free tables (DBF) to another db formats.
- Publisher: DMSoft Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 8th, 2016

MSSQL-to-Access Demo
MSSQL to Access is a program that allows you to convert Microsoft SQL databases into Microsoft Access format. The program converts indexes with all necessary attributes, stores conversion settings into profile and it enables you to merge MS SQL data into an existing MS Access database.
- Publisher: Intelligent Converters
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

DBSync for MSSQL and MySQL
DBSync for MySQL and MS SQL synchronizes and converts your database from MSSQL to MySQL and inversely. It performs MSSQL and SQL Azure database synchronization as well. Keep all your databases up-to-date with trigger-based instant synchronization method. New triggers algorithm is developed for accurate analyzing of destination database.
- Publisher: DMSoft Technologies
- Last updated: October 15th, 2015

DBConvert for SQLite and MSSQL
DBConvert for SQLite and MS SQL converter imports your SQLite databases to MS SQL server and MS SQL databases to SQLite. It provides you with the option to create dumps for roundabout data uploading on MS SQL, thus enabling to overcome server restrictions.
- Publisher: DMSoft Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

OraDump-to-MSSQL Demo
OraDump-to-MSSQL is a program to migrate data from Oracle dump files to SQL Server or Azure SQL. The program does direct reading from the dump, so Oracle installation is not required. Command line support allows to script, automate and schedule the conversion process.
- Publisher: Intellignent Converters
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

MSSQL-to-Excel is a program that allows you to publish Microsoft SQL databases as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. It converts tables containing more than 65535 records (splits data into multiple MS Excel files if necessary), converts partial data using select-queries and it has command line support.
- Publisher: Intelligent Converters, LTD.
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

DBSync for MS FoxPro and MSSQL
DBSync for FoxPro and MS SQL allows you to convert and synchronize your databases from Microsoft SQL Server to MS Visual FoxPro databases (*.DBC) or MS Visual FoxPro free tables (*.DBF). You can choose the whole database for data transferring or specify a set of tables for migration, duplication or synchronization by specifying where conditions using integrated Data Filters.
- Publisher: DMSoft Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 11th, 2016

MSSQL Blocks
This utility has been developed for collecting information on blocking/blocked processes (sessions) from multiple SQL Server 2000/2005 instances and presenting it in user-friendly format. It works through ADO in asynchronous mode.During refresh it fetches data from [sysprocesses] (system table) and transforms them into tree-like structure allowing to show only processes(sessions) in trouble.
- Publisher: Konstantin Knyazev
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 1st, 2009

msSQL Search from Amadeus-Software
MsSQL Search from Amadeus-Software is a stored procedure Search for SQL Server. You can test the Performance by How large are your tables. MsSQL Search makes finding the stored procedures you need easy. Performance Tuning - Sort Tables by size, rows, date or name. See all indexs, their colums & size.
- Publisher: Amadeus Software
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012