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Mysql developer tools in Title/Summary

MySQL Developer Studio

MySQL Developer Studio

Powerful database development and administration environment for MySQL. Presents a large set of database tools for simplifying interaction with MySQL and automating the database development process. Has a unique built-in stored routine debugger.

  • Publisher: Core Lab Software Development
Infragistics Developer Tools

Infragistics Developer Tools

Infragistics Developer Tools is a handy developer toolkit. It can display charts with hundreds of thousands of data points with real-time motion framework animated updates. As well as help you deliver the best HTML5 applications across every browser, platform, and device with the speed and responsiveness of jQuery controls.

Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio

Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio

The Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (ODT) is a tightly integrated "Add-in" for Microsoft Visual Studio. ODT is free.rnrnUse Server Explorer to browse your Oracle schema and launch one of the many integrated Oracle designers and wizards to create and alter schema objects. Use Microsoft Query Designer to visually design queries.

  • Publisher: Oracle Corporation
  • Home page: www.oracle.com
  • Last updated: May 28th, 2010

Mysql developer tools in Description

SQLyog Enterprise

SQLyog Enterprise

SQLyog MySQL GUI is the most powerful MySQL manager and admin tool, combining the features of MySQL Query Browser, Administrator, phpMyAdmin and other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL GUI tools in a single intuitive interface.

  • Publisher: Webyog Softworks Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2010
Windows Phone Power Tools

Windows Phone Power Tools

Windows Phone Power Tools are a natural extension to the developer tools that come with the Windows Phone SDK. Instead of having to step through the IsolatedStorage file browser on the command line, the Power Tools provide a GUI to allow you to interact with your applications. It also lets you test update scenarios by allowing you to update an existing developer app.

  • Publisher: Oren Nachman
  • Last updated: November 13th, 2014
Tegra Android Developer Pack

Tegra Android Developer Pack

The Tegra Android Development Pack installs all software tools required to develop for Android on NVIDIA’s Tegra platform and is the perfect companion for developing native applications for Tegra developer kits. This suite of developer tools is targeted at Tegra devices, but will configure a development environment that will work with almost any Android device.

WEB Developer

WEB Developer

The Web Developer extension adds various web developer tools to a browser. The extension is available for Firefox and Chrome, and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The Web Developer is available with keyboard shortcuts.

  • Publisher: Chris Pederick
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2011
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers is a set of tools for Java developers designed to help them create Java EE and Web applications. This package includes: - Data Tools Platform. - Eclipse Git Team Provider. - Eclipse Java Development Tools. - Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools. - JavaScript Development Tools. - Maven Integration for Eclipse and more.

  • Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
  • Home page: eclipse.org
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2015

Additional Mysql developer tools selection

Accessibility Developer Tools

Accessibility Developer Tools

Accessibility Developer Tools is a browser extension that will add an Accessibility audit, and an Accessibility sidebar pane in the Elements tab, to your Chrome Developer Tools. The audit results will appear as a list of rules which are violated by the page (if any), with one or more elements on the page shown as a result for each rule.

  • Publisher: Google Accessibility
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: July 25th, 2015
Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer

The last in a line of browsers, Internet Explorer 11 is also the precursor of Microsoft Edge, the new Microsoft Web navigation tool for both Windows Phone and Windows 10. With the stress put on security and a faster browsing experience, IE 11 mixes backward compatibility with the support for the latest Web standards - such as HTML5, WebM, WebGL, etc. - and media codecs.

NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE

Apache NetBeans IDE lets you create applications in Java, PHP and many other languages. Its editor interface provides various tools to simplify coding; it highlights source code syntactically and semantically, and lets you easily refactor code. Programs created in NetBeans can be run on all operating systems that support Java, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and BSD.

  • Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
  • Home page: www.netbeans.org
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2024


Notepad++ is a free (as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size.

NuSphere PhpED

NuSphere PhpED

NuSphere PhpED is today's top integrated development environment for php. Suitable both for small individual works and large multi-developer projects, PhpED considerably boost up the development process.PhpED is a robust tool featuring full-cycle functionality for developing web-sites and web-applications. Balanced combination of advanced code editor.

  • Publisher: NuSphere Corp.
  • Home page: www.nusphere.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2023
Devart dotConnect for MySQL

Devart dotConnect for MySQL

dotConnect for MySQL is an enhanced ORM-enabled data provider for MySQL built on ADO.NET technology to present a complete solution for developing MySQL-based database applications. It introduces new approaches for designing application architecture, boosts productivity, leverages database applications and supports Entity Framework, NHibernate and LinqConnect ORMs.

  • Publisher: Devart
  • Home page: www.devart.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Entity Framework Tools for Visual Studio 2012

Entity Framework Tools for Visual Studio 2012

The Entity Framework Tools provide additional design time tools in Visual Studio to help you develop using the Entity Framework. If you perform a custom install of Visual Studio you will need to ensure Microsoft Web Developer Tools or Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools are selected, otherwise the EF Tools will not be installed.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2023
Microsoft Data Access Components SDK

Microsoft Data Access Components SDK

The MDAC SDK is for developers who are building applications using ADO, OLE DB, and ODBC. It contains updated documentation, headers, libs and typelibs for x86, IA64 and AMD64 platforms, as well as updated sample applications and developer tools. Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2012
Haskell Platform

Haskell Platform

For experienced developers, the platform provides a comprehensive, standard base for commercial and open source Haskell development that maximises interoperability and stability of your code. For new users the platform makes it trivial to get up and running with a full Haskell development environment.

  • Publisher: Haskell.org
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
JetBrains RubyMine

JetBrains RubyMine

RubyMine is a powerful IDE with smart coding assistance and advanced testing and debugging features. This smart code editor provides first-class support for Ruby and Rails, JavaScript and CoffeeScript, ERB and HAML, CSS, Sass and Less, and more. Take advantage of language specific-aware code completion, error detection and on-the-fly code fixes.

  • Publisher: JetBrains s.r.o
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2015