Msts winterberg in Title/Summary

MSTS bin
MSTS Bin is a new project, aimed to try improve some features of MSTS (MS Train simulator) ver. 1.1.xx. It has arisen persuant to requirements of users put simulator near to reality and improve some features, what was forgotten by authors or authors maybe rate this feature unusefull.
- Publisher: UKTrainSim
- Last updated: May 13th, 2008

Philipp Winterberg - Berlin
If you like Berlin you might want to visit Germany . A beautiful Berlin screensaver that shows more than 20 photos of Berlin - the capital city of Germany: Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, Alexanderplatz, Holocaust Mahnmal, Ampelmännchen, Siegessäule, Potsdamer Platz, Graffiti, Kanzleramt.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Last updated: April 30th, 2008

Philipp Winterberg's Powerful Affirmations
Powerful Affirmations is a recommended award-winning tool that helps you to work successfully with affirmations: Watch the affirmation you choose while you work at your PC. The program is freeware and designed for Windows. Powerful Affirmations is comfortable and easy-to-use, even for newbies.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022
Msts winterberg in Description

Train Store
Train Store assists in storing MSTS Routes, activities consists paths, and TSECTION.DAT files efficiently, without requiring changes to the MSTS configuration, and without making additional copies of files or installations of MSTS. Train Store has a ‘Lot Number’ or categorization facility which allows you to categorize Consists or Stock Items.
- Publisher: Tony Formoso
- Last updated: February 28th, 2008

Philipp Winterberg - Namibia Premium
Philipp Winterberg - Namibia Premium screensaver runs on Windows PCs. It shows 50 beautiful photos of Namibia: Swakopmund, Sossusvlei, D 707, Etosha Nationalpark, Trees, Dune 45, Namib, Dead Vlei etc. Discover the beautiful African lands : the wild, the nature, the freedom in the Philipp Winterberg - Namibia Premium screensaver.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Last updated: November 9th, 2009

SplitGiant is a multilingual program that will show you several different screensavers in one window. Choose a page design from different available layouts on the options page, then fill each part of the page with a preferred screensaver. After these simple steps you will have different screensavers displayed at a time.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2008

Screensaver Player
Screensaver Player is a program that will let you watch your collection of screensavers in a slideshow-like presentation. You will have the option to arrange these screensavers in a playlist, in addition to changing each screensaver's settings and display time.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

ActivityChanger modifies the timetable of an activity in MSTS. ActivityChanger executes this process fully automatically, simply by changing the Start Time of the Activity. Another feature is "rounding the player timetable" for more realistic arrival and departure times, since real trains do not start at 8:15:53 but at 8:16:00.
- Publisher: Torben Spiegler
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008
Additional Msts winterberg selection

Philipp Winterberg - Ruegen
A beautiful screensaver that shows more than 20 photos of Rügen, the largest German island: Kreidefelsen, Kap Arkona Stubbenkammer, Viktoriasicht etc. This nice screensaver is easy to install and the user can enjoy to watch the beautiful landscapes from Rügen.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

Free RAR Extract Frog
Free RAR Extract Frog takes easy RAR extraction and decompression to the next level. It does not matter if the RAR file is a standard one, a multipart RAR file, or a password-protected RAR archive – simply drag it and drop it onto the program’s customizable interface, and it’ll be decompressed for you in a breeze.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2015

Philipp Winterberg - Guatemala Premium
This screensaver runs on Windows PCs. It shows 50 beautiful photos of Guatemala: Antigua, Tikal, Volcanoes, Markets, Lago Atitlan, Semuc Champey, Chichicastenango, Panajachel etc. You will feel like being there although you will bee in front of you desktop. Enjoy.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Last updated: October 28th, 2009

RarZilla Free Unrar
RarZilla Free Unrar can decompress RAR archives. The program can create a list of passwords that it will automatically try when opening the protected archives. Also, it has a huge limitation: it doesn’t support any other extensions except for RAR and it can’t create archives either.
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 4th, 2015

Philipp Winterberg - Mexico Premium
This screensaver runs on Windows PCs. It shows 50 wonderful photos of Mexico! The Mexico Premium Screensaver shows photos of San Christobal, Oaxaca, México, D.F., Tulum, Chichen Itza, Virgin of Guadalupe, Merida, Sumidero Canyon etc. - watch the preview video:
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 10th, 2009

Routes OnOff
A program to interactively enable/disable Microsoft Train Simulator routes. Disabled routes are not processed by the MSTS loader program, so the application starts quicker than with all routes enabled. The application requires that Microsoft Train Simulator is installed in your computer.
- Publisher: Keystone Computer Services, Inc.
- Last updated: August 14th, 2012

The way we designate track sections in MSTS is more closely related to model railroading terms than to the prototype. Prototype railroads measure curves by degrees while we use radius, switches (turnouts) are measured by numbers while we use degrees. When working from prototype information this can become a problem to know what sections to use.
- Publisher: okrasa
- Last updated: April 12th, 2012

MSTSBin Screens & Widgets
MSTSBin Screens & Widgets enhances your game by providing additional screens and widgets on your view. You can customize these screens and edit them to whatever you like using the built-in buttons. By installing this add-on you enhance your driving style and your perspective of what is in front of you.
- Publisher: J. Vansa
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Shape Fix
The Shape Fix program fixes some of the most common problems with S files that can cause crashes when starting or running MSTS. To use the Shave Fix, the users has to press the "Select Model" button in order to find the S files, which must be must be uncompressed unicode text.
- Publisher: Steam4Me
- Last updated: June 9th, 2011

Canadian Pacific Holiday Train
Every Christmas season since 1999, Canadian's Pacific festively-decorated Holiday Train has toured North America in support of local food banks.In early December of each year, two specially-decorated trains cross southern Canada and the northern United States, collecting food and donations for Canadian and U.S. food banks.
- Publisher: Cameron T. Lashley
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008