Northstar waypoint loader in Title/Summary

Northstar Waypoint Loader
Northstar Waypoint Loader is a simple and easy to use software application that helps you load or upload waypoints and routes to and from your PC This software can be configured to use PC serial COM ports 1,2, 3 or 4, the only drawback being that It is not possible to separate the waypoint and route information contained in a file. They are downloaded and uploaded together as one file.
- Publisher: Navico
- Last updated: November 14th, 2009

WayPoint for Windows
WayPoint For Windows is an ocean routing and navigation program for the Professional Mariner. It is designed to help manage and analyze your vessel's routes wherever you may sail. Designed primarily with the Professional in mind, mariners of all skill levels will enjoy the benefits of working with this powerful navigation tool.
- Publisher: Promar Software
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008

Magellan Waypoint Editor
Magellan Waypoint Editor is a free application that allows you to edit your GPS waypoints. The program monitors for NMEA output when you first connect to the GPS, but if it starts after the initial connection, the results will be unreliable. If connected to a GPS, when deleting Waypoints or Routes, MagWay will ask if you want to delete the corresponding entry in the GPS.
- Publisher: Mark Crossley
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 26th, 2012
Northstar waypoint loader in Description

File Format Converter Ver.3.4.1
It converts various waypoint, route and track file formats to and from OziExplorers own file formats. Formats Supported: - Holux wrt waypoint and tlg track file formats (read and write) - Magellan Mapsend waypoint and track formats (read only) - Magellan GPS memory card waypoint and track formats (read only) - more formats will continue to be added
- Publisher: Des Newman
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Motorola MP3 Loader
The MP3 Loader utility provides functions to help the user transfer digital music files from a computer to her/his MP3 Player enabled iDEN handset. This Motorola program allows converting WMA files and improper Mp3 files to the correct Mp3 format compatible with iDEN phones’ music player and load them to your memory card.
- Publisher: Motorola
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

With CacheMagnet, you can read and display contents of .GPX or .LOC files, download waypoints to your GPSr, combine waypoint files using the import feature, search the list of caches based on text or description and send cache descriptions to an IPod Nano for paperless geocaching.
- Publisher: Brian Erickson
- Last updated: October 15th, 2009

The Data Loader is an easy to use graphical tool that helps you to get your data into Salesforce objects. The Data Loader can also be used to extract data from database objects into any of the destinations. You can even use the Data Loader to perform bulk deletions by exporting the ID fields for the data you wish to delete and using that source to specify deletions through the Data Loader.
- Publisher:, inc.
- Last updated: November 19th, 2011

OziExplorer is a flamboyant GPS Mapping Software that runs on the PC and works with varieties of GPS receivers such as Garmin, Lowrance, Magellan, Eagle, Brunton, Silva and MLR for the uploading or downloading the waypoints, routes and tracks and most brands of GPS receivers for real time tracking of GPS position.
- Publisher: Des Newman
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Northstar waypoint loader selection

POI Loader
POI Loader is free software for your computer that lets you upload customized points of interest (POIs) to your compatible Garmin device. With the help of POI Loader, you can update your compatible Garmin GPS with the latest POIs, including restaurants, safety camera locations and tourist destinations.
- Publisher: Garmin Ltd.
- Last updated: September 30th, 2012

Boot-Loader Download Manager
Boot-Loader Download Manager is a desktop application that allows you to register S-Card/DreamBox/SCout/Octopus devices and to download flash files. The application has an integrated work with the website using the built in browser, interrupted download resumption and much more
- Publisher: GsmServer
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

Debian-Installer Loader
Win32-loader is a component of the Debian Linux distribution that runs on Windows and has the ability to load the actual Debian installer either from the network (as in the version in an official website) or from CD-ROM media (as in the version included in Squeeze CD images).
- Publisher: The Debian Project
- Last updated: October 11th, 2016

Max Loader
Max Loader allows you to easily program microcontrollers and serial memory devices using EETools programmers. It makes possible adding, erasing and modifying chip data, verifying or blocking contents, automating cleaning and loading of HEX files, etc.
- Publisher: EETools Corporation
- Last updated: March 25th, 2022

WIA-Loader is a program used to automatically transfer images from digital cameras or flash card to the computer. It offers many features for file and folder naming as well as image processing. Therefore WIA-Loader is a part of the workflow of a photographer from: from the camera to the computer.
- Publisher: Patrick Mortara
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

tbbMeter Loader Service
tbbMeter is a bandwidth meter developed to help you monitor your Internet usage. It allows you to see how much your computer is sending to and receiving from the Internet in real time. It also shows you how your Internet usage varies at different times of the day. It does not record what you do on the Internet (i.e. it doesn't know what web pages you visit).
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2010

Forms Data Loader
Forms Data Loader (FDL) can be used to load data from Excel or CSV files into Oracle Apps 11i / R12 through front end forms. With a simplified interface, anyone can load data, without any coding. This software package is compatible with Oracle Applications 10.7, Oracle Apps 11,Oracle Apps 11i & Oracle Applications R12, R12.2
- Publisher: Interface Computers
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

MultiMax-Loader for Windows
MultiMax-Loader for Windows is a free program that enables you to configure the Multimax programming module device. The program is also capable of collecting the data that the device registers, to upload and edit data, and you can select the device that you want to control.
- Publisher: EETools
- Last updated: April 22nd, 2015

MapSource - Trip and Waypoint Manager Asian
Make trip planning simple for your next outdoor adventure with MapSource Trip and Waypoint Manager. This computer software allows you to transfer waypoints, routes and tracks between your Garmin device and your computer. For reference, Trip and Waypoint Manager provides general worldwide maps that include interstates, motorways, political boundaries.
- Publisher: GARMIN International, Inc.
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

ALPHA5 Series Loader
ALPHA5 LOADER allows you to monitor, enter data, perform test operation .The software has a pretty easy to use interface and it also has a built in parameter converter to make your job easier. You can download it and start monitoring the operations of your ALPHA5 Series.
- Publisher: Fuji Electric Systems Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011