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Netop school teacher in Title/Summary

NetOp School Teacher

NetOp School Teacher

Netop School6 is the premier solution for computerized teaching from Netop, the world’s leading provider of classroom management software. Designed for educators who teach in networked classrooms or computer labs, Netop School6 incorporates powerful tools for preparation, instruction and evaluation in one complete solution.

  • Publisher: Danware Data A/S
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2011
NetOp School Student

NetOp School Student

Netop School6 is the premium classroom management software for today's networked classrooms and computer labs, providing powerful tools for lesson preparation, teaching and evaluation in one complete solution. It has all the tools you’d expect from a classroom management software: screen-sharing, remote control, application launch, and more.

  • Publisher: Netop
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2012
Arabic School Software

Arabic School Software

Learn Arabic Fast and easy - offers interactive multimedia Arabic lessons suitable for beginners, and ideal for children.

  • Publisher: Learn Arabic
  • Home page: www.arabicsp.com
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2008

Netop school teacher in Description

Pencil Pete's Cursive Writing

Pencil Pete's Cursive Writing

Make teaching cursive writing easier and more fun for you, and easier and more fun for your children to learn!Developed by an elementary school teacher as a tool to more effectively teach handwriting skills.With too many important things to be done, teaching handwriting often ended up on the bottom of the list.

  • Publisher: JJMdesigns
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2010


MiniCapture allows you to record everything you see on your display and webcam to MP4 files. If that’s the case, take a closer look at MiniCapture.The software can capture the whole screen, a separate window or a user-defined rectangular area, which comes really handy for recording application-specific tutorials and video guide

  • Publisher: IKIC SOFT
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2011
Elementary MicroGrade

Elementary MicroGrade

The elementary version of MicroGrade was designed specifically for the needs of the elementary school teacher. This special version allows for an elementary level class to contain up to 16 subjects. For example, you may wish to track student grades for subjects like spelling, reading, mathematics, and science.

  • Publisher: Chariot Software Group
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2011
Pencil Pete's Learn to Print

Pencil Pete's Learn to Print

Pencil Pete can make teaching and learning handwriting easier and more fun!Developed by an elementary school teacher as a tool to more effectively teach handwriting skills, it’s now used around the world to make handwriting easier to learn.Pencil Pete’s® Learn to Print Software was designed to help make teaching handwriting more effective in the classroom

Kronville - Stolen Dreams

Kronville - Stolen Dreams

Kronville: Stolen Dreams is a hidden-object game for Windows users. When 12 children vanish from the once peaceful town of Kronville, a school teacher named Astrid becomes wrapped up in a mystery beyond her comprehension. You must guide her as she investigates the disappearances and uncover an evil plot involving an ancient artifact that can grant immortality.

Additional Netop school teacher selection

School House Shuffle

School House Shuffle

This cute and fun game makes you a school teacher. The goal is help Mrs. Brighton to make fully educated geniuses out of the kindergartners who attend the school by micromanaging a series of interrelated tasks and needs through six school years. You can try this game for 60 minutes before you buy the licensed version. There are some discounts for GameServer Members.

  • Publisher: Big Fish Games, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2018
Teacher Organizer Deluxe

Teacher Organizer Deluxe

Teacher Organizer Deluxe is a database management program that helps you to organize your school/teacher data. It allows you to enter, maintain and track your class library. You can print book lists, search books by any data field, process simple check in and check out transactions.

  • Publisher: PRIMASOFT PC, INC.
  • Home page: www.primasoft.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
FX Equation 2

FX Equation 2

Just because it is simple to use, doesn't mean that FX Equation isn't capable. You can create just about any equation a secondary school teacher or student would ever need - and many they wouldn't! To use FX Equation, you just type the equation. FX Equation looks at what you have typed and puts everything in the right place. You never have to touch the mouse.

  • Publisher: Efofex Software
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2008
Algebra Coach

Algebra Coach

The Algebra Coach is a program that explains algebra step-by-step exactly the way your teacher does. It can do very complicated algebra but is still easy to understand and use. The Algebra Coach can solve every kind of equation that you will encounter in high school or college algebra.

NetSupport School

NetSupport School

NetSupport School is a classroom management solution with collaboration, monitoring, control, and assessment features. It allows teachers to stream a virtual whiteboard with students' computers for real-time instruction. You can also share the desktop, selected applications, and videos to selected students.

  • Publisher: NetSupport Ltd
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2013
SMIS (School Management Information System)

SMIS (School Management Information System)

The system automates student enrolment, tracking, performance, and generation of reports. It also incorporates a teacher module that handles the tracking of teacher workload and attendance to training programs; announcement module to handle school events; inventory module to handle school asset management; and planning module to facilitate plan preparation

  • Publisher: OBEC
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008
Science Teacher's Helper

Science Teacher's Helper

This great tool is designed to run on Microsoft Word as an add-on in such a way that all you are going to see is a new menu with some new tool bars on the Word regular interface. It includes about 1200 functions, graphs and charts of physical, chemical and math that you can easily add into your Microsoft Word documents.

  • Publisher: helpscience inc
  • Last updated: December 5th, 2008
School Calendar

School Calendar

School Calendar is a universal calendar for teachers and pupils from high-schools and colleges, letting them track lessons and tasks to do, organize the studies more effectively than before. To plan time and eliminate overlapping of classes, the calendar lets you track a single pupil or teacher, a group of pupils, classroom or school teaching staff.

  • Publisher: OrgBusiness Software
  • Home page: orgbusiness.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018
Teacher Day Book

Teacher Day Book

This program is designed to be used as a Day Plan Book by teachers. It is possible to use it as a Daily Planner for non-teachers. After doing a quick annual setup of the School Year and creating a TimeTable the Teacher Day Book is ready to use to keep track of daily lesson plans and assignments.

  • Publisher: Robertson Software Solutions
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2011
NetSupport School Student

NetSupport School Student

e NetSupport School Student app can be installed on each student machine running the Google Chrome OS. From the teacher's desktop you can then connect to each system enabling you to monitor and interact with each student quickly and efficiently. Click on a thumbnail to discreetly view activity on that machine or interact with the student.