Murata s-parameter in Title/Summary

Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator
The Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator simulates effects of noise suppression devices (Murata EMI Filters and Chip Capacitors). Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator also provides a simulation function that enables to select best suited noise suppression devices for the circuit conditions.
- Publisher: Murata Manufacturing. Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: March 1st, 2010

Murata Chip S-Parameter & Impedance Library
Murata Chip S-Parameter & Impedance Library enables you to calculate, view and print graphs of the impedance and S parameter data for chip capacitors or chip inductors. S parameter data in Touchstone format can also be copied. Main features: - Easy operation due to using Windows interface. - Fast calculation of data and graphs for the S parameter and impedance of chip capacitors or chip
- Publisher: Murata Manufacturing. Co., Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 4th, 2010

Murata Chip NTC Thermistor Output Voltage Simulator
This Murata software calculates and simulates the temperature characteristics of the output voltage of Murata's Chip NTC thermistor. A graphical output display and look-up table generator is provided in the software. This simulation software covers 418 different Murata Chip NTC thermistor part numbers.
- Publisher: Murata Manufacturing. Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: August 31st, 2012
Murata s-parameter in Description

Murata Chip Capacitor Characteristics Data Library
With this simulation software, you can easily determine the following characteristics of a Murata ceramic chip capacitor: Temperature rise characteristics, Allowable power, Capacitance-Temperature characteristics, Capacitance-DCvoltage characteristics, and Capacitance-ACvoltage characteristics.
- Publisher: Murata Manufacturing. Co., Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 19th, 2011
Additional Murata s-parameter selection

Murata Chip Capacitor S-Parameter & Impedance Library
This program enables you to calculate, view and print graphs of the impedance and S parameter data for chip capacitors or chip inductors. S parameter data in Touchstone format can also be copied. Fast calculation of data and graphs for the S parameter and impedance of chip capacitors or chip inductors
- Publisher: Murata Manufacturing. Co., Ltd.
- Home page: