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Notation composer portable in Title/Summary

Notation Composer

Notation Composer

Turn any MIDI file into sheet music and arrange it just the way you want it. Change note pitches simply by dragging them and change note durations with a single click. Add notes, measures, staves, common musical expressions, directions, lyrics, and text — anything you need to add your own flair to the arrangement.

  • Publisher: Notation Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.notation.com
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022
Notation Player

Notation Player

Notation player can display files that are created with notation musician and notation composer. It's a great way to share your music from Notation Software products with others! notation player 3 is available in English, Spanish and German language versions.

  • Publisher: Notation Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022
NoteWorthy Composer

NoteWorthy Composer

NoteWorthy Composer is a music notation tool for Windows OS. It allows you to create, record, edit, print and play back your own musical scores in pure music notation. You can use the built-in transpose feature to quickly adapt a part written for an instrument in a different key to the native key for your instrument.

  • Publisher: NoteWorthy Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2015

Notation composer portable in Description

MidiNotate Composer

MidiNotate Composer

Easily create or arrange your own music. Produce accurate, customized sheet music, and create music that sounds great. Listen to the song while you follow the notes on your screen. Then edit the notation and the sound of the music.

  • Publisher: Notation Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Virtual Music Composer

Virtual Music Composer

Virtual Music Composer is a user-friendly program and can be easily used by those with no prior knowledge or understanding how to make music with a computer. Using the basic rules of notation, Virtual Music Composer allows you to create the basic part of a song.

  • Publisher: LvB\'s X
  • Home page: www.lvbsx.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
NoteWorthy Player

NoteWorthy Player

NoteWorthy Player is made on basis of NoteWorthy Composer and plays back the songs only in NWC format as well as MIDI files. As MIDI device NoteWorthy Player uses MIDI Mapper provided by Microsoft Corp. It is a free program with user-friendly and inelaborate interface and easy functions.

ChessTool PGN

ChessTool PGN

Manages the files of database of chess games stored in the PGN. The application has been designed on the basis of the Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide. Allows the administration of the files of chess games, the amendment of the same or the creation of new. The reading on a board and notation of the games contained in the same, its amendment or the creation of new games

  • Publisher: Guillermo Gajate
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2009
Power Tab Editor

Power Tab Editor

It is the easiest way to create new guitar and bass sheets and play back and print the same via MIDI files. It includes all the necessary tools like Tab Symbols, Musical Symbols, Rhythm Slashes, chord names and many more for making it easy to create and edit music files.

  • Publisher: Power Tab Software
  • Home page: www.power-tab.net
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Additional Notation composer portable selection

MidiNotate Player

MidiNotate Player

See the notes as you listen to your favorite music. Find and download MIDI files from the Internet using the built-in browser, and convert them to accurate sheet music. Sing along or practice your instrument while following the notes on the screen.

  • Publisher: Notation Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
MagicScore Guitar

MagicScore Guitar

Play and compose guitar music with ease! MagicScore Guitar 8 offers everything you need as a guitar player. Whether you are seasoned professional, music teacher or just a learning beginner, MagicScore Guitar will bring the full power of a highly sophisticated tab editing and music notation software right at your fingertips.



The Internet Chess ToolKit (ICTK ) is a Java based set of libraries and widgets useful for performing common tasks such as reading SAN, PGN, FEN, and generating legal moves. The net libraries convert ICS (Internet Chess Server) output into java events.

  • Publisher: J. Varsoke
PDF Composer

PDF Composer

This is an .RTF editor that can save to this format but it specializes in exporting to .PDF. Images can be included in the document. The editor has only simple formatting abilities and tools (similar to WordPad). DOC files can be imported and then edited.

  • Publisher: Theta-Software
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2012
MagicScore OneTouch Composer

MagicScore OneTouch Composer

MagicScore OneTouch Composer is music notation program that lets you compose, arrange, print, and teach music. You can export the files to PDF, MIDI, MusicXML and Karaoke formats. This program also lets you publish live printable and playable musical scores on your website, using free MagicScore Online plug-in.



MuseScore is a professional-quality open-source music notation tool. It allows you to write music for piano, guitar, jazz, choir, band, orchestra, etc. It provides a simple interface where you can transfer music to or from other programs via MusicXML, MIDI, and other formats.

  • Publisher: Musescore BVBA
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
AVS Ringtone Maker

AVS Ringtone Maker

AVS Ringtone Maker is a powerful yet easy to use ringtone composer software that allows you to create your own custom ringtones from any sound, such as your favorite song, a soundtrack from your favorite movie, your friends' voices, your kids laugh, your cat , etc.

  • Publisher: Online Media Technologies Ltd., UK
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Crescendo Music Notation Editor

Crescendo Music Notation Editor

An intuitive interface for working with musical notation. Arrange your own professional quality sheet music. Compose music for film, a band, a score, or for fun. This program is perfect for composing original songs, music, scores and soundtracks.

  • Publisher: NCH Software
  • Home page: www.nch.com.au
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2025
Code Composer Studio

Code Composer Studio

It includes an optimizing C/C++ compiler, source code editor, project build environment, debugger, profiler, and many other features. The intuitive IDE provides a single user interface taking you through each step of the application development flow. Familiar tools and interfaces allow users to get started faster than ever before.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated.
  • Home page: www.ti.com
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2017
Personal Composer

Personal Composer

Personal Composer is a powerful music notation, MIDI, sequencing, and publishing program which provides spectacular usability with professional results. Features : -Notate as you play a MIDI instrument, with a program-supplied metronome. -Record one staff while playing back others. -Type lyrics directly onto the score.

  • Publisher: Personal Composer, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2013