Myanmar guitar pro tab notes in Title/Summary

Guitar Pro
Guitar Pro is a tablature editor software for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments. You can create your own professional scores for one or several instruments and capture your notes quickly, use various tools to optimize your practice sessions (tempo, looper, metronome, chord and scale library, guitar and piano fretboard), print your tabs and export it in various formats, and more.
- Publisher: Arobas Music
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

inTone Guitar Pro
inTone is a family of real-time effect processors designed primarily for live performance and home practicing. Whether you are guitar, bass, keyboard player or a sound engineer, inTone can offer you everything you need. inTone can cooperate with other programs. For instance, it opens iTunes playlists, it connects to ReWire Device applications as Reason, etc.
- Publisher: Audiffex
- Last updated: April 25th, 2013

Guitar SightReader Toolbox
Guitar SightReader Toolbox is program to get guitar sight-reading notes. You get access to 25 different ways to play any chord using Quick Chords and see what the scales that match the chord look like - over the chord. This application also comes with tools for ear-training, playing through progressions, etc.
- Publisher: Pro Level Guitar
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 11th, 2015
Myanmar guitar pro tab notes in Description

MID Converter
MID Converter includes several MIDI tools. MIDI to WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA recording feature allows you to convert MIDI files to the most popular audio formats easily. Our converting tool allows you to convert various .MID formats from one to another.
- Publisher: PS Software Development
- Last updated: April 8th, 2007

Tablature Organizer
Tablature Organizer is a tool used to catalogue your Guitar Pro / Power Tab / TuxGuitar / TablEdit guitar tablature. The software scans user selected folders for tablature files, extracts the metadata (Title, Artist, Album, etc.) and places the information in a database where it can be easily searched and edited.
- Publisher: Mitrich Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Guitar Shed
Integrated software tools for guitarists, bassists, and other musicians. Includes a guitar tuner, tablature organizer, tab finder, chord library, jam machine, song jam, and much more. Everything the guitarist/musician needs, all in one package.
- Publisher: Astoundit Software, LLC
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008

Guitarmaster is a free transcription and notation software for the electric guitarist, producing guitar tablature (tab) as well as MIDI files, directly from the audio signal generated by your guitar. Guitarmaster's tablature (including chord names) is output as a standard text file direct from the Guitarmaster interface, viewable and editable on any PC.
- Publisher: RoboSens Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 6th, 2016

Free Video Converter Factory
Free Video Converter Factory is the easy-to-use video converter software that you can easily to convert video between popular video/audio formats (including HD video and flash video) with lossless video quality.
- Publisher: WonderFox Soft, Inc.
- Last updated: October 6th, 2014
Additional Myanmar guitar pro tab notes selection

Electronic Piano
Electronic Piano is a freeware program that allows the user to play Musical Notes, Chords and Drums using the computer keyboard. Main features: - 128 Musical Instruments (General MIDI Standard). - Drums47 Drums sounds. - ChordsPlay 12 types of Chords by pressing a single key. - GuitarChords can be played simulating the 6 strings of a Guitar.
- Publisher: Maurيcio Antunes Oliveira
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 14th, 2015

Efficient Sticky Notes Pro
You can keep covering your desktop and your monitor up with Post-it notes or you can use Efficient Sticky Notes Pro not only to create virtual adhesive notes, but also edit, save, and export them to file. They will not only appear on your desktop with the same look-and-feel of a physical sticky note, but will also be stored in the app, where you can re-use them at any time.
- Publisher: Efficient Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

aGuitar Pro
aGuitar Pro is a software utility for those who wants to improve their musical skills of the base/guitar player. It is available for Windows operating system. It’s also very useful for beginner. Advance user can make music and test it whereas a beginner can practice and learn the base/guitar. It also provides keys/scales/chords references, tablature tool and midi tracks for practicing.
- Publisher: G.F. Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2008

ButtonBeats Player Acoustic Guitar
ButtonBeats Player Acoustic Guitar is a free program that allows you to improve your guitar skills. You can choose from various songs to practice, edit your own songs, set the rhythm at a slower and a faster pace. The program also displays the notes of the songs so you can keep up the tempo of the songs.
- Publisher: ButtonBeats
- Last updated: February 23rd, 2013

Guitar For Beginners Book
With this program you can view and read an online book of songs with 84 pages. This book has tab songs like rock, classical, blues and folk. You can read the stave with tab, notes and chords, easily. You can also, compose, write songs and transcribe them in the book.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 10th, 2008

RoboGuru Guitar Tools
Free and useful software for guitar players, featuring three useful tools: a Chord Finder that can display any chord and its variations; a Guitar Tuner with realistic sounds and alternative tunings, as well as the standard one; and a basic Metronome that lets you choose between 3/4 or 4/4 time signatures, as well as the beats per minute you want to use.
- Publisher: RoboGuru
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008

TaBazar is a 10-track Tabeditor / MIDI-Player for guitar, bass. Banjo, etc.. TaBazar features : Fullscreen-tabeditor; Fullscreen-standardnotation; Automatic bar-formating; Free stringcount and tuning; Effekts like hammering, slide, vend etc.; 10 inde...
- Publisher: Dipl.Ing. Peer Smola
- Home page:

Guitar Chord Buster Pro
Guitar Chord Buster Pro is an excellent chords encyclopedia for professional guitarists and for beginners with advanced functions. You can set up and play any chord and pick sequences that may be played on a real guitar. You can also compose a melody and select harmonizing chords.
- Publisher: Virtual World Software
- Last updated: May 16th, 2013

Power Tab Editor
It is the easiest way to create new guitar and bass sheets and play back and print the same via MIDI files. It includes all the necessary tools like Tab Symbols, Musical Symbols, Rhythm Slashes, chord names and many more for making it easy to create and edit music files.
- Publisher: Power Tab Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Guitar Chords Library
Guitar Chords Library. Novel tool for people who want to learn to play guitar. With this program you can create sheets based on your favorite songs and melodies. Store and unpack the collections at will.
- Publisher: Falco Software Company
- Last updated: December 24th, 2023