Nmea data analyzer in Title/Summary

NMEA Log Analyzer
NMEA Analyser is designed for analyse of a wide range of NMEA messages, including GPS, Gyro, Log, Echosounder, VRU, ARPA.Data received from either:-serial port (ONLINE Mode) - TCP/IP (ONLINE Mode) - file (OFFLINE Mode)Statistics for all parameters are calculated and time serie and scatter plot are produced.
- Publisher: Kagstrom
- Home page: www.kagstrom.no

Advanced NMEA Data Logger
Advanced NMEA Data Logger inputs NMEA data stream from GPS, navigation or any other NMEA compatible device directly into file, Excel, Access, any database or another Windows application. Advanced NMEA Data Logger provides real-time data collection from any device or instrument.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Home page: www.aggsoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Lipid Data Analyzer
The accurate measurement of the lipidome permits insights into physiological and pathological processes. Of the present high-throughput technologies, LC-MS especially bears potential of monitoring quantitative changes in hundreds of lipids simultaneously.
- Publisher: Graz University of Technology
- Home page: genome.tugraz.at
Nmea data analyzer in Description

NMEASleuth is a FREE utility to inspect NMEA data streams from devices connected via a serial port. Is easy to install and easy to manipulate.Main features:- Raw NMEA data display. - NMEA sentence type summary. - Log NMEA data stream to file. - Load NMEA data from file.
- Publisher: Panazzolo
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2010

IPaNema reads any NMEA data from one of the serial ports (Com1-15) and delivers the NMEA data to any user selectable port and IP address using the UDP protocol acting as UDP server. It can also act as an UDP client, receiving NMEA sentences wrapped in UDP packets and outputs these to a serial communications port
- Publisher: Sailsoft
- Home page: www.sailsoft.nl
- Last updated: October 21st, 2009

GPSsim application is software based GPS device simulator. GPSsim plays back NMEA data that was saved previously. It is also possible to generate custom NMEA data. GPSsim allows you to test various PC-based navigation programs as well as use it as data logger application to track vehicle location
- Publisher: HL-soft
- Last updated: August 29th, 2011

Microsoft Data Analyzer
Microsoft Data Analyzer, part of the Business Intelligence offering from Office, is an easy-to-use tool that makes sophisticated business intelligence accessible to everyone, regardless of technical expertise. Developers can customize Data Analyzer by using the documented application programming interface (API).
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

MDS Audio Spectrum Analyzer
MDS Audio Spectrum Analyzer is designed for the real time audio spectrum analysis. It's functionality, graphical features and data analysis methods are derived form MDS Spectrum Analyzer. Main features: Display and storage of actual audio or radio spectrum in the three different time domains. Display and storage actual occupation of the specified frequency ranges, channels.
- Publisher: Aidiga
- Home page: aidiga.com
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2011
Additional Nmea data analyzer selection

Ducati Data Analyzer
Ducati Data Analyzer software for PC is an analysis software inspired to those used by technical people of a racing team. The DDA software is an enhanced software from an ergonomics user interface point of view, while it is limited to those functionalities needed for a not technician.
- Publisher: Prosa
- Last updated: June 27th, 2010

Ducati Data Analyzer Software
The DDA is composed by a hardware device and a sofware for PC. The hardware device is connected to the bike and the DDA software downloads the gathered data into the computer. It loads different channels and allows the comparison between various laps through enhanced visual tools such as contextual and global zooming, scrolling, and so on.
- Publisher: Prosa S.r.l.
- Last updated: April 7th, 2014

MINITAB is a statistical program designed for data analysis. With MINITAB the user can analyze his data and improve his products and services. The program features an interactive Assistant that guides the user through his analysis projects and ensures that the results of the analysis are accurate and trustworthy.
- Publisher: Minitab
- Home page: www.minitab.com
- Last updated: June 8th, 2017

OSForensics allows you to identify suspicious files and activity with hash matching, drive signature comparisons, e-mails, memory and binary data. It lets you extract forensic evidence from computers quickly with advanced file searching and indexing and enables this data to be managed effectively.
- Publisher: Passmark Software
- Home page: www.osforensics.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

DiskBoss Pro
DiskBoss provides automated, rule-based data analysis and file management. It can be used for file classification, duplicate files search and cleanup, file synchronization and data migration, bulk file delete and secure data wiping operations, and disk change monitoring.
- Publisher: Flexense Ltd.
- Home page: www.diskboss.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

IntelliVIEW Report Analyzer
IntelliVIEW Report Analyzer is an interactive analytic tool that delivers ad hoc analysis and custom data visualization capabilities to business users.
- Publisher: Synatris Inc.
- Last updated: August 20th, 2013

Solmetric PV Analyzer
Solmetric PV Analyzer is an I-V curve tracer with advanced modeling capabilities that enables unprecedented accuracy and insight into PV array performance during commissioning, O&M, auditing and troubleshooting. The Data Analysis Tool generates a professional report of your measurement results.
- Publisher: Solmetric Corporation
- Last updated: November 24th, 2015

Create CD/DVD & Blu-ray using your documents photos and more. Burn disks incrementally with the multi-session feature, various settings available. The program uses a smart data analyzer that suggests the best output format Depending on the contents of your project, CopyToDVD proposes various small players to add to your disk like a photo slideshow player or a media player.
- Publisher: VSO-Software
- Home page: www.vso-software.fr
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Circutor PowerVision Plus
PowerVision Plus is used to configure, read and display the files of CIRCUTOR equipment with internal memory. Main features: - Download in local mode by communication of data recorded by portable equipment or fixed equipment with memory. - Download in remote mode with time programming of special equipment such as the QNA and CVM-BDM.
- Publisher: Circutor
- Home page: circutor.com
- Last updated: September 29th, 2015

Splunk Enterprise
Splunk Enterprise makes it simple to collect, analyze and act upon the untapped value of the big data generated by your technology infrastructure, security systems and business applications—giving you the insights to drive operational performance and business results.
- Publisher: Splunk, Inc.
- Home page: www.splunk.com
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2016