Multi recharge free downloading in Title/Summary

M8 Free Multi Clipboard
M8 is the simplest of all multi-clipboard and screenshot programs. It captures all screen shots and everything you cut or copy from other programs. It keeps up to 500 clips. When you want to paste one back, restore M8 and click on the clip you want.
- Publisher: M8 Software(UK)
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 14th, 2015

Free Any Burn
Free AnyBurn combines an excellent variety of burning-related utilities with various disc image functions to offer you a free disc application to create, burn, and convert disc images files, and to rip, clone, and erase discs. The program is compatible with all recordable CD, DVD, and Blu-ray discs and with most (if not all) disc image file formats.
- Publisher: Power Software Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Bonrix Recharge System
This demo application is used to send recharge request to any recharge gateway through SMS or HTTP API via GPRS.User can also manage different server mobile numbers or long codes. User can send recharge to many SIM providers like Vodafone, Airtel, Aircel and many more.
- Publisher: Bonrix Recharge System
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2014
Multi recharge free downloading in Description

SuperGet GM
This software can stitch tile images into one big seamless image such as GeoTIFF and GeoJPEG, provides a task list window of downloading where all tasks can be displayed and a global satellite map viewer in the window. SuperGet GM supports creating new task visually and multi-task while downloading, but no more than five.
- Publisher: Arceyes
- Last updated: October 12th, 2011

WinRouter Restarter
WinRouter Restarter automates the downloading procedure during free downloading hours.Features:- Restart the Router before free downloading hours -Shutdown your PC after Free downloading hours. -Automatically starts your PC, Restarts Router, starts download and shutdown your PC - No need to install Telnet Software , has inbuilt support - Nice User Interface
- Publisher: Hari prasad
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 20th, 2011

DriverIdentifier is a handy tool designed to simplify the often perplexing task of managing and updating drivers on your computer. Acting as a virtual detective for your hardware, DriverIdentifier scans your system, identifies outdated or missing drivers, and provides you with a comprehensive list of updates tailored to your specific devices.
- Publisher: DriverIdentifier
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 29th, 2022

Xilinx WebPACK
Complete, front-to-back design environment , including the Xilinx CORE Generator™ system and the full PlanAhead design and analysis tool — with new RTL to Bitstream design flow for Logic Designers!The easiest, lowest cost way to get started with the industry leader for productivity, performance, and power
- Publisher: Xilinx Inc.
- Last updated: March 19th, 2012

CardRoom Lobby
CardRoom Lobby is the destination for the best, most innovative interactive multi-player FREE poker games and tournaments for players around the world. In addition to our dynamic tournaments and ring games, CardRoom Lobby offers features you won't find anywhere else on the net.
- Publisher: CardRoom International, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 1st, 2011
Additional Multi recharge free downloading selection

Unzip downloads, create password-protected Zip files and encrypt confidential documents with PowerZip. It is an easy file compression & security program, thecompression / extraction wizards make working with archives simple providing advanced features. This is done with a small number of steps and some steps can be skipped to use default options.
- Publisher: Trident Software Pty Ltd
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

Wings Over Vietnam
Wings Over Vietnam is a flight simulator developed by Third Wire. The game's plot is set in the Vietnam war, in a historical period that goes from 1964 to 1973. This title brings different flyable aircraft and weapons that can be used in several missions such as reconnaissance, strike and air support. The game engine is the same used in Strike Fighters: Project 1.
- Publisher: Third Wire Productions, Inc.
- Last updated: April 30th, 2010

SST Android Suite
SST Android Suite is a powerful program designed for Android Data Recovery. You can recover in user interactive mode pictures, videos, documents from external or internal memory. You can also read contacts, messages and call logs, view, print or export them to Excel or Open Office.
- Publisher: SST-GSM
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2015

- Report of Pending or filled ST-3 Returns. Day wise Interest - Calculation on delay Challan - Online ePayment of Tax challans through software directly - E-Filling - Preparation of additional information which is valid (required) to be submitted along with Service Tax Return. - Takes into account the effect of abatements. - Single user/ Multi User
- Publisher: K.D.K. Softwares (India) Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 12th, 2009

JClic is a Java based set of applications designed to be used to create and carry out different types of educational activities like puzzles, associations, text exercises or crosswords. It is the main programme, used for doing the activities. It allows you to create and organize your own library of projects.
- Publisher: JClic community
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 9th, 2014

Torrentum is a multi-capable p2p downloading software.Main features: - Multiple simultaneous torrent downloads. - Extended configuration settings. - User-friendly interface. - Advanced seeding rules. - Enables upload and download speed limiting, both globally and per torrent.
- Publisher: MyNetSharing
- Last updated: January 21st, 2019

ChessArbiter Pro
ChessArbiter Pro is a useful and reliable tool for board chess games.Features: - Round-robin (multi -robin), - Free (manual pairing), - Unlimited number of contestants and rounds, - Organization of many simultaneous tournaments, - FIDE ranking classification (Rating performance, Rating changes, List of Registration, Title norms: WIM, IM, WGM, GM, IRL Report),and more
- Publisher: Adam Curylo
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Multi Desktop 2003 for Windows
Multi Desktop 2003 for Windows can create an unlimited number of completely independent desktops. Multi Desktop 2003 for Windows increases productivity and ease-of-use by creating an unlimited number of independent desktops.
- Publisher: Ardeo Logic Inc.

Leawo Free Video Converter
Leawo Free Video Converter is a powerful video converter which supports to convert video between popular formats such as MP4 to AVI, MKV to MOV, FLV to 3GP, etc. and convert video into audio formats like MTS to MP3, WMV to AAC, MPEG to M4A, etc.
- Publisher: Leawo Software Co.,Ltd
- Last updated: October 13th, 2016

Onis Free Edition
Onis is a neat DICOM file viewer that comes with handy features such as the support for multi-frame images or for using annotations on the displayed pictures. It can read and display DICOM files from various sources, including directly from a DICOM server, CD or a folder without downloading them into the local database first.
- Publisher: Digitalcore
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2012