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Multi webcam surveillance system in Title/Summary

Webcam Surveillance Standard

Webcam Surveillance Standard

Webcam Surveillance Standard streams video from the webcam directly to your video surveillance system, alarms you when there are abrupt motion events. Webcam Surveillance Standard supports both home surveillance and outdoor video surveillance.

  • Publisher: AthTek Software
  • Home page: www.athtek.com
  • Last updated: September 1st, 2011
Webcam Surveillance Monitor

Webcam Surveillance Monitor

Webcam Surveillance Monitor streams video from the webcam directly to your video surveillance system, alarms you when there are abrupt motion events. Webcam Surveillance Monitor supports both home surveillance and outdoor video surveillance.

  • Publisher: AthTek Software
  • Home page: www.athtek.com
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2009
Multi Webcam Video Recorder

Multi Webcam Video Recorder

Multi Webcam Video Recorder Free is an excellent free webcam recording tool that can capture video stream from multiple webcams plugged in your computer and save to seperated files directly to your local disk. It is completely free. The video files are saved in Windows Media Format that can be played back by Windows Media Player directly without third party player or codec.

  • Publisher: DGTSoft Inc.
  • Home page: www.dgtsoft.org
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2020

Multi webcam surveillance system in Description



Dorgem is (was) a rather unique webcam surveillance tool for Windows. Although it is hard to say whether surveillance was the goal its developers had in mind, Dorgem has everything you need to set up a nice webcam monitoring system at home. It is an open source application which has been discontinued but still remains totally functional.

Rise Sun

Rise Sun

Reohix has launched a powerful and flexible motion detection software called Rise Sun packed with innovative features and cool applications. Basically, it enables you to turn any webcam, compatible with Windows, into a powerful surveillance utility.

  • Publisher: Reohix
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2008
Magic Video Surveillance

Magic Video Surveillance

This is a very simple program which can transform your webcam-equipped computer into a surveillance system. The program acts as a movement sensor using the webcam. You just start the monitoring process from the application and minimize the window; when something happens in the viewable area of the camera, it will start taking pictures.

  • Publisher: iWesoft Corporation
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2012
WebCam Looker

WebCam Looker

WebCam Looker is a nice webcam surveillance tool for Windows. It is very customizable and it should help anyone who wants to setup a home surveillance system using webcams and a Windows computer. The application has motion-detection capabilities and tons of different customization options.

  • Publisher: Felenasoft company
  • Home page: www.felenasoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
WebCam Monitor

WebCam Monitor

WebCam Monitor turns your PC and camera Into a video monitoring and surveillance system. It can detect motion or noise and automatically start the recording of video and audio. It can also send you e-mail, text message, or audible alarm regarding an event.

Additional Multi webcam surveillance system selection

Pro Surveillance System

Pro Surveillance System

Pro Surveillance System is a program that enables you to control your DVR, SVR, NVR, NVS, IPC and NVD devices. The program can be used as a central monitoring system and it allows you to control your network cameras from a dashboard in a multi-screen layout.

  • Publisher: Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2022
Eyeline Video Surveillance System

Eyeline Video Surveillance System

Eyeline Video Surveillance has a very explicit name. It allows controlling and managing a large number of cameras, either local or networked. Moreover, the tool has various ways to issue alerts on intrusions, mainly by detecting motion and scheduling recording. The application also lets you decide on the resolution, bitrate and format of the recordings.

  • Publisher: NCH Software
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2016


IMS200 is a professional surveillance system software which support multi-user, multi-window and multilingual display, voice talk, EMap, alarms and more. EMap is used for showing the alarm and the device location. The system supports six type of alarms: video loss, external alarm, motion detect, camera masking, device disconnection and host alarm.

  • Publisher: Doss
  • Home page: doss.com.au
  • Last updated: July 7th, 2014
Zebra-Media Surveillance System

Zebra-Media Surveillance System

A sensitivity grid is applied on video frames. You can adjust the sensitivity of the detection, and mask out areas of the camera view to avoid false alarms. When the camera captures video frames in a dark environment, it is possible that the electrical background noise of the CCD video cell creates fake motion detection events.

  • Publisher: Zebra-Media Software
  • Home page: www.zebra-media.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2018
Surveillance System

Surveillance System

LevelOne has developed an advanced featured surveillance management software that compliments theyr digital IP Surveillance Cameras. The IP CamSecure designed to support up to 64 channels simultaneously. It supports advanced features such as Live/Playback Video, PTZ control, Motion Detection, E-Map and Event alert, remote access via PDA/Smart-Phone/iPhone and so on.

  • Publisher: Digital Data Communications GmbH
  • Last updated: December 31st, 2009
webcam 7 Pro

webcam 7 Pro

Webcam 7 Pro is mostly intended to create a video surveillance system. The program also allows streaming video and audio signals over HTTP. In terms of sources, it supports not only local cameras but also common media files, screen captures and remote cams. The tool has a straightforward interface, with various tabs that facilitate moving around and finding the desired feature.

  • Publisher: moonware studios
  • Home page: www.webcamxp.com
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2016
Argus Surveillance DVR

Argus Surveillance DVR

Argus Surveillance DVR can help you install a video surveillance system. The program supports connecting to an unlimited number of wireless cameras, analog cameras, powerline cameras, USB cameras, IP cameras, frame grabbers and TV boards. The product is not too difficult to use and comes with an excellent user guide.

  • Publisher: Argus Surveillance Inc.
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2008
Security Monitor Pro

Security Monitor Pro

Security Monitor Pro is a video security and surveillance system that can make use of your webcams and IP cameras. When motion is detected, you can configure this program to create a video recording of the event, take photos, sound an alarm, or send you an email notification.

  • Publisher: DeskShare
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022
VRS Recording System

VRS Recording System

Those in need of a flexible and comprehensive multi-track recording system for digital audio should give VRS Recording System a try. Its support for up to 64 simultaneous channels, its clear and intuitive interface, and its truly convenient recording manager will surely fit the needs of the most demanding customers.

  • Publisher: NCH Software
  • Home page: www.nch.com.au
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2013
DawnArk WebCam Monitor

DawnArk WebCam Monitor

DawnArk WebCam Monitor is a program that will let you use your webcam to view what is going on at home when you are away. DawnArk WebCam Monitor can send pictures captured at given lapses to your Photobucket.com account, which you can check periodically on any computer or mobile phone connected to the Internet.

  • Publisher: DawnArk Studio
  • Home page: www.dawnark.com
  • Last updated: May 17th, 2010