Multiple choice text games in Title/Summary

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker
Multiple Choice Quiz Maker lets you create MCQ quizzes and tests for your students in HTML format. These quizzes and exercises can be integrated into websites or run as a standalone program. It lets you manage the list of questions in a database, which can be edited later.
- Publisher: Tac-Soft Limited
- Last updated: May 18th, 2020

Multiple Choice Exam Maker
Multiple Choice Exam Maker is a program for making tests, surveys, and examinations. This program has its own format (MCQUIZ) for saving the tests; you can thus easily open and modify your exam paper. You can customize the fonts, insert songs/videos/photos, shuffle questions, etc. Output can be saved as HTML, MHT, or EXE files.
- Publisher: TAC Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 18th, 2020

Multiple Choice
Make your own Quiz Show! Answer questions while picking the correct one among three or four available answers. The program comes with several files, but you can easily create your own! Text and background colors can be changed for every file. Easy an...
- Publisher: Baggetta_Ware
- Last updated: February 6th, 2009
Multiple choice text games in Description

Test Generator Software Business Edition
EPractize Labs Test Generator Lab for Test or Quiz Generation.
- Publisher: EPractize Labs Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Multi-choice quiz generator
This program allows anyone to generate their own Flash-based multiple-choice quizzes. The use of Flash means that the quizzes can be used on any webpage, learning environment, intranet or just a single computer.This software has been created to provide teachers with a really simple way of creating engaging eLearning exercises.
- Publisher: ContentGenerator
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 17th, 2008

Students MCQ Manager
Students MCQ Manager is the best software tool for writing, collecting and practicing MCQs. It includes a wide range of options but has an easy to use interface.
- Publisher: ApplecoreSoftware
- Last updated: July 11th, 2008

Question Tools Editor
Question Tools Editor is a fully-functional, free, e-learning tool used in 148 countries. Programming, scripting and HTML skills are not required. Editor allows you to create exciting, interactive e-learning lessons, exercises and tests.
- Publisher: Question Tools
- Last updated: November 19th, 2018

Melensoft Trainer
Learning mode, practice mode and multiple choice modes provide a powerful vocabulary training system. Optional time limit, user selected fonts, simple text file input, possible questioning from any side of the word pairs are some of its strengths. Now windows can be re sized and the text can be reversed automatically. Single click mode for multiplication choice added.
- Publisher: Melensoft
- Last updated: January 1st, 2010
Additional Multiple choice text games selection

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Express
Multiple Choice Quiz Maker Express is a program that enables you to create exercises, quizzes and tests. You can integrate your created exercises in a Web page or run them as standalone program in the classroom. It also has support for inserting sounds and images.
- Publisher: TAC-Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 26th, 2013

Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader
Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader offers 34 languages. It enables Adobe Reader users to perform spell checks on items such as form fields and comments and to add and edit custom words in their user dictionaries for future reference. A selection of spelling dictionaries used can be customized as per the order in which these are needed.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: May 26th, 2014
- Publisher: HalfBaked
- Last updated: December 14th, 2012

Word Magic Translator Professional Plus
Word Magic Translator Professional Plus provides automatic, context-sensitive translation. You can also make use of its interactive, user-guided translation for avoiding errors that happen during automatic translation. Its Translation Options Module uses a multiple-choice wizard that lets you choose among all possible variations for your translation.
- Publisher: Word Magic Software
- Last updated: February 19th, 2016

General Knowledge Quiz
Do you think you know everything? If so, prove it with General Knowledge Quiz. Here you will be able to test your knowledge and get a prize if you pass. General Knowledge Quiz is a fun gradual challenge where you should answer ten questions before moving to the next level, you also have to have seven out of the ten questions right to move on.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008 Downloader Downloader is a free program that allows you to download games off your shelf. The program opens multiple connections with the servers in parallel, so you can download the games in a fast manner. The downloader will notify you about new patches, forum replies and PMs right on your taskbar.
- Publisher: gog
- Last updated: October 30th, 2013

Calculus Problem Solver
Solve any calculus differentiation problem with this calculus tutorial software. Calculus differentiation and calculus tutorialCalculus Problem Solver can solve differentiation of any arbitrary equation and output the result. It can provide detailed step-by-step solutions to given differentiation problems in a tutorial-like format. On top of these, it can also initiate an interactive quiz in which you can solve differentiation while the computer corrects your solutions. This software is useful for beginner calculus students and can be used to learn differentiation and even practice differentiation by using the interactive quiz. Key Features Differentiation of input equations that can be solved by the following rules: Constant Rule: d(C) = 0 Sum Rule: d(E1+E2)=d(E1)+d(E2) Factor Rule: C*d(X) Multiplication Rule: d(E1*E2)=d(E1)*E2+E1*d(E2) Division Rule: d(E1/E2)=(d(E1)*E2-E1*d(E2))/(E2^2) Power Rule: d(X^N)=N*X^(N-1)*d(X) Exponential Rule: d(C^X)=ln(C)*C^X*d(X) Sin Rule: d(sinX)=cosX*d(X) Cos Rule: d(cosX)=-sinX*d(X) Tan Rule: 1/((cosX)^2)*d(X) Arcsin Rule: d(arcsinX)=1/((1-X^2)^0.5)*d(X) Arctan Rule: d(arctanX)=1/(1+X^2)*d(X): Chain Rule Detailed step-by-step solution by using the above formulas; Interactive Quiz with multiple choice and fill-in-blank questions; Save Solutions in Text Format; Print Solutions; Multiplatform (works on any machine that can handle Java Virtual Machine);
- Publisher: Runiter
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008

EarMaster Pro
EarMaster Pro is an application that allows you to study music elements. Main Features: -Over 2000 sight-singing, ear training and rhythmic exercises for all levels -General course for all musical styles and Jazz course with swing rhythms and jazz chords. -Identify by ear, transcribe, sight-read and sing melodies, scales, chords, intervals, chord progressions and rhythms.
- Publisher: EarMaster ApS
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

A private teacher to help you memorize a foreign language, topography or even the history of Italy by date. Improve your school results with this free trainer. The advantages of Teach2000 are: - Teach2000 is 100% free. - Print flash cards, tests and crib notes. - Teach2000 is stable, fast and easy to use.
- Publisher: Basement
- Last updated: March 16th, 2011

Vocabulary Wizard
Vocabulary Wizard serves as an effective tool for the preparation of English vocabulary related exams. A built-in dictionary is set up with the examination point of view which is easy to use and an effective tool for a user to prepare for the examinations. This dictionary serves as a user friendly interface. The existing data can be edited and one can add his/her own data in the dictionary.
- Publisher: Prosigner
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008