Nepali unicode romanized layout in Title/Summary

Nepali Unicode (Romanized)
Nepali unicode provides support for the given language. First of all, you have to Download and Run the Program in your computer. Then, you have to do some settings in your computer to use Nepali Unicode Romanised. Nepali Unicode Romanised can be downloaded from the main website.
- Publisher: Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya,Patandhoka
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2012

Nepali Unicode Traditional Layout
Nepali, or Devangan, is the official language of Nepal, and is also spoken in Bhutan and India.This free Unicode keyboard layout lets you write in Nepali directly, without the need of combining characters. It comes in a compressed file, which makes it very fast to download and easy to instal.
- Publisher: Language Technology Kendra
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2008

Nepali Unicode Environment
Nepali fonts are used to type Nepali documents. This fonts are easy to install. You can write different kind of documents like letters, e-mails etc, using five types of Nepali fonts: Jagadamba, Janaki, Kalimati, Kanjirowa, Samanata. Nepali fonts are specially created for the peoples from Nepal.
- Publisher: Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 21st, 2008
Nepali unicode romanized layout in Description

Nepali Romanized Keyboard Layout
Nepali Traditional Keyboard Layout is a free program that enables you to rearrange your keyboard keys as the Romanized keyboard, so as you will be able to type Nepali. The program also provides support for the Romanized Nepali Unicode and features a pretty simple interface.
- Publisher: Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya (MPP)
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2015

Hindi Fonts Converter
Hindi Fonts Converter and Editor is a powerful Hindi Unicode converter which can even edit scripts of different languages. It can convert Kruti to Unicode very easily in no time. It can also convert Kruti to Mangal effectively with other types.
- Publisher: Window India
- Last updated: January 14th, 2016

Nepali Traditional Keyboard Layout
Nepali Traditional Keyboard Layout is a free program that enables you to change your keyboard's layout so you can type normally as in old fonts but with some keys altered and rearranged with the new typing style. It provides support for the Traditional Nepali Unicode.
- Publisher: Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya (MPP)
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 15th, 2015

NepaliUnicode (Traditional)
All the earlier software developed by MPP, including the Nepali Unicode Keyboard Layouts, will now be maintained and further developed by Language Technology Kendra, a non-profit sharing company, which is a collaboration between Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya(MPP).
- Publisher: MPP(Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya)
- Last updated: March 21st, 2008

Lao Script for Windows
Lao Script allows Lao language text to be easily entered in text processors.Main Features:- Lao Unicode OpenType fonts optimized for screen and webpage use. - Non-Unicode Lao/English TrueType fonts. - Lao phonetic input keyboard mapping, using an easy-to-learn romanized method of writing Lao syllables. - Lao standard keyboard mapping, using the familiar Lao typewriter layout.
- Publisher: Dr. John M. Durdin.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012
Additional Nepali unicode romanized layout selection

Wanem Unicode Converter
Enjoy instant, true, and intelligent translations with Wanem Unicode Converter, an app which not only simplifies the digital writing process of Nepali but makes on-the-spot English translations much easier, with effectiveness similar to that of Google translator.
- Publisher: Wanem Club
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

Urdu Phonetic Keyboard Layout
Urdu Phonetic Keyboard Layout is a keyboard layout that was especially designed for Windows. It allows you to type using characters in Urdu, the national language of Pakistan, which is also widely spoken in parts of India. The keyboard layout is compatible with Unicode 5.1 which is a standard in the computing industry for encoding, representing and managing a text.
- Publisher: CRULP
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is the most popular office package, featuring a word processor (MS Word), spreadsheet tool (MS Excel), presentation designer (MS PowerPoint), and database manager (MS Access). Latest versions of Office also comes with OneDrive for uploading and managing your files on the Cloud.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2023

Hindi Unicode Tool
Hindi Unicode Converter convert devnagari scripts (like Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Maithili, Nepali, Konkani etc.) written in fonts like Shusha or kruti to Unicode. It retains the English text during conversion. This program also supports editing of scripts of different languages like Marathi, Hindi, Nepali and Devnagri.
- Publisher: The Sky Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2013

Apple Telugu Keyboard Layout
Apple layout is the second most famous layout on non-Unicode Telugu generation applications. Using the MSKLC,it was created Telugu Apple Keyboard Layout program for Windows. By using this, you can type in Unicode Telugu wherever you can type in English.
- Publisher: Veeven.Com
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 11th, 2008

Gujarati Unicode Himanshu
Gujarati Unicode Himanshu is a free program that changes the layout of your keyboard. This Unicode Keyboard program is designed for the Gujarati Unicode fonts and it supports typing in Gujarati script. It also allows you to combine the keyboard keys and obtain conjunct characters.
- Publisher: Himanshu Mistry
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 24th, 2013

Hindi Unicode Editor
Hindi Unicode Editor is highly adept at typing and editing text in different devnagri scripts like Hindi, Nepali, and Marathi etc. in Unicode font. The tool allows the user to type in kruti or Shusha style.
- Publisher: Window India
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 15th, 2013

Hindi Unicode Converter
This is a handy and reliable utility designed to enable you to edit and convert texts from Hindi, Marathi and Nepali. With this program, you can easily convert Kruti Dev/Shusha font to Unicode and saves your precious time. It supports Kruti to Mangal (Arial Unicode MS) conversion, Shusha to Mangal, Kruti to Shusha and Shusha to Kruti conversion.
- Publisher: LanTechSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 13th, 2012

Mangal to DevLys Converter
If the user is unable to put the text in Mangal font in Page Maker for typesetting this software can be extremely helpful. The user just simply needs to convert Mangal font to DevLys and typeset it with ease. For conversion tasks, the user needs to first select RTF/TXT file in which font needs to be converted and click ‘Start Conversion’ button to convert font.
- Publisher: Window India
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 17th, 2013

WashRa Keyboard Layout
WashRa Keyboard Layout is a free program that allows you to reconfigure your keyboard. The keyboard layout is generated using the MSKLC1 (Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator) tool and it works consistently across Windows application. It also can be switched using short-cut keys or the language bar.
- Publisher: Senamirmir Project
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 16th, 2013