Navtex sound sample in Title/Summary

NAVTEX Decoder
NAVTEX decoder is an imaginitively named NAVTEX software decoder for NAVTEX transmissions. All you need is a shortwave radio and a computer to begin decoding signals yourself. I currently have the program running continuously and uploading NAVTEX messages to an online database. The data is also available via WAP at so you can view the messages from your boat on your mobile.
- Publisher: Frisnit
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 10th, 2011

Wav Sample Rate Converter
Wav Sample Rate Converter can convert wav/wave format easily. It can change wav file parameters such as sample per second(44100Hz, 22050Hz , 11025Hz , 8000Hz, or custom define), channels (stereo or mono) , bits per second (16bits or 8bits). It also can convert audio to WAV, MP3, MP2, AU, AIF, SND to wav, convert video AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, ASF, VCD, DAT to wav.
- Publisher: DigitByte Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 4th, 2009

AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects
AvisMap GIS Engine is the basic development platform for AvisMap GIS suites, which is a new generation component GIS development platform for GIS application developers.AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects are a bundle of sample of different projects that you can see how they work.
- Publisher: AvisMap GIS Technologies
- Last updated: April 7th, 2010
Navtex sound sample in Description

AnalogX AutoTune
Sometimes, trying to find the root note of a sound sample, by ear, means a lot of wasted time. AnalogX AutoTune is a small application you can use to auto-tune all the samples to the same note. It analyzes the provided sound sample in the frequency space in order to find the dominant note and then tunes that sample to the same frequency.
- Publisher: AnalogX
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

ClubDJ Pro
ProDJ 5 provides professional Disc Jockeys with an advanced DJ software platform for mixing live high-fidelity audio. Use as a standalone mixer, or use with your favorite MIDI device. ProDJ 5 software combines a sophisticated, easy-to-use interface with innovative mixing tools to help you perform electrifying live mixes.
- Publisher: Cube Software Solutions
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

The eSpeakEdit program is used to prepare phoneme data for the eSpeak speech synthesizer. It has two main functions: prepare keyframe files for individual vowels and voiced consonants. It processes the master phonemes file which, by including the phoneme files for the various languages, defines all their phonemes and references the keyframe files.
- Publisher: Jonathan Duddington
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2012

BrainWave Generator
Brain Wave Generator is actually a brain simulator. It can simulate your brain with different states by using your sound card and speakers or ear phone. It actually generates different sound waves with different frequencies, wavelength, pitch and intensity, and when you listen these sound waves as a sound by using ear phone for some time then your brain will be stimulated.
- Publisher: Noromaa Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

DSCdecoder allows you to use your PC and soundcard to decode maritime mobile service messages using the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) system and also DGPS and Navtex broadcasts. DSC signalling is used in the MF, HF and VHF bands for distress and calling between ships and coast stations.
- Publisher: COAA
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013
Additional Navtex sound sample selection

Wave Xtractor
Wave Xtractor is a handy audio tool which lets you extract .Wav sample data from popular file formats within the Music industry: KORG, Yamaha, Reason Studios; (PCM/KMP/TVN/UVN/UVD/PPF/SF2/REX).
- Publisher: Wave Xtractor
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

FlexiMusic Composer
Using FlexiMusic Composer even layman can compose own songs and tunes at home easily by mixing various music pieces and samples of your choice. Various sounds can be created with just one sample. Composed song can be export as a WAV file.
- Publisher: FlexiMusic
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 14th, 2010

White Noise Sleep System
White Noise Sleep System (WNSS) is a completely customizable Windows application that plays sound samples (mp3, wav, mid, avi, wma, ...) in a continuously loop, effectively masking unwanted noises and creating a sense of calm, making it easier to concentrate, relax and/or sleep.
- Publisher: White Noise Sleep System
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 20th, 2012

MAD-CAT is a stand alone application that provides a combination of two different, but fully integrated set of functions: - Land cover mapping support. The software allows users to generate vector based land cover datasets using different interpretation techniques (visual, semi-automatic, fully automatic).
- Publisher: global LAND COVER network
- Last updated: July 6th, 2011

AV Audio & Sound Recorder
This little and free program allows you to record audio files. It links automatically to your computer's sound card and lets you choose your preferred recording device in case you have more than one. It also lets you export the resulting file to .ape or mp3 formats, and you can add more programs to increase the functionality of this application.
- Publisher: Avsoft Corp.
- Last updated: February 21st, 2016

Arial Sound Recorder
Arial Sound Recorder is a powerful sound record software. It supports three kinds of sound output formats, WAV, MP3 and WMA. With Arial Sound Recorder, you can record sound from microphone, line-in audio , streaming audio from the Internet, or music played by Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, Flash, games, etc, without losing any quality.
- Publisher: xrlly software
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Audacity supports all major audio formats, allowing you to convert WAV to MP3, FLAC, Ogg and much more. Elevate your productions with a vast selection of third-party plugins, including VST3, Nyquist and more. Visualize frequencies in Audacity's Spectogram view or use scientific Vamp analyzers to make discoveries.
- Publisher: Audacity Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

3D MP3 Sound Recorder G2
3D MP3 Sound Recorder G2 allows you to record the real-time audio stream from the sound card (microphone, line in, and stereo mix) and save it as an MP3, WAV, or WMA file. You can also use advanced features, like playback a background music file while recording, use noise reduction, track splitter, and schedule recording.
- Publisher: Informatique Tongsoft, Inc
- Last updated: October 27th, 2020

Nord Sound Manager
The Nord Sound Manager software lets you easily organize and backup the memory of your Nord instrument. This free-to-use application lets you rename your sounds and programs quickly and associate them with categories on instruments that support this.
- Publisher: Clavia DMI AB
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2016

Sony Sound Series Loops and Samples Reference Library
The Sony Sound Series Loops and Samples Reference Library is an index of the Sony Loops and Samples collection for use with the Media Manager. This installer does not install loop or sample content. It is merely a database that catalogs and tags loops.
- Publisher: Sony
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 26th, 2008