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Nimbuzz server bot quiz commands in Title/Summary



Nimbuzz is just like Skype: you can make phone calls and send messages. Calling another Nimbuzz users through the Internet is free. But you need to recharge your account with money for calling phone numbers. The application is available for most of the mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.

  • Publisher: Nimbuzz B.V.
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2015
Music Bot

Music Bot

Music Bot is designed for those users who use Paltalk and want to play music in the rooms. With this tool you can add commands to the bot via Paltalk rooms. You can add admins, click on admins and add the people who can send command to the bot, and also you can save the list.

  • Publisher: Locohacker
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2012
States' Liberty Quiz

States' Liberty Quiz

States Liberty Quiz is built on QuizBuild, a text based quiz generator. It is an educational program for learning about the states, with a complete database of state capitols, order of entry into the union, year of statehood, and state bird, flower and tree.

  • Publisher: States' Liberty Party
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2008

Nimbuzz server bot quiz commands in Description



General description: - The PikkuBot can e.g. work as a model in your shops (catwalk) -You can use it as a Security System (with waypoints) - You can use it for your automatic Group Invitor System -The PikkuBot can follow and listen to the master in many ways -You can use it to show customers something - You can use it as a Camping Bot - You can drive cars or fly helicopters

  • Publisher: EVES
  • Home page: www.pikkubot.de
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2009
Absolute Beginner's Series VWD VB Lesson 7

Absolute Beginner's Series VWD VB Lesson 7

Absolute Beginner’s Series VWD VB is a course of 14 lessons created by MSDN that provides an introduction to Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, and is oriented to people interested in designing and building ASP.NET Web sites. Lesson 7 demonstrates how to add a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Database to your website project, and presents new controls to retrieve data from the database.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2008
Atrixware Flash Quiz Maker

Atrixware Flash Quiz Maker

The power comes in the ability to highly configure the functionality of each quiz, and the ability to seamlessly integrate quizzes into your existing ASP or PHP server - with full access to the source ASP and PHP files used by Flash Quiz Maker to modify if needed.

  • Publisher: Atrixware, LLC.
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2010
Streamlabs Chatbot

Streamlabs Chatbot

Streamlabs Chatbot is a program developed for Twitch.tv that provides entertainment and moderation features for your stream. So you can focus on what you do best, play the game and interact with your viewers. It lets you view your chat through the bot with the addition of Twitch, GameWisp FFZ & BTTV Emotes.

starQuiz NetClient

starQuiz NetClient

starQuiz includes an exciting option—the ability to give a quiz over a network. You can set up the starQuiz software on a server computer. If you install the starQuiz NetClient software on the computers that students will be using, they can connect to the server and take the quiz.

Additional Nimbuzz server bot quiz commands selection

FTP Commander Deluxe

FTP Commander Deluxe

Secure FTP client is especially designed for the most demanding professionals and offers everything a professional would expect from such a program, and more. FTP Commander Deluxe features modern security standards including SSL, SSH, PGP



Battlefield 3 Command Center (BF3CC) changes Server Administration. Instead of browsing over lines of commands, have everything at your finger point. It’s as simple as it looks. Make your game server a place to bookmark. Set up a map list, send global messages and make sure each player is having a blast. Everything you’d ever want to manage in the set of Battlefield 3 Server Tools.

  • Publisher: i3D
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2011


SiteFusion is a server-based development environment. Applications are written in pure object-oriented PHP and work through a thin XUL client. SiteFusion applications look and behave like native system applications but run on a server generating JavaScript commands.

  • Publisher: SiteFusion.org
Scout Enterprise

Scout Enterprise

Scout Enterprise is the management software to centrally administrate Thin Clients with eLux® and Windows CE 5.0 as base system. Then you merely need to unpack the appliance, place it and plug it in. Scout Enterprise does everything else for you. The management software Scout Enterprise provides manageability of an unlimited number of Thin Clients or PCs with eLux® on 4 levels.

  • Publisher: UniCon Software GmbH, Karlsruhe
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2011


GroupMAN (Group Manager) functions as a list-server program and makes it easy to create and manage both announcement mailing lists and interactive discussions on your Windows PC. Using standard POP3 Mail Accounts.

  • Publisher: TNL Total Solutions
Disk Pulse DB Server

Disk Pulse DB Server

Support for Long File Names Support for Unicode File Names Monitor Multiple Disks or Directories User-Selectable Monitoring Events File Categories and File Filters Option to Monitor Specific File Types Option to Send E-Mail Notifications Option to Execute Custom Commands

  • Publisher: Flexense Computing Systems Ltd.
  • Home page: www.diskpulse.com
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2011
Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine

Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine (MSDE, also Microsoft Data Engine or Microsoft Desktop Engine) is a relational database management system . The initial release of MSDE also included the Data Transformation Services Wizard, which provided the ability to use OLE DB and ODBC data sources to transfer data between SQL Server 7and MSDE.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2023
WinAmp Bot

WinAmp Bot

Control your Winamp with this cute little IRC bot. It connects to a irc server and sits on an channel of your wish. After you have logged in with your password you can gain access to all the !commands. If you use IRC and want to share your favorite music with your friends it`s a very good application.

  • Publisher: onkel commy
  • Home page: www.winamp.com
  • Last updated: October 9th, 2012
BootP-DHCP Server

BootP-DHCP Server

If you do not have a large computer which can act as a boot server, download our DHCP/BOOTP software so you can use a PC as a DHCP/BOOTP server. With this software, you do not have to hardcode IP addresses into your ladder logic programs. This is a Windows application used to assign IP addresses to EtherNet/IP devices via BOOTP or DHCP. The recommended install location is the default location.

  • Publisher: Rockwell Automation, Inc
  • Home page: www.ab.com
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Multiple Choice Quiz Maker

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker lets you create MCQ quizzes and tests for your students in HTML format. These quizzes and exercises can be integrated into websites or run as a standalone program. It lets you manage the list of questions in a database, which can be edited later.

  • Publisher: Tac-Soft Limited
  • Last updated: May 18th, 2020