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Nokia 5233 folder locker in Title/Summary

Leo Folder Locker

Leo Folder Locker

Freeware folder locking utility to lock your important data.

  • Publisher: Malik Usman Aura
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
File & Folder Locker

File & Folder Locker

File & Folder Locker is designed for those users who use more than one computer. File & Folder Locker (USB Edition) has been specialized so that you can use it storing in your pen drive/removable drive. It can be used to encrypt and password protect files and or folders on your USB Flash Drive "Lock Files on USB" or any other NTFS Formatted Drive.

Anvi Folder Locker

Anvi Folder Locker

Anvi Folder Locker is a simple and straightforward solution to protect private files by hiding or locking the folders containing them. This simple little tool can conceal folders completely from your system, it can turn them to read-only, or it can block the access to them by assigning a password that only you will know.

  • Publisher: Anvisoft
  • Last updated: July 10th, 2015

Nokia 5233 folder locker in Description

A+ Folder Locker Free Edition

A+ Folder Locker Free Edition

A+ Folder Locker Free Edition is an application that helps you hide, encrypt or permanently delete files from your computer. It is a very useful tool but after creating the locker you may notice that regardless the settings, it is saved on My Computer as a separate partition.

  • Publisher: Giant Matrix Ltd
  • Last updated: September 2nd, 2012
Folder Protection

Folder Protection

Folder Protection can protect your important and private data from unwanted hands by locking it with a password. The program comes with a very user-friendly interface that lets you lock any folder in three easy steps. However, the program cannot lock any file that is outside a folder.

Secure File Vault

Secure File Vault

Secure File Vault is a file and folder locker software incorporating email and data encryption. It has security features like file locker,security vault, email encryption. Other features include password manager,file shredder and favorites manager.

  • Publisher: SecureFileVault.com
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2009
Alfa Folder Locker

Alfa Folder Locker

If you happen to need to limit access to any of your folders, Alfa Folder Locker is a simple, free, and effective solution that locks with a password any folder and its subfolders in a snap. This will prevent unwanted hands from opening, moving, copying, and deleting your most sensitive documents.

  • Publisher: Alfa programs
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2012
Secrets Protector

Secrets Protector

Keep your sensitive data safe and confidential, erase your secrets permanently.

  • Publisher: E-CRONIS
  • Last updated: May 8th, 2008

Additional Nokia 5233 folder locker selection

A+ Folder Locker

A+ Folder Locker

A+ Folder Locker is not the average data protection tool – it creates virtual lockers in your computer where you can store any amount of files and folders, which will remain hidden and safe under various layers of protection. You can add a hacker-proof password to your lockers, and encrypt the data inside them using any of the most widely used encryption algorithms in the market.

  • Publisher: Giant Matrix Ltd
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2017
Folder Lock

Folder Lock

File locking software that Encrypts your important files and lets you shred the unnecessary space consuming files. Furthermore, Clean history and create online wallets to protect banking details, ATM pin number, credit card details and more.

Lock Folder XP

Lock Folder XP

A powerful encryption utility is an application that shouldn't be missing from your PC. For instance, you could try Lock Folder XP. I strongly recommend you to pay serious attention while installing this program as the access password you assign to access Lock Folder XP and all locked files/folders will be entered during installation.

  • Publisher: Everstrike Software
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2012
My Lockbox

My Lockbox

If in search of a simple software solution to protect and hide all your sensitive data from prying eyes, My Lockbox offers you one of the easiest protection tools available to lock your folders. With just one click from your context menu, you can protect a folder and all its subfolders from any local or remote user wanting to access your data.

  • Publisher: FSPro Labs
  • Home page: fspro.net
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2020
GiliSoft File Lock Pro

GiliSoft File Lock Pro

File protection is more of a necessity than a luxury nowadays. Data theft, both locally and remotely, is sadly becoming common practice. GiliSoft File Lock Pro offers you an easy-to-implement and use solution that can hide and protect files, folders, disks, and drives, both in local and external drives, with a unique high-security password.

  • Publisher: GiliSoft International LLC
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Universal Shield

Universal Shield

Universal Shield is a program to protect your confidential files. It can hide files, folders, or drives from all other users (including other administrators). The program supports FAT, FAT32, and NTFS systems. It can also password protect files, folders, and drives.

  • Publisher: Everstrike Software
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2012


Use SensiGuard file encryption software to lock and encrypt files and folders. This app utilizes 256-bit AES encryption, which means you stay in control of your data, only you will be able to access your encrypted files and folders. SensiGuard has an intuitive user interface, which makes it easy to use even if you are not an IT professional.



BuduLock is a small tool for your personal data and computer security. One of BuduLock functions is the ability to lock and unlock folders in your computer using a password. This feature will allow you to safeguard and protect sensitive and confidential information into a protected folder.

  • Publisher: BuduSuite
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Xeno Vault

Xeno Vault

Easy to use file/folder locker that can Lock/Encrypt all of your personal Files and Documents and store them with high security algorithm, With No limit of file size and Unlimited number of account.

  • Publisher: Ritik Jain
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Nokia Lifeblog

Nokia Lifeblog

Nokia Lifeblog helps the user to create a photo album with the pictures taken with mobile phone or any other means. This software will organize all the pictures on the computer and mobile phone (cellular) for viewing, editing, sharing and search purposes. You can move pictures from and to PC and mobile phone (both ways) and make changes to the images that will be kept in a safe place.

  • Publisher: Nokia
  • Home page: www.nokia.com
  • Last updated: September 3rd, 2011