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Network speed unlimited max in Title/Summary

My Network Speed

My Network Speed

My Network Speed monitors in real time the network card and shows the speed (download / upload) in a tiny window. This is a handy application to have around when you need to know exactly with what speed you can download or upload a file from and to the Internet.

Max Speed

Max Speed

Who doesn't love the adrenaline rush that comes from performing dangerous stunts? Are you ready to take on the challenging levels? Buckle up and enjoy the ride, but if you're not careful you WILL wind up as a pile of junk.

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Last updated: October 17th, 2022
Max Internet Optimizer

Max Internet Optimizer

Now you can boost the speed of your Internet by using Max Internet Optimizer. This program makes everything that you do on the Internet better and more improved in a dramatic way. It will boost your Internet's speed for downloading and browsing also it will optimize different Internet related system settings.

  • Publisher: Max Secure Software
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2011

Network speed unlimited max in Description



This product can manage data flows in company network. It is not only firewall which can to allow or prohibit communication, but mainly traffic shaper providing limitation of network speed, maximal amount of transferred data or providing priority in accessing network resources by network users.

  • Publisher: Soft in Engines
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2011


NetPeeker is a network utility for Windows. Features: - Distributed network traffic monitor - Desktop based firewall on all computers - Network speed limitation and Priority based traffic shaping - Protect system against "Malwares" - Log and analyze network traffic - Capture network traffic

  • Publisher: Ming Jin
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2023
Nexus Race

Nexus Race

The NX2 Race SW is a PC Software developed for Windows XP and 2000. The NX2 Race SW will enable to communicate at network speed with your NX2 instrument system. That will give you the possibility to monitor all data at network speed, log all data to a file for post race analyze, Set-up the system and calibrate it.

  • Publisher: Nexus Marine AB
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2011
XL Admin

XL Admin

XL Admin allows you to search and download torrents with the simplicity of share-servers from more than 70 private trackers and files from the most popular forums on the scene without need to login.

Bandwidth Management and Firewall

Bandwidth Management and Firewall

This product can manage data flows in the company network. It is not only firewall which can allow or prohibit communication, but mainly traffic shaper providing limitation of network speed, maximal amount of transferred data or providing priority in accessing network resources by network users.

  • Publisher: Soft in Engines
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Network speed unlimited max selection



NetWorx is a powerful tool for monitoring Internet connection. It can collect usage statistics, monitor connection quality and speed, identify the sources of network problems, help you stay within ISP limits, and reveal suspicious network activity.

LAN Speed Test

LAN Speed Test

LAN Speed Test can measure file transfer, hard drive, USB Drive, and Local Area Network (LAN) speeds (wired & wireless). Using this tool is quite easy; simply pick a folder and click "Start Test". This folder can be on a local drive, USB drive, or any target location.

  • Publisher: Totusoft, Inc.
  • Home page: www.totusoft.com
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2019


NetSpeedMonitor is a network speed monitoring tool. This isn't a standalone application per se. It installs a toolbar that you can attach to the toolbar area of your start menu. There it will display the speed at which your system is sending and receiving data.

  • Publisher: Florian Gilles
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2009


Hide ALL IP can use proxy servers to hide your real IP address and location from websites. It provides a simple interface where you can view the list of proxy servers and their locations. This program can also create secure WiFi hotspots for your mobile devices.

  • Publisher: Network & Speed, INC
  • Home page: www.hideallip.com
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2018


160WiFi is a free WiFi hotspot creator to turn your Windows laptop, notebook or desktop PC into a portable sharing WiFi hotspot in seconds. Thus, you can share your wireless internet connection with another computer, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, etc.

  • Publisher: Drive The Life Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2017


SpeedOptimizer is a program that optimizes your system performance by making registry modifications and adjusting Windows settings for better performance. It also has a network accelerator feature that can accelerate the network speed and a startup manager that can manage startup applications

  • Publisher: Speedbit Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2017


Bring your desktops the comfort and performance of N-Speed and you can get rid of the clutter of meters of cable that you used to connect your computers. Air2210-Air2310 provides high speed wireless Internet access. Anywhere. Anytime. You can reach upto 150 Mbps wireless transfer speeds with compatible 802.11n modems and access points.

  • Publisher: AirTies
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2011
Show Traffic

Show Traffic

Show Traffic - monitors network traffic on the chosen network interface and displays it continuously. It could be used for locating suspicious network traffic or to evaluate current utilization of the network interface. When monitoring is started Show Traffic could decrease network performance of your computer if there is too much network traffic to handle.

  • Publisher: Demosten
  • Home page: demosten.com
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2008


NetSpeedMeter is a free bandwidth monitoring tool showing the current network speed. The program saves your daily traffic and displays it, ordered by interface, in a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly table. Even if NetSpeedMeter is minimized to tray, the tray icon displays the traffic of the last 16 seconds.

  • Publisher: Torben Kohlmeier
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2022


GTarcade App can remember your login state, server preferences and other custom settings, speed up your game starting process, provide an overall better experience than playing in the browser.There's tons of game news and event info catered for you in the app. You can also easily engage with our diverse player community, read or share game guides.

  • Publisher: YOOZOO Games
  • Home page: www.gtarcade.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2018