Multi tier in Title/Summary

Tier Generator
The idea behind this is to provide a utility (tool) to the developer that has the capabilities of quickly generating consistent and tested source code that will help to get projects started sooner and finished faster. Tier Generator connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database server and generates business and data layers in C#.
- Publisher: Tier Generator
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2008

IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool
The IBM Storage Tier Advisor Tool is a Windows console application that analyzes heat data files produced by Easy Tier and produces a graphical display of the amount of "hot" data per volume and predictions of how additional Solid State Drive (SSD) capacity could benefit performance for the system and by storage pool.
- Publisher: IBM
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
- Publisher: Philipp Winterberg
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 21st, 2010
Multi tier in Description

Asutype is smart Operating System-level real-time spell check and speed typing software that works with your keyboard to increase your typing accuracy and productivity: it learns and adapts itself to your keyboard habits, spell checks and automatically corrects spelling mistakes as you type, automates difficult and repetitive typing tasks.
- Publisher: Fanix Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 10th, 2014

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition
It enables you to develop applications for Windows, the cloud, phones, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft SharePoint with the same development environment. Plus, you can automatically adapt web applications to target mobile devices with enhanced ASP.NET support for mobile browsers.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Lizard Safeguard Secure PDF Viewer
Safeguard PDF Security provides total PDF DRM protection for your documents through a multi-tier protective mechanism that does not rely on passwords. A secure PDF viewer provides smart enforcement of PDF encryption and PDF DRM controls and ensures you and your users are not exposed to PDF security flaws.
- Publisher: LockLizard
- Last updated: August 27th, 2013

Match Calculator
Match Calculator is a freeware for freelance translators and translation agencies. The program helps the users of CAT software to calculate the amount to be invoiced or quoted with multi-tier pricing structure for repetitions and fuzzy matches. Note: Match Calculator does not count text in files.
- Publisher: Practiline Software
- Last updated: March 29th, 2011

JavaGram is a new technology specifically designed to support agile development. As a language, it shares many of Java's features - syntax, platform independence, strong type checking, object orientation, and garbage collection - but also offers capabilities that make it a much easier-to-use and productive platform.
- Publisher: Pragsoft Corporation
- Last updated: March 30th, 2011
Additional Multi tier selection

FAO-GTZ MicroBanking System
The FAO-GTZ MicroBanking System for Windows (MBWin) is banking software designed and developed for a wide range of banks and financial intermediaries. Because of its multi-tier architecture, the system is highly scaleable and can, therefore, cater to a wide range of users and be adapted to a variety of hardware configurations. It is modular in terms of applications and functionality.
- Publisher: FAO/GTZ
- Last updated: November 24th, 2012

GeneTools analysis software is intuitive, easy to navigate and includes comprehensive tools to provide a full range of analysis capabilities for many different applications including; chemiluminescence, chemifluorescence, fluorescence, colorimetric imaging and colony counting.
- Publisher: SynGene
- Last updated: May 13th, 2017

Delphi for PHP
Embarcadero® Delphi® XE is a very fast way to deliver ultra-rich, ultra-fast Windows applications. It can reduce coding time and create applications 5x faster with component-based development and a fully visual two-way RAD IDE. Delphi XE is available in Professional, Enterprise and Architect editions.
- Publisher: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 21st, 2008

RadPHP is the only PHP development solution with drag-and-drop visual design. RadPHP provides both code and design views of PHP applications and HTML pages in the integrated development environment (IDE). Use the visual design view in RadPHP to build user interfaces and database connections by simply dragging and dropping components onto a form.
- Publisher: Embarcadero
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2010

Omnis Web Client
Omnis Web Client is a plug-in that lets you embed your application into a standard web page and allows you to create all types of thin client, multi-tier and web-based applications accessing any type of server database. It effectively deploys the GUI aspects of an application to web browsers, while the business logic and database management is handled on the Omnis Server, via your web server.
- Publisher: TigerLogic Corp.
- Last updated: June 7th, 2013

TaxTron T1 2015
TaxTron’s software package contains virtually all the forms you will possibly need, in order to file your personal tax return. TaxTron has built-in guides right in our software - so, a complete novice will be able to fill out their taxes quickly just like a pro.
- Publisher: TaxTron INC
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 21st, 2017

Micro Focus DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite
DevPartner Visual C++ Edition / BoundsChecker Suite provides a clear, detailed analysis of programming errors and issues in unmanaged Visual C++ code. It helps you build well-tested, multi-tier applications and components quickly, identifying coding errors and performance problems during dynamic testing.
- Publisher: Micro Focus
- Last updated: July 1st, 2010

Inspyder Backlink Monitor Trial
Backlink Monitor is an easy to use tool for tracking and monitoring backlink status. Backlinks are links from external websites that link in to your website. Backlink Monitor can help you track the "Stick Rate" of your link building campaign. Load in all your backlink URLs and click "Go".
- Publisher: Inspyder Software Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 25th, 2011

Kaspersky Total Security – Multi-Device
Kaspersky Total Security – Multi-Device is a program that protects your privacy, finances, identity, photos, files and children against Internet threats. It adds security for online banking and shopping, it helps you create, protect and manage passwords for all your online accounts and favorite websites.
- Publisher: Kaspersky Lab
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 6th, 2022

Android Multi-Install Tool
Android Multi-Install Tool is a free program that enables you to batch install your applications on your Android device. You can throw whatever APK files you want to install into it and connect your phone with the debugging feature enabled, hit the install button and all the applications in the list will be installed on your smartphone.
- Publisher: Charles Laing
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 27th, 2013