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Myscript notes lite freeware in Title/Summary

MyScript Notes

MyScript Notes

With MyScript Notes you will be able to turn notes written by hand into digital text that can be used with other applications, such as Word or Outlook. The program is able to recognize handwritten notes that were done with digital pens, TabletPcs or graphic tablets.

  • Publisher: Vision Objects
  • Last updated: September 17th, 2008
MyScript Notes Basic Edition

MyScript Notes Basic Edition

MyScript Studio Notes Edition detects and retrieves incoming handwritten notes downloaded from a pen or other digital writing device and stores them instantly in a default folder on your PC. The handwritten information is indexed and can be searched or converted to text.

  • Publisher: Vision Objects
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2008
MyScript Notes for ACECAD

MyScript Notes for ACECAD

MyScript Notes for ACECAD is the handy software that converts your handwritten notes from ACECAD DigiMemo into digital text. This software allows you to use the converted forms in the applications such as Microsoft Word, Outlook or Lotus Notes.You can also create a personal recognition profile so that the software can recognize your individual handwriting with even greater accuracy.

  • Publisher: Vision Objects
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Myscript notes lite freeware in Description

Gold Calculator LITE-Freeware

Gold Calculator LITE-Freeware

Gold Calculator Lite (freeware) its very basic, but its FREE.Converts, Computes Gold according to the current Market/Spot Price and gives a complete price breakdown in Kilos, Oz, Dwt, grams, and grains. Just enter the Market/Spot Price, Or Click the Get Price Button and Gold Calculator Lite will do the rest.

  • Publisher: Gold Calculator Software Products
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2012
MyScript Studio Forms Edition

MyScript Studio Forms Edition

MyScript Studio Forms Edition is an end-user application dedicated to small businesses and individuals which enables the processing of forms and include all MyScript Studio Notes Edition functionalities. This productivity tool allows manual or semi-automatic processing of structured documents filled-in with any digital device in 28 different languages.

  • Publisher: Vision Objects
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2012
Scholar's Aid Lite

Scholar's Aid Lite

Scholar's Aid Lite is a freeware version of Scholar's Aid. The Lite version is exactly the same as SA4 except: -Notes module: Lite version does not offer: Hyperlink, Bookmark, AutoText, TableNote, WebNote, Note Preview, and Spell Checker. -Library module: Lite version does not offer: importing/exporting itemized or tagged bibliographical data, -Spell Checker, and Style Editor.

MyScript Stylus

MyScript Stylus

MyScript Stylus allows you to convert your natural handwriting into digital text in real time and benefit from the highest recognition accuracy rate on the market. In addition, the application also features a calculator module which enables the resolution of mathematical equations converting symbols and digits and giving the result in real time.

  • Publisher: Vision Objects
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2014
MoRUN.net Sticker Lite

MoRUN.net Sticker Lite

Sticker Lite is a freeware desktop sticky note utility. With this utility you can replace your century old trend or method of paper sticky notes and it’s a digital age n so you should follow the current paperless trend of digital sticky notes. You have full flexibility to change colors, background color, fonts, size, priority, transparency, auto lock and style etc. of title, body and notes.

  • Publisher: MoRUN.net
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

Additional Myscript notes lite freeware selection

Post-it® Software Notes Lite

Post-it® Software Notes Lite

Post-it Software Notes Lite is a very easy to use program. You can use this application to bookmark directly from your browser. It also has a feature of photo clipping and Web-tagging.Post-it Software Notes Lite delivers, though power users likely will crave a full-blown reminder application.

  • Publisher: 3M
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2022
Desktop iCalendar Lite

Desktop iCalendar Lite

Desktop iCalendar Lite is a free utility that helps you keep track of your daily tasks, create to-do lists, set reminders, and so much more. The application consists of 3 windows: Calendar, Events, and Todos. Keeping them all on your desktop will help you be on schedule at all times and easily manage your daily task data.

Swift To-Do List Lite

Swift To-Do List Lite

Swift To-Do List Lite allows you to organize all your tasks and notes. It has reminders, allows you to set priorities and organize your to-do lists in a tree structure with icons. It can be minimized to system tray and features a system-wide hotkey for activating or adding tasks.

K-Lite Codec Pack

K-Lite Codec Pack

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files.

  • Publisher: Codec Guide
  • Home page: codecguide.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

The Mega variant is the largest of the four variants of the codec pack. It provides everything that you need to play all your audio and video files. Compared to Full variant it contains some extras such as ACM/VFW codecs that can be used by certain old video encoding applications such as VirtualDub.

DAEMON Tools Lite

DAEMON Tools Lite

DAEMON Tools Lite 10 allows you to mount all known types of disc image files and emulates up to 4 DT + SCSI + HDD devices. It enables you to create images of your optical discs and access them via well-organized catalog. DAEMON Tools Lite is ideal to work with files you have and to create new images from optical discs, data files and Audio CDs.

MaxType LITE

MaxType LITE

MaxType LITE Typing Tutor is a free typing tutor for Windows. This program allows you not only to test and practice your typing skills with any *.txt file, but to print out your test diplomas (statistical data will give you the information about 20 (!) parameters of your typing) and even replay the mtr-record file of your own typing

  • Publisher: AskMeSoft
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
MyScript for Livescribe

MyScript for Livescribe

MyScript for Livescribe is an application that converts your handwritten notes to digital text. Sends your handwritten notes directly from Livescribe Desktop to MyScript for Livescribe for conversion to text. Use your personal dictionary to add names, terms and abbreviations for even more accurate conversion.

  • Publisher: Vision Objects
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2012
Free Sticky Notes

Free Sticky Notes

Free Sticky Notes (desktop sticky notes freeware) is a new way to record, keep and manage important information, dates and events using desktop sticky notes. Free Sticky Notes is an ideal sticky notes program for home and office. You can create and edit desktop sticky notes using different fonts, colors; easily export/import sticky notes database from one version to another; protect computer sticky notes from casual editing/deleting using lock command. Sticky notes settings including default settings can be modified to your preference. You can choose appearance for each sticky note: title customization (background color, font), body customization (background color, font), size customization (manually, zoom feature). Free Sticky Notes resides in the Windows system tray menu for quick and easy access to PC sticky notes and program features. Ability to create PC sticky notes with different priorities, hide sticky notes or place them on the desktop, hide note's body and use transparency effect allows organize your desktop the way you want it. The position of every sticky note on the screen is changeable. You can drag-and-drop sticky notes anywhere you want on your desktop. Furthermore, you can print sticky notes and take them with you

Stock Screener Lite

Stock Screener Lite

Stock Screener Lite is a freeware software that scan, filter, and screen stocks that meet a predefined set of rule(s). It also can plot, print graph, display Technical Indicators and also various chart format (Line, Candlestick and etc.). The rule(s) that is being used can either be of a Technical Analysis (TA) background, Candlestick Pattern or both.

  • Publisher: Zeebob Software
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008