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Music instruments cad block in Title/Summary

Block CAD

Block CAD

You can save your models, or save pictures of them (.bmp, .jpg), even reuse a complete model as a part in another model. Everything can be controlled with the mouse, but it's also possible to use the keyboard for most of the commands, making 'routine building' more effective, and there is a minimum of text involved, to make it easier for kids.

  • Publisher: Block CAD
  • Home page: blockcad.net
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
Minecraft Note Block Studio

Minecraft Note Block Studio

Minecraft Note Block Studio is intended to customize the music blocks used in Minecraft, a very popular game. The program has an intuitive interface, which even has a virtual keyboard. Still, you can use a MIDI instrument or an actual keyboard to create your musical notes.

  • Publisher: HielkeMinecraft
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2019
Native Instruments Scarbee Mark I

Native Instruments Scarbee Mark I

Scarbee Mark I is a professional music production software. The Mark I is coveted for its expression and dynamics which is why the Scarbee team went to such great lengths in capturing the genuine feel of the original. Each of the 73 keys was sampled at 12 different velocities.

  • Publisher: Native Instruments
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2012

Music instruments cad block in Description

Magic 3D EasyView

Magic 3D EasyView

Magic 3D Easy View is a computerized lightning controller that helps you plan a stage. This new 3D lightning visualizer has a USB/DMX interface. You should just connect your lightning control console to this application via DMX or Ethernet protocols (ArtNet, Sand-Net, ACDI, MEVP).

  • Publisher: Nicolaudie-Sunlite
  • Home page: www.nicolaudie.com
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Music Mixer

Music Mixer

Music Mixer is a powerful and versatile recording and mixing software for musicians with a variety of features. Recording a number of tracks from different instruments and then laying them down as a song with proper looping and adjustable tempos is simple enough with this software. A variety of effects which can be edited to the user’s taste facilitates a proper enriched sound.

  • Publisher: CCLA Software
  • Home page: www.ccla-soft.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2008
EarMaster Essential

EarMaster Essential

EarMaster Essential is a handy application that helps you improve your hearing skills by giving you access to dozens of useful exercises. When you launch the program for the first time, a window will appear with the configuration wizard where you can choose which music instruments to use on the screen to enter notes, select the proper sound driver and test its functionality.

  • Publisher: EarMaster ApS
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012


Find the notes on 2 music instruments in any notation! Learn and improve the sight reading skills, using this app just a few minutes each day. The app has 2 modes: 1. Notes Explorer 2. Notes Trainer

  • Publisher: NeonWay
  • Home page: www.neonway.com
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2020


Using this great chords collection you will be able to play the chords of 7 popular music instruments (piano, guitar, bass guitar, ukulele etc.) without any experience!

  • Publisher: NeonWay
  • Home page: www.neonway.com
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2014

Additional Music instruments cad block selection



MuseScore is a professional-quality open-source music notation tool. It allows you to write music for piano, guitar, jazz, choir, band, orchestra, etc. It provides a simple interface where you can transfer music to or from other programs via MusicXML, MIDI, and other formats.

  • Publisher: Musescore BVBA
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Vogone has been created to help you remove the vocals from a song while affecting the quality of that music track as little as possible. It lets you treat every song differently, manually adjusting frequencies as you find suitable, letting you choose the optimal values and ratios of the voice reduction parameters.

  • Publisher: Micro Technology Unlimited, Inc.
  • Home page: www.mtu.com
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2011


Zelscope emulates a low-frequency oscilloscope, as well as a spectrum analyzer. It is an extremely small-sized application, yet it provides quite a lot of features. Zeloscope is very useful for professionals as it will help them perform all kind of physics experiments. Also, if you need to tune music instruments or adjust audio circuits you can use this program.

  • Publisher: K.Zeldovich, N.Shusharina
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2012


Songsmith is intended to generate musical accompaniment for singers. The program has an intuitive interface. A welcoming wizard-like window lets you preset some parameters, such as musical style, mood and tempo. In order to help you make your choice, these styles can be previewed.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2012


BandzPro consists of a well-designed set of virtual music instruments including Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Full Drum Kit, Grand Piano and an Electronic Keyboard. Choose your instrument and play!Main features:- Wide variety of sounds - Enjoy the classic piano - Simple and easy music making - Exhilarating drums

  • Publisher: bandzpro
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2011
Guitar Chord Finder

Guitar Chord Finder

A very useful and easy-to-use guitar program that allows you to find almost any possible chord on the guitar neck. You can choose chords from different keys to form a progression, which you can hear adjusting its tempo and volume. The trial version is fully functional and you can use it during 14 days.

Logic Basics

Logic Basics

Logic Basics is simple music making software with a variety of instruments. You can select an instrument and add it to the timeline by mouse clicks. A maximum of eight tracks can be edited simultaneously. After editing, you can save the files with MIA extension.

OverCAD Block Manager

OverCAD Block Manager

A powerful block manager tool of AutoCAD. Easily organize and manage your AutoCAD Blocks.With this soft you can : quick find to easily search your blocks by name and/or description, insert of Xref multiple times, quick move library item to top or to bottom, show or hide the item properties window.

  • Publisher: OverCAD
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2012
Vienna Ensemble Pro

Vienna Ensemble Pro

Vienna Ensemble PRO is a cross-platform MIDI and audio LAN solution, hosting Vienna Instruments as well as third-party VSTi plug-ins. You can easily route the audio streams of a whole arsenal of computers back to your main machine without the need of external hardware.

  • Publisher: Vienna Symphonic Library GmbH
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2014
Solway's Audio Recorder

Solway's Audio Recorder

Solway's Audio Recorder is a useful application that provides you with the function of recording audio from different sources. With it, you can record your own voice or yourself playing music instruments by using your microphone. The program can also be used to record music or audio being played on audio and media players.

  • Publisher: Kevin Solway
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2014