My nimbuzz credit finde in Title/Summary

Nimbuzz is just like Skype: you can make phone calls and send messages. Calling another Nimbuzz users through the Internet is free. But you need to recharge your account with money for calling phone numbers. The application is available for most of the mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
- Publisher: Nimbuzz B.V.
- Last updated: June 8th, 2015

Finde Pfad Aenderungen
FindPathChanges finds every change in a directory. The program can be called by command line or even by a scheduler. It supports low priority and hidden run. Change-messages can be sent by e-mail.
- Publisher: Kra-Tronic Corp.
- Last updated: May 15th, 2015

Credit-Healer Professional Edition
Credit Healer Professional Edition is a Credit Repair Software that empowers professionals with tools and techniques to repair their client's credit. This Professional version of the broadly acclaimed Credit Healer Software, delivers a simple yet practical methodology to succeed in the world of the credit repair business.
- Publisher: A Plus Credit USA
- Last updated: August 9th, 2010
My nimbuzz credit finde in Description

Easy Credit Card Checker
Far from being a random combination of digits, credit card numbers follow a strict logic that needs to verify against the “Luhn formula” to be considered valid. Easy Credit Card Checker can tell you if a credit card number is valid or not in just one click, verifying its validity by applying the LUHN10 algorithm to it. It works with all the most widely used credit card types and some defunct ones.
- Publisher: Ashkon Software L.L.C.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 9th, 2012

Credit Card Math
Avoid costly credit card mistakes and save thousands in interest costs. Credit Card Math goes behind the scenes and reveals insider secrets about credit cards. Learn how to get out of debt, save money, and beat credit card issuers at their own game.
- Publisher: ZilchWorks
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 20th, 2019

Nanny Shutdown
Nanny Shutdown will automatically shutdown your computer after consuming a predefined time credit a day. The User is informed with spoken messages during the last hour
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Credit Card and ID Guarder
It guards user's Credit card numbers, account Identify and passwords . With Program immunization and Program Quarantine technologies, it prevents thief-wares such as key-logger and screen-capture and Hijacker accessing your sensitive information.
- Publisher: Great-Wall Software Inc
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

To assist tax consultants / business entities in the efficient management of service tax returns of multiple business / premises. he software works on top of TaxbaseLAN entities and/or offers a standalone version wherein user may define different entities and premises
- Publisher: Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2012
Additional My nimbuzz credit finde selection

Credit Card Verifier
Credit Card Verifier allows you instantly check all major credit cards number for validity without submitting the card number online. Credit Card Verifier can validate any VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, EnRoute, American Express (AMEX)
- Publisher: Pingram Marketing
- Last updated: May 1st, 2008

Easy Credit Card Verifier
Easy Credit Card Verifier instantly checks credit card numbers for validity using LUHN10 algorithm. Using this software you may check MasterCard, VISA, Diners Club, EnRoute, Carte Blanche, AMEX, Discover, or JCB credit card numbers without submitting them online.
- Publisher: Ashkon Software LLC
- Last updated: April 30th, 2012

Credit Card Check Tool
Credit Card Checker Tool instantly check credit card number for validity. It verifies MasterCard, Visa, Carte Blanche, Diners Club, EnRoute, American Express (AMEX), Discover, JCB and other credit card numbers.
- Publisher: OnlineInvestingSite
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008
- Publisher: Christos Pelekis
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 12th, 2008

Credit Card Validator
Free credit card validator for FileMaker Pro validates credit card numbers with a single calculation. No scripts or plug-ins required.
- Publisher: Advanced Merchant Solutions, Inc.
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

Validate Multiple Credit Card Numbers Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to validate the integrity of multiple credit card numbers. This software verifies the combination but not the card itself. This software can be used to filter mistyped or fake credit card entries.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2014

Home Credit Card Manager
Home Credit Card Manager will let you match your credit card transactions to the categories provided, and then use the reports to group and sort your information. It is great for the monthly budget, creating yearly summaries and weeding out bad debt.
- Publisher: Credit Card Budget - Home Money Manager
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2013

Credit Card Tool - stand alone
This program is a complex database, that is not comprised of a select group of credit card issuers, but allows the issuing bank or institution to manage and maintain offers available to you directly. Using this database does not require registration.
- Publisher: Finance Globe
- Last updated: July 21st, 2011

Credit Guardian
Credit Guardian does the number crunching for you and displays the information in a way that is clear and easy to understand.By taking information from Experian and combining it with the data from your accounting system you get a unique insight into the risks your business is taking.
- Publisher: Credit Guardian
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2017

Credit-Aid Home is a program that will Increase your Credit Score up to 250 points or more with the same methods used by credit repair professionals. You can order free credit reports, remove negative items with automated dispute letters, negotiate with creditors and keep organized.
- Publisher: Credit Aid Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 7th, 2014