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Nimble ais in Title/Summary

Nimble Navigator

Nimble Navigator

Nimble Navigator 5.3

  • Publisher: QuinnAps Software
Nimble Lord

Nimble Lord

Nimble Lord is a beautiful, fantastic platformer - shooter that tells the adventures of cunning lord. Fascinating gardens and magical forests, deep caves, pitted with secret passages and stone castles heroes. Immerse yourself in the fabulous world of cunning lord! Primary weapon your character is his true Sword, and accurate Bow, but it's not all.

  • Publisher: Falco Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2012
SiiTech AIS Server Lite

SiiTech AIS Server Lite

AIS Server is a software tool for a wide range of AIS (Automatic Identification System) users. AIS Server connects AIS network nodes and allows AIS messages to easily and efficiently flow from one node to another. It connects at least two nodes and sends each AIS message based on the current configuration of the nodes.

  • Publisher: SiiTech
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2012

Nimble ais in Description



Simply connect an AIS receiver to your PC and view vessels on the world chart using the free AISPlotter Lite program - works with pretty well any AIS receiver including NASA units. Centres chart on first vessel identified - no GPS required. Features: A world chart for showing AIS targets Just plug in your AIS receiver works with NMEA 0183 or USB connection

AMEC Cypho Configuration

AMEC Cypho Configuration

The CYPHO-150 is designed to inter-operate with AIS Class A or Class B transponders and any other AIS stations operating on the AIS VHF data link. The CYPHO-150S is also available with an integrated VHF antenna splitter.The Cypho Configuration tool allows you to change various aspects of the supported device.

  • Publisher: AMEC
  • Last updated: January 8th, 2018


Yacht - AIS Standard is the solution for those who want to see other vessels with AIS on there PC screen. Yacht - AIS receives AIS-data from commercial ships, pleasure craft and coast radio stations equipped with AIS and display these data on your laptop or onboard PC.

  • Publisher: Y-tronic
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Ais Decoder

Ais Decoder

The Ais Decoder can decode all the NMEA VDM or VDO content of all 27 AIS message types including !AIVDM, !BSVDM and !ABVDM. The program accepts AIS data from an AIS Receiver, decodes the data and presents the decoded data in a form suitable for display and analysis by mapping program (eg Google Earth or Google Maps), or for analysis using Excel, or by a database (eg MySql).

  • Publisher: Neal Arundale
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2017


ShipPlotter is a program that displays complete information about ships that are within VHF range of your position using the Universal Automatic Identification System (AIS). ShipPlotter decodes the AIS digital signals from each ship using the sound card in your PC. You need a suitable VHF band radio receiver tuned to one of the two AIS channels.

  • Publisher: shipplotter
  • Home page: www.coaa.co.uk
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Additional Nimble ais selection

AiS Watermark Pictures Protector

AiS Watermark Pictures Protector

This program helps you to protect copyright of your images. You can add color transparent watermark on them. The watermark can be your copyright or url of your site, your logo or parameters of the image (name of the image file, size, date and so on...). Of course, you can do it in your favorite image editor, but AiS Watermark Pictures Protector makes it more speedy and more simply.

  • Publisher: Watermarker
  • Home page: watermarker.com
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2012
McMurdo AIS Viewer

McMurdo AIS Viewer

McMurdo AIS Viewer is complementary app supplied with McMurdo Smartfind M5, McMurdo Smartfind M10 transponder or McMurdo Smartfind M15 receiver series. The program enables users to monitor the surrounding AIS traffic on a PC without having to connect to a chart plotter. This tool allows users to display AIS targets either on a basic line map or in an alphanumeric vessel list.

  • Publisher: McMurdo
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2015
Adobe Acrobat Professional

Adobe Acrobat Professional

Adobe Acrobat Professional gives you complete control over your PDF documents. It allows you to convert, edit, share, and sign PDF files. Editing of PDF files is as simple as using MS Word. With minimal effort, you can flip, crop, resize or replace images, add text and fix typos to make sure that your PDF is perfect.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2023
AIS Offline Application

AIS Offline Application

Offline Application is free AIS software provided by IRAS for employers under the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) to prepare and submit their employees' income information to IRAS electronically.

  • Publisher: Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2016


PSIM’s power electronics simulator can be used for the design of power supplies, motor drives, battery storage systems, microgrid connections, and multi-level converters. It can create embedded program codes from control system block diagrams with a single click.

  • Publisher: Powersim, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2023


The standard brushes can emulate traditional media like charcoal, pencils, ink, or paint. But you don’t have to limit yourself to just the standard ones. It’s easy to make expressive, artful new brushes that don’t respond like anything conventional.

  • Publisher: Martin Renold and the MyPaint Development Team
  • Home page: mypaint.org
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020


OpenCPN is a chartplotter navigation software designed to be used at the helm station of your boat. It lets you chart a course and track your position right from your laptop. It can also accept AIS input for target-tracking and collision alerting. AIS for automatic MOB handling is also possible with SART having selectable MMSI.

  • Publisher: opencpn.org
  • Home page: opencpn.org
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
VT Explorer

VT Explorer

VT Explorer is a vessel tracking system based on collecting, processing and displaying real time vessel tracking data received from vessels' AIS transponders. The program provides real time vessel tracking to all companies and organizations involved in maritime business. You have access to over 50,000 ships online and you can receive vessel traffic analysis.

  • Publisher: Astra Paging Ltd.
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2015


Checking the authenticity of what others or we write is of great importance in the academic and the creative worlds, for instance. CopySpider is a simple tool design to make checking for plagiarism a simple and efficient task. It can compare the “original” document with any other documents stored either locally or in the Web.

  • Publisher: CopySpider
  • Home page: copyspider.com.br
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2017


Experience over 100 challenging levels and a multitude of weapon enhancements, including a Star Clubber attachment that you have to see to believe! Swarm is visually tantalizing, intense, absorbing and full of celestial fun. Download this incredible space shooter now, and may the force be with you!

  • Publisher: Reflexive Entertainment, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 15th, 2010