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Node username password 2012 in Title/Summary

Node.js Tools for Visual Studio 2012

Node.js Tools for Visual Studio 2012

Node.js Tools for Visual Studio 2012 is a free, open-source plug-in that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It supports a broad range of features including editing, IntelliSense, cross-platform and remote debugging, edit and continue, npm integration, profiling, TypeScript, and an integrated REPL window.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: November 24th, 2017
PS Password Keeper

PS Password Keeper

PS password keeper keeps your passwords and usernames with description in encrypted database files protected by password. So you have to remember only one password for all your passwords. Or if you want to categorize your passwords then you can also create different database files for different types of passwords.

  • Publisher: PolarSoft
  • Home page: www.polarsoft.de
  • Last updated: August 1st, 2011
Atomic Windows Messenger Password Recovery

Atomic Windows Messenger Password Recovery

Atomic Windows Messenger Password Recovery is a program to expose login username and password information instantly and 100% correct regardless of password length or Windows Messenger version.Program recovers stored login information for the current computer user. So it cannot be used to crack somebody else passwords remotely.

Node username password 2012 in Description



If you only want 1 username/password, the program displays the generated output at the bottom of the screen. If you generate more than 1 username/password combination, the program creates a CSV file that you can import straight into your username database. You can also use the program to generate a complex password for a specific username.

  • Publisher: Secrett Systems
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2010
Acerose Password Vault

Acerose Password Vault

Acerose Password Vault is a password manager that protects your passwords with a 56 bits encryption and put them in one single place locked with one single password. It can store many account details and auto copy/clear the login details to/from your clipboard. It has an automatic backup option and a nice password generator.

  • Publisher: Dexadine, Inc.
  • Home page: www.dexadine.com
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2009


The NetDotCom Internet Setup Wizard makes it very easy to setup any Windows computer to get online with NetDotCom. It integrates a wizard which will prompt you when the configuration process is completed. After the configuration process, start your web browser, email or messaging program or double click on the "NetDotCom Internet Dialer" icon to go online.

  • Publisher: Trumbull Business Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2008
Advanced Reliable Password Manager for MySQL

Advanced Reliable Password Manager for MySQL

Advanced Reliable Password Manager for MySQL allows secure storage of sensitive personal and corporate information in a MySQL database.The application allows multiple users to maintain one or more username / password protected accounts and tracks the following information for each data record: username, password, short description, long description, website URL and 'other' information.

Drag-Drop Form

Drag-Drop Form

Drag-Drop Form is a Portable, Password Manager and Form-Auto-Fill tool. Drag-Drop Form encrypts your login URL, your username, password and other information such as credit-card number, E-Mail address, phone number and the words and sentences you use frequently.

Additional Node username password 2012 selection

Mobile Partner

Mobile Partner

Mobile Partner allows you to manage Internet connections on Huawei netsetter devices. It lets you change the settings and configure the username, password, and other options. You can also connect/disconnect from the Internet using this tool, with a single click.

  • Publisher: Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
  • Home page: consumer.huawei.com
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2017


Jing is a very handy tool you can use to take snapshots and record videos from any portion of your screen. What is really special about Jing is that it allows you to share your recently created snapshot or video instantly through Screencast.com, without requiring to save the file first and upload it manually. The program is so intuitive that even complete beginners can use it effectively.

  • Publisher: TechSmith Corporation
  • Home page: www.techsmith.com
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2015
Router Password Kracker

Router Password Kracker

Generally Routers or Modems control their access by using HTTP BASIC or DIGEST authentication mechanism. In simple words, when you connect to your Modem/Router from the browser (typically you will be asked to enter username & password. If you ever forget this password then you will not be able to access your Router/Modem configuration.

Cyberoam SSLVPN Client

Cyberoam SSLVPN Client

Cyberoam SSL VPN client helps the user remotely access the corporate network from anywhere, anytime. It provides the ability to create point-to-point encrypted tunnels between remote user and the organization’s Internal network. A combination of SSL certificates and username/password is required to get a secure access.

  • Publisher: Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2016


IMAPSize is a feature-rich IMAP mail account manager created to be more than just an average mail client. It was created to enable the users to easily find out which mail directories take the most space. Therefore, they will be able to keep their storage quota under control in a much easier manner.

  • Publisher: Ivan Vecanski
  • Home page: www.broobles.com
  • Last updated: September 13th, 2011


LinkChecker is a free, GPL licensed website validator. It checks links in web documents or full websites. Features: - Recursive and multithreaded checking and site crawling. - Output in colored or normal text, HTML, SQL, CSV, XML or a sitemap graph in different formats. - HTTP/1.1, HTTPS, FTP, mailto:, news:, nntp:, Telnet and local file links support.

  • Publisher: Bastian Kleineidam
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2014
Router Screen Capture

Router Screen Capture

Router Screen Capture lets you browse the router settings. It uses the Internet Explorer control to browse the pages. The program needs to be given the router username, password, model number, etc. Even if the model number is wrong, the program will show the router pages if ID and password are correct. The program can be used to save all the browser settings as images in a single zip file.

  • Publisher: PCWinTech.com
  • Home page: www.pcwintech.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2011
S10 Password Vault

S10 Password Vault

S10 Password Vault lets you auto-login to any website/program once you have saved the account info into it. You can setup shortcut keys to enter Username, Password, or other information into text-fields of websites. This program can also generate strong, random passwords for you.

  • Publisher: S10 Software
  • Home page: www.s10soft.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2016
Password Genie

Password Genie

Password Genie is a password manager, data protection and password security program that keeps your digital identity safe and convenient. By storing your passwords, log-ins and other important personal information in the cloud, you'll keep it protected and reduce the risk of identity theft.

  • Publisher: SecurityCoverage, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2014


SmartCache is a practical application that lets you securely store information on an ACOS1 or ACOS3 ISO 7816 smart card. SmartCache interfaces with the smart card using either an ISO 7816 Phoenix-style Reader/Writer or a Development Terminal connected to an RS-232 serial port or any PC/SC reader.