Oasys ergo in Title/Summary

ERGO Calibration is the software you need to manipulate the KRK ERGO device. After you will connect the device with your computer, you will get information regarding the calibration. The length of each measurement depends on a combination of the measurement volume and the background noise in your local environment.
- Publisher: krk
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

Ergo Launcher
Ergo Launcher is an easy to use utility that allows you to access your favorite applications, documents, URLs as quick as possible. Ergo Launcher gives you the opportunity to popup menus with your favorite shortcuts from system tray or by using a hot key. Just click on a shortcut and it will run immediately.
- Publisher: Ergoworx
- Last updated: December 21st, 2009

Oasys Companion
A librarian, sound creation and compositional tool for the Korg Oasys synthesizer ! For Windows 95/98, ME, NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Vista. Features: - A full PCG Librarian ( only enabled for Oasys Programs – not Combinations, Drum Kits, Wave Sequencer or Global mode.) - The ability to send program data to Oasys edit buffer to change sounds
- Publisher: Stuart Pryer
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011
Oasys ergo in Description

Oasys GEO
Alp Oasys Geo Suite for Windows is a program that predicts the pressures, horizontal movements, shear forces and bending moments induced in a pile when subjected to lateral loads,bending moments and imposed soil displacements. The pile is modelled as a series of elastic beam elements.
- Publisher: Oasys Ltd.
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012

Oasys AdSec
Oasys AdSec is an analysis tool that helps you design all kinds of sections under load. It can handle sections made from concrete, steel or fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sections, or any combinations of these materials. AdSec is ideal for tasks such as analysing a bridge beam for cracking under load, designing a composite mega column, checking a pre-stressed floor and more.
- Publisher: Oasys Ltd.
- Home page: www.oasys-software.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2015

Oasys Beans
Oasys Beans is a software package for thermal analysis. The BEANS suite includes programs for analysis of solar gains, U-values and admittance, room and building heat gains, comfort and air movement. The application has an intuitive, user friendly interface.
- Publisher: Oasys Ltd.
- Home page: www.oasys-software.com
- Last updated: July 28th, 2016

ProBalance is a program that enables you to assign tasks, tools and parts to stations within a mixed-model/option environment. ProBalance calculates station and line utilizations, LEAN work content, Workplace Space for tools/containers and Ergo Factors.
- Publisher: Proplanner
- Last updated: April 7th, 2014

IPIX Viewer
iPix Viewer is a desktop application that enables any user to see any iPix file in offline mode. It is great for online multimedia applications, like rich-media CD-ROMS. You can navigate the iPix files in the same way as with the ActiveX or Java plugin.
- Publisher: Interactive Pictures Corp.
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2008
Additional Oasys ergo selection

Oasys Mail Manager
Mail Manager uses the standard Microsoft dot-MSG message format, to keep your archived messages accessible. Our search provides a viewer to preview your search result or you can open them in almost any mail client. SharePoint, LiveLink, Documentum and other programs are all supported.
- Publisher: Oasys Ltd.
- Home page: www.oasys-software.com
- Last updated: March 26th, 2012

Oasys SPeAR
SPeAR (Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine) is an in-house sustainability appraisal tool that provides a holistic decision making framework to support project development and communicate outcomes. It is aimed at delivering sustainable outcomes. The unique SPeAR diagram represents an innovative and visually appealing method for displaying results.
- Publisher: Oasys Ltd.
- Home page: www.oasys-software.com
- Last updated: December 31st, 2016

Oasys SlopeFE
SlopeFE is a program that performs two-dimensional slope stability analysis. It provides a quick and accurate way to identify the slip surface for factors of safety, and to check improvements from reinforecements such as soil nails, rock bolts, ground anchors and geotextiles.
- Publisher: Oasys Ltd.
- Home page: www.oasys-software.com

OASYS Version
The Oasys pre-processor is designed to make preparation and modification of LS-DYNA models as fast and as simple as possible, improving user productivity and efficiency and reducing the time spent manipulating and developing models suitable for LS-DYNA. The user can be assured that every model read in and written out will lose no data.
- Publisher: Livermore Software Technology Corporation
- Home page: www.oasys-software.com
- Last updated: July 6th, 2010

The software ErgoFellow has 17 ergonomic tools to evaluate and improve workplaces conditions, in order to reduce occupational risks and increase productivity.It is very useful for ergonomists and for all professionals in the area of occupational safety and health. It's also very good for educational purposes.
- Publisher: FBF SISTEMAS
- Home page: www.fbfsistemas.com
- Last updated: April 8th, 2011

MyTourbook is a free program that allows you to visualize and analyze tours which are recorded by a GPS device, bike or exercise computer and ergo-meter. You can transfer, import, export, edit and visualize tours, analyze heart rate, compare tours automatically and make statistical analysis.
- Publisher: Wolfgang
- Last updated: April 7th, 2014

Mail Manager is a plug-in for Microsoft Outlook that enables users to file, find and share emails easily. With Mail Manager, filing becomes a seamless and simple part of the email process rather than a task to do later; users love it. Managers love it too for the cost savings and QA benefits it provides.
- Publisher: OASYS
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2010

Art Affair
Art Affair is specifically designed for visual artists working in all mediums. It's a serious business management program for your art business that helps you sell your artwork. The program features components & supplies, finished artwork & it's cost, suggested selling prices, invoices, sales and profits and more.
- Publisher: Oasys Design & Development
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011

ErgoMaster is a suite of attractively priced ergonomic analysis software modules containing a broad range of features and capabilities. The system is easy to use and produces easy to understand reports incorporating pictures or images of the job task being analyzed or redesigned.
- Publisher: NexGen Ergonomics Inc.
- Home page: www.nexgenergo.com
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

ErgoEmacs is a emacs distribution based on GNU Emacs, so it has ALL the features of emacs. ErgoEmacs improves GNU Emacs for people who did not grow up with emacs. User interface is based on common modern software interface familiar to most people today, such as using Ctrl+Ckey for Copy, Ctrl+Z for undo, Ctrl+O for Open file, and also bundles many elisp packages that are not in GNU Emacs.
- Publisher: ErgoEmacs Team
- Home page: ergoemacs.org
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011