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Create Flash intros , Flash banners , and text effects with Flash templates from Anim-FX for your web site - fast and easy. Anim-FX is a very compact Flash tool based on a wide range of Flash templates. The unique thing about Anim-FX Flash intro and banner builder is that the positioning of the text and the number of text lines is flexible.

  • Publisher: Anim-FX
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
AION Screen Saver

AION Screen Saver

This application is an awesome screen saver for Windows 7 with a slideshow of wallpapers from the AION game. It features beautiful and very creative images of AION game characters that rotate with random effects when computer is idle. This screen saver contains 17 high resolution wallpapers in 1920×1200.

  • Publisher: ExpoThemes
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2022


Aion is a MMORPG in which you are part of a given guild and need to accomplish several quests. You can choose among the two main races, and then choose the guild of which you are a member. You can choose among different types of characters, and fully customize your own. The game takes a while to load, as well as to install updates.

  • Publisher: NCsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2019

No anim aion 3.5 in Description

NC Launcher (GameForge)

NC Launcher (GameForge)

NC Launcher (GameForge) allows you to download AION client. The launcher has been custom built for the upcoming AION game that it is hosted on the GameForge servers and company. The launcher will do its job automatically and there's no need for complicated settings or interaction.

Aion RainMeter

Aion RainMeter

Aion RainMeter (ARM) is a damage and dps/ap meter tool for Aion aimed to replace the old KDM. This tool allows you to access several ARM functions in-game by simply typing them in the chat. Alternatively, you can copy them to clipboard (type, select the text and copy or cut).

  • Publisher: Aion RainMeter
  • Home page: rainy.ws
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2022
NCsoft Launcher

NCsoft Launcher

NCsoft Launcher can be used to download and launch Aion and Lineage II games. It simplifies the process of installing, launching and updating your games. It links directly to the developer site and gets you special offers and support for these games.

  • Publisher: NCSoft
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2015


Battleping provides a professional gaming proxy service. Battleping helps gamers achieve a faster connection to World of Warcraft, Aion, Rift, Lineage 2, Tibia, Rose Online and Ragnarok Online. . Features: -less global cooldown lag -lower ping -receive lees out-of-range and los errors

  • Publisher: BattlePing
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2011


Pingzapper is a simple-to-use yet effective and powerful solution to improve the speed and quality of your Internet connection for your online games. More exactly, it lowers the pings in your online games, and that's quite a big deal, as every avid gamer knows that the high ping issue is a ubiquitous problem that every online game faces,

  • Publisher: Pingzapper
  • Home page: pingzapper.com
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016

Additional No anim aion 3.5 selection



PhotoAnim is a free Windows program to edit and animate photos. PhotoAnim has three basic operating modes: Image Edit mode (extract subject from background, image corrections, draw shapes and text), Animate mode (warping or skeletal animation on multiple regions), and Movie mode (control camera position and produce video).

  • Publisher: Christian Deforeit
  • Home page: www.photoanim.com
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2017


Improves the network latency for games from other regions. Reduces the delay and the time a client communicates with an online game server. Supports games like Tibia, Aion, League of Legends, World of Warcraft and more. Uses encryption technology based on SSH and SSL.

  • Publisher: ExitLag
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


AnimPixels is a program to create pixelized animated movies. By adding movie components you can create a movie that can then be saved to a video file. In the Movie Edition Form, you can construct each scene background by adding fixed elements. Then, you can add moving components (sprites) to your movie adding them into the timeline that will appear at the bottom of the interface.

  • Publisher: AnimPixels
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2011


AionWarzLauncher is a launcher which connects players to their favorite server, in this case : AionWarz, after they created an account. AionWarz is a Zero Tolerance server when it comes to cheating. → 1.1 Anyone found modifying the game, using 3rd party software, cheat engine, or exploiting will receive an immediate ban. Permanent. IP. No takebacks. No erasies

  • Publisher: AionWarz
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2011
NoPing Tunnel

NoPing Tunnel

NoPing Tunnel is a proxy tunneling solution for games. It reduces game lags and improves the network ping. It's specialized to work with games like Aion, Dota, Overwatch, Final Fantasy, Tibia, GTA 5, Blade and Soul, League of Legends, and more. Both process routing and raw routing are supported.

  • Publisher: NP Tunnel
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2018


aiDPSMeter is a network-based information tool for Aion. This program shows damage, heal and animation speed, PvP instances progress with participants list, information about characters, and current servers that are online. aiDPSMeter uses win10pcap to capture information from network.

  • Publisher: aioninfo.com
  • Last updated: February 3rd, 2017
Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon

The game is based on the popular manga/anime series of the same name. This adaptation of the story is a beat-'em-up game. You can control either Serena herself or one of her Sailor Moon companions.

  • Publisher: GameFabrique
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2009


Interface enables easy and undrestandable animated gif images opening and also simple opening with images Drag'n'Drop. Files can be "played" as an animation, or explored as step by step images with simple buttons or mouse wheel. Option "Save frame as" enables saving of current image frame in various image formats (GIF,BMP,JPG and PNG).

  • Publisher: De Luminae
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2010
Dino Island Free Screensaver

Dino Island Free Screensaver

Dino Island Screensaver will show you living dinosaurs on your screen. One of these dinosaurs even has a name: Arnold. It is a cute dinosaur stranded on a small but beautiful island. Who knows how he managed to get a tape recorder, and now he spends his time dancing to the music, or just strolling around the island.

Internet Character Animator

Internet Character Animator

You can animate 3D characters for the Internet. With Key Frame Animator, you can endow characters with a variety of expressions, gestures and movements. Animation Organizer allows you to set the sequence and duration of created animations. Animated c...