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Nzb completion checker in Title/Summary

NZB Completion Checker

NZB Completion Checker

Did you ever spend a few hours downloading a file from usenet using an NZB file, just to find out, it was far from complete? Tired of spending your time and bandwidth? In order to avoid downloading incomplete files, I made the NZB Completion Checker (NZBcc) program. In a matter of minutes it can check all files in the NZB file, if they exists or not!

  • Publisher: Zoon Software
  • Home page: www.zoon.dk
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Japanese Yomi Auto-Completion Library

Japanese Yomi Auto-Completion Library

Japanese Yomi Auto-Completion Library provides class library and TextBox control sample that support Japanese IME-aware auto-complete. This library is able to work only if Japanese IME is installed and activated. Japanese Yomi Auto-Completion Library : Only 32bit platform is supported.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2009
Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion

Fill in the form on-screen: Print or Email the Form with your Data. Only available here. Industry Standard (AIA Format). Used by the Authorizing Agent to certify work completion and fulfillment of contract responsibilities so payment can be made. Create Punch Lists for attachment.

Nzb completion checker in Description



Super-NZB is an NZB-file downloader for Windows and Mac OS X. It will open your NZB files, download from your Usenet server, and automatically run PAR and RAR to extract the files. Using a commonly available 5,000 kbps cable modem, SuperNZB can download more than one gigabyte per hour.

  • Publisher: TechSono Engineering, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 3rd, 2015


NewsLeecher is a binary Usenet client for Windows OS. It can create and export NZB files directly from articles in the group view or from SuperSearch results. And it can import NZB files manually and automatically in many different ways, for easy downloading.

  • Publisher: Newsleecher
  • Last updated: October 11th, 2016


NewzToolz is a comprehensive and free toolbox to help you make the most of your Usenet newsgroups. It includes tools to solve the most common problems you may find when downloading/posting files to a group, including a file extractor, a file decoder, an NZB downloader, a file joiner, and more. With NewzToolz, you can even set up your own server and create as many news groups as you wish!

  • Publisher: TechSono Engineering
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2011


NiouzeFire is a download manager and self extractor for your Usenet’s downloads. NiouzeFire is a usenet newsreader with integrated extracting capabilities.Main features: -Created by a strong skilled use -NiouzeFire exists in many languages -NiouzeFire manages the logs a brand new way

  • Publisher: IdeoSi
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019


ezNZB is the world's easiest NZB downloader program. It is designed for people new to this popular, high-speed method of downloading files. The program will take you through the process step-by-step and is, by far, the fastest way to learn NZB. ezNZB is a smart, powerful and easy to use tool.

  • Publisher: Tech Sono
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2011

Additional Nzb completion checker selection



EditPlus is a text editor for Windows with built-in FTP, FTPS and sftp capabilities. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers. Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, Java, C/C++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python and Ruby on Rails.

  • Publisher: ES-Computing
  • Home page: www.editplus.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2024
Juniper Networks Host Checker

Juniper Networks Host Checker

You can use Host Checker to perform checks on endpoint computers that connect to the IC Series device to make sure the endpoints meet certain security requirements. For example, you can make sure that a certain process or application is running on an endpoint before allowing a user to sign in to the Infranet Enforcer and access protected resources.

  • Publisher: Pulse Secure, LLC
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2011


TeXstudio is an integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents. The program comes with built-in support for various LaTeX compilers, index, bibliography and glossary tools and Latexmk, automatic detection of the need for multiple LaTeX runs and an integrated PDF viewer with word-level syncing.

  • Publisher: Benito van der Zander
  • Home page: www.texstudio.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X scans the similarity within your content for free. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a blogger, or a website owner; Plagiarism Checker X can help you deal with all content similarity concerns.

Desktop Plagiarism Checker

Desktop Plagiarism Checker

This free program lets you check the writings submitted by your students or employees to verify their originality. It is really easy to use, and it can obtain results from different services such as Google, Yahoo, Google Books and Google Scholar. Very useful for checking the originality of texts submitted by students or employees.

  • Publisher: Plagiarisma.Net
  • Home page: plagiarisma.net
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Easy Credit Card Checker

Easy Credit Card Checker

Far from being a random combination of digits, credit card numbers follow a strict logic that needs to verify against the “Luhn formula” to be considered valid. Easy Credit Card Checker can tell you if a credit card number is valid or not in just one click, verifying its validity by applying the LUHN10 algorithm to it. It works with all the most widely used credit card types and some defunct ones.

  • Publisher: Ashkon Software L.L.C.
  • Home page: www.ashkon.com
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2012
DirectX Version Checker

DirectX Version Checker

DirectX Version Checker is a simple, neat, and small application created with a single purpose: to help you quickly find out data about the DirectX version installed on your system. It will display not only the DirectX version, but also some additional data, including the DirectShow Filters, the DirectInput Devices, the DirectX Debug Levels, and the installed video and audio compressors.

  • Publisher: directxupdate.com
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2014
Disk Checker

Disk Checker

Disk Checker is a hard drive monitoring/repairing tool for Windows. It is even more of a suite of tools that allow you to scan your hard disks for errors. Disc Checker will even tell you what files are located on sectors with errors, so you can delete or maybe save them. Furthermore, the application has the ability to create disc images in an array of formats.

  • Publisher: RS Software Lab
  • Last updated: January 5th, 2009
Typing Assistant

Typing Assistant

Typing Assistant predicts and auto-completes words and phrases that you intended to type anywhere. It works by analyzing screen context and your typing history. This makes typing faster, more intelligent and reduces effort. Works with virtually all programs on MS Windows. Predicts the words you intend to type in order to speed up your typing and help your spelling.

  • Publisher: Sumit Software
  • Home page: www.sumitsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Soft4Boost Update Checker

Soft4Boost Update Checker

Soft4Boost Update Checker can find updates for all third-party software applications installed on your Windows computer. Its unique scanning algorithm quickly analyzes the data about any outdated software on your PC and immediately displays the the list of programs to be updated.

  • Publisher: Sorentio Systems Ltd.
  • Home page: sorentioapps.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2022