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Note reminder java swing code in Title/Summary

Sticky Memo Note & Reminder Software

Sticky Memo Note & Reminder Software

Sticky Memo Note & Reminder program is an utility that is capable of creating cute sticky notes that will be located on your desktop. You can export these notes to a file or email them to any email address. In addition, it will also enable you to add alarms with custom voice notifications.

Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version can help you quickly and easily get detailed reports on the source code in Java. Main features: - Able to analyze the source code in Java language. - Support project management. - Provide the pie chart of source lines, comment lines and blank lines.

  • Publisher: Bistone Software Company, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2021


JFrameBuilder is an easy-to-use visual Java GUI Builder for Java Swing applications. It enables Java developers to create sophisticated GUI applications using drag-and-drop interface without spending a lot of time writing code.

  • Publisher: Mars Microsystems Company
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2008

Note reminder java swing code in Description

The Black Toolkit

The Black Toolkit

The interface supports drag and drop HTML components, javascript, and scriptlet events, and generate a very fast code, with no additional software layers or libraries. You can put your libraries, like jQuery. The generated code works with all browsers.

  • Publisher: rockthecat
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2018


JFormDesigner makes Swing GUI design a real pleasure. It decreases the time you spend on hand coding forms, giving you more time to focus on the real tasks. You'll find that JFormDesigner quickly pays back its cost in improved GUI quality and increased developer productivity.

  • Publisher: FormDev Software GmbH
  • Home page: www.formdev.com
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2012


GuiGenie is a free program to create GUIs for Java applications. GUI is an acronym that stands for Graphics User Interface. This is the part of the program that allow the interaction of the users with the program, through the entry of data and commands. GuiGenie uses the components available in the Java Swing Package to create this interfaces.

  • Publisher: Mario Awad
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2008
CookSwing Demo

CookSwing Demo

CookSwing is a library which builds Java Swing GUI from XML documents.It is under continuously active development, since I make a living by doing Swing GUI :) Unlike many other XUL toolkits, Swing is complete in its capability dealing with Swing and beyond.

FlipBox demonstration from Fusion-Framework

FlipBox demonstration from Fusion-Framework

FlipBox is a Java demonstration software how flipping works with simple components. Fusion is a framework for the integration of OpenGL-based 3D-components into Java-Swing. The framework's goal is to provide an easy to use environment for 3D-enriched swing-components.

  • Publisher: Fusion Laboratory
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2012

Additional Note reminder java swing code selection

Programmer's Notepad

Programmer's Notepad

Programmer's Notepad is an open-source text editor that I found to be very similar to the more popular Notepad++. In addition to basic text editing tools, it also offers many features that are especially useful for programmers, software testers, etc. It is a small application that runs on all the popular Windows versions.

  • Publisher: Simon Steele
  • Home page: www.pnotepad.org
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2019
DJ Java Decompiler

DJ Java Decompiler

DJ Java Decompiler v3.9.9.91 is a disassembler and graphical decompiler for Java which is responsible for reconstructing the original source code from the already compiler binary CLASS files that is Java Applets. Besides, it is a fully featured Java editor that uses graphic user interface with syntax coloring. But you do not need to have Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or other Java SDK pre-installed.

  • Publisher: Atanas Neshkov
  • Home page: www.neshkov.com
  • Last updated: September 20th, 2016


WINDEV allows you to develop major projects easily in Windows, Linux, .NET, Java, and other technologies. It works with various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, xBase, and SQLite. WINDEV is also linked to all the databases that include an ODBC driver of an OLEDB provider.

  • Publisher: PC SOFT
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2017
EasyEclipse Desktop Java

EasyEclipse Desktop Java

EasyEclipse Desktop Java 1.3 is a freeware software used to develop Desktop GUI applications with Swing or SWT. This package contains all the necessary plugins, tools and essential utilities you need to start developing Desktop GUI Java application code, without any additional downloads. It contains upgraded and changed composition of tools which has made it an easy-to-start programming package.

  • Publisher: nexB
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008
EasyEclipse Server Java

EasyEclipse Server Java

EasyEclipse Server Java, version 1.2 is a prepackaged distribution which is used for Java application development on server side such as JavaServer Pages, EJBs and Web Services. It contains all the necessary plugins, tools and essential utilities you need to start developing server side Java application code, without any additional downloads.

  • Publisher: nexB
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
GLIPS Graffiti

GLIPS Graffiti

The GLIPS Graffiti editor is a cross-platform SVG graphics editor developed by ITRIS. It enables to create regular SVG files and SCADA HMI applications that can connect to any data provider. Features for the SVG editor: - Shape tools : rectangles, circles, ellipses, paths ; - Path tools : Bezier curves, conversion to a path, union, subtraction, intersection etc.

JavaScript Code Library

JavaScript Code Library

JavaScript code library helps the users in managing their source codes. The software supports more than 30 languages and also helps the user to store the code in an organized way. It makes provision for the user to save the data in an encrypted database with higher security levels and paste the favorite code snippets very quickly, and then synchronize the changing data quickly.

  • Publisher: OverZone Software
  • Last updated: November 1st, 2012
Imagix 4D

Imagix 4D

Imagix 4D helps software developers comprehend complex or legacy C, C++ and Java source code. By using Imagix 4D to reverse engineer and analyze your code, you're able to speed your development, enhancement, reuse, and testing. It lets you eliminate bugs due to faulty understanding; get new hires on board faster, spend time engineering, not reading through code.

  • Publisher: Imagix Corporation
  • Home page: www.imagix.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023


AjaxSwing is a deployment platform that automatically converts Java Swing and AWT applications into AJAX web applications at runtime. It can be thought of as a runtime Java to HTML converter that migrates Java desktop applications to web applications.

  • Publisher: CreamTec LLC
  • Home page: www.creamtec.com
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2016
Appeon Developer

Appeon Developer

Appeon Developer integrates seamlessly with the Sybase PowerBuilder IDE. Developers can rapidly deploy existing PowerBuilder applications to the Web or build new Web applications without having to write any HTML/JavaScript or Java/.NET code. Developers can utilize existing PowerBuilder constructs, user interface, DataWindows, PFC, and PowerScript.

  • Publisher: Appeon Corporation
  • Home page: appeon.novalys.net
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2011