National clock design tool in Title/Summary

National Clock Design Tool
National Clock Design Tool software is used to aid part selection, loop filter design, and simulation of timing device solutions. Enter desired output frequencies and optionally a reference frequency and the tool provides: National devices meet the specified requirements, divider values, and recommended loop filter to minimize jitter.
- Publisher: National Semiconductor
- Last updated: December 15th, 2010

Logix5000 Clock Update Tool
This application allows you to update the date and time in one or more Logix5000 controllers, excluding SoftLogix, either manually or on a scheduled basis. The tool also supports micro logix, SLC, PLC5, and several other product. Refer to the on-line help for details. Version 2.4.2 adds support for new Logix controllers L3 and L1 series.
- Publisher: Rockwell Software
- Last updated: May 15th, 2012

Avigilon System Design Tool
Avigilon System Design Tool is a powerful tool designed to help you select the ACM products. Main features: - Duplicate cameras. - Add unlimited number of cameras.
- Publisher: Avigilon Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 29th, 2016
National clock design tool in Description

WWPA Design Suite
The Design Suite offers calculations for the major sizes and grades of Western lumber products available in the market today. Lumber Design Suite has been updated to match the 2005 National Design Specification® for Wood Construction (NDS®). The new version also includes a stud wall deflection check, as required by the International Building Code.
- Publisher: Western Wood Products Association
- Last updated: August 16th, 2010

Amazing World Clock
Amazing World Clock is a sophisticated and powerful software that let you keep track of time across the globe.
- Publisher: Ehsan
- Last updated: June 29th, 2015

LoopDA is a natural ventilation design tool developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This software tool can be utilized to determine the size of natural ventilation openings necessary to provide airflow rates that satisfy design objectives based on minimum ventilation and cooling load requirements, for example as determined using the Climate Suitability Tool.
- Publisher: NIST - BFRL
- Last updated: July 12th, 2014

One desktop application that lets you choose from a wide variety of clock designs and set sound alarms is PerfectClock. This small utility will display the exact time and date according to the selected time zone, as it automatically synchronizes the time with other SNTP servers.
- Publisher: ALSEDI Group
- Last updated: August 28th, 2010

The LTpowerCAD design tool is a Microsoft Excel based power supply design tool program that can significantly ease the tasks of power supply design with Linear Technology µModule and some monolithic products. Unlike conventional simulation tools, this tool guides users throughout the whole supply design process.
- Publisher: Linear Technology
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2020
Additional National clock design tool selection

IP Video System Design Tool
IP Video System Design Tool can be used to design video surveillance systems. It can help you increase the efficiency of your security system while lowering costs by finding the best camera locations. It can precisely calculate the camera lens focal length , viewing angles, and pixel density (PPM/PPF).
- Publisher: IPICA Software LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

CCTV Design Tool
This tool is built specially for people who don’t have time to calculate trigonometry functions but who wants to design a perfect CCTV system. It is an easy but comprehensive tool for CCTV design. Are you worried that you’re still not doing everything you should to design your video surveillance system? If your answer is Yes, then CCTV Design Tool is for you.
- Publisher: JVSG
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 29th, 2010

Festo Design Tool 3D
The Festo Design Tool 3D is a 3D product configurator for generating Festo-specific CAD product combinations. Your search for matching accessories, e.g. for pneumatic cylinder series DSBC, DSNU and ADN, will thus be faster, more reliable and easier in the future.
- Publisher: Festo AG & Co. KG
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2015

Panduit Design Tool for Visio
Panduit Design Tool for Visio is a free add-in designed to work with the Visio 2013 application. The program includes all current Panduit Visio data center shapes, plus a bill of materials generator and cable routing fill calculator. The add-in doesn't support the 64-bit Visio 2013.
- Publisher: Panduit Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 4th, 2014

Wisenet NW Design Tool
Wisenet Network Design Tool is a program that is specifically designed to assist in designing network surveillance systems with Samsung Techwin security cameras. This application provides a design grid where you can simply drag and drop cameras, switches, encoders, DVRs, and other items and connect them easily.
- Publisher: Hanwha Techwin Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: December 31st, 2016

Cablofil Visio Design Tool
The Cablofil Visio Design Tool uses Cablofil’s EZ Tray shapes and Visio to create scaled drawings that can then be used to generate an accurate Bill of Materials of all of the objects within the drawing. Cablofil Designer uses QuotePix (a Visio add-in from Visimation) for the organization of the Bill of Materials information and the creation of the BOM reports.
- Publisher: Visimation, Inc.
- Last updated: December 18th, 2009

Innovative Structural Design Tool
Innovative Structural Design Tool is a program that allows to create and analyze residential designs. You can create a 2D plan of any building, using the quick construction tools. Also, you can create several types of buildings, from medium-sized structures, to residential spaces. You can calculate distances, structure’s components, height, weight, soil bearing or required material amount.
- Publisher: Fiat Technology
- Last updated: July 28th, 2015

Danley Design Tool 2d
Danley Design Tool 2d is a very powerful tool that lets the user visualize how sound propagates from loudspeakers, including subwoofers, and interacts with sound from other speakers and with the room. Working in 2D lets the user see all phenomena with great detail which when presented in 3D may be hard to notice due to the increased amount of data presented.
- Publisher: Danley Sound Labs
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2014

As a practical amateur, your photo collection keeps expanding and you need to keep your workflow flowing.
- Publisher: ACD Systems International Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 15th, 2022

Ferrite Magnetic Design Tool
The tool allows application-related parameters to be calculated for all available EPCOS ferrites and provides access to their digitized material data including their graphical representation. The tool can now be run under Windows 7, in addition to Windows XP and Vista.
- Publisher: EPCOS
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012