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Obd2 lat long data in Title/Summary

Lat Long Converter

Lat Long Converter

Lat Long Converter is a free latitude and longitude coordinates conversion software. It can help you convert GPS latitude and longitude between decimal format and degree/minute/second (DMS) format, supports Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system.

  • Publisher: Latlongconverter
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2014


GPSMonitor graphs the azimuth, elevation and signal strength of all visible satellites, and displays human-readable forms with information from several NMEA strings received from a USB GPS. The GPS uses an emulated serial port for communication.

OBD2 DTC Lookup

OBD2 DTC Lookup

OBD2 DTC Lookup allows you to browse a big database full with vechicle infos. The software is free and it contains a wide number of vehicle models for you to browser and watch for a specific code. You don't need additional knowledge to use this software.

  • Publisher: Innova Electronics
  • Home page: www.canobd2.com
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2008

Obd2 lat long data in Description



Shape2Earth Globe lets you quickly and easily capture Google Earth images for your personal use. Capture images for use in popular applications like Microsoft Office and ESRI's ArcMap. Shape2Earth Globe also saves the bounding box of the image in a kml file. This data is then used to generate a world file and projection file so that your image can be loaded into a GIS, such as ESRI's ArcMap.

  • Publisher: Shape2Earth
  • Last updated: October 3rd, 2012


TOPO! Features fives layers of the best maps available—from National Geographic Atlas maps to the most detailed USGS topographic maps. Loaded with features and functionality, TOPO! Is essential gear for outdoor enthusiasts. Features include 3D views and fly-throughs, elevation profiling that allows you to draw a route and immediately calculate elevation gain or loss.

  • Publisher: National Geographic Maps
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2009
WGS-84 Calculator

WGS-84 Calculator

WGS-84 Calculator is used to calculate geodetic distance and azimuth between two points (latitude and longitude). In addition, it can calculate a new point from origin using the given azimuth and distance. Lat/long values can be inserted using three different formats; DD:MM:SS.ssss, DD:MM.mmmmmm or DD.dddddddd.

  • Publisher: MR Soft Tmi
  • Home page: www.mrsoft.fi
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2009


The input and output coordinate system can be any of these projections, or lat/long decimal degrees. If a projection is specified, the map units are taken as metric by default. (However, with the latest development versions, you can specify other units such as kilometres, feet, or miles.)

  • Publisher: Bruce Dodson
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2009
Sun & Moon on Screen

Sun & Moon on Screen

This program makes a wonderful magic to your desktop. It displays the Sun and the Moon like you can see them in the sky. Watch Sun & Moon passing across your desktop, observe real time sunrise/set and moonrise/set.

Additional Obd2 lat long data selection



A Suite of programs compiled for a Win32 platform, used in conjunction with NGS program ADJUST. This software is for educational purposes only. It is intended to aid the instructor in an adjustment computations course using the book ADJUSTMENT COMPUTATIONS, SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS.This software will run on any PC-compatible platform with a Windows or Vista operating system.

  • Publisher: National Geodetic Survey (NGS),
  • Home page: www.ngs.noaa.gov
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2012
Hand Held Halo OBDII Datalogger

Hand Held Halo OBDII Datalogger

ECU datalogging data logger instructions, cables and software solutions for diagnostic and performance monitoring of Mitsubishi 3000GT, GTO, Dodge Stealth, DSM, 3000 GT, VR4, 3si, Eagle Talon TSI, Eclipse, 3sx, EVO and Galant Cars plus many more European and Asian vehicles.

LatLong Convert

LatLong Convert

This converter is actually part of Balloon Track. However, I often found myself needing a quick conversion. Loading BT for this was just a bit cumbersome, so I lifted the converter and made it a program in its own right. Enter latitude and longitude at the top and click the button corresponding to the output you wish to see.

  • Publisher: EOSS
  • Home page: www.eoss.org
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2009
SeisSoft Datum Transform

SeisSoft Datum Transform

CDC can convert between spherical (lat/long) and Cartesian (x/y) coordinates in the UTM, State Plane and Canadian coordinate systems, and more than 200 other international projections.CDC contains many of the most common spheroids, units, and prime meridians and can easily be extended to include any not currently defined.

  • Publisher: The SeisSoft Company
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2009
Value Converter

Value Converter

Each tab of GISEYE Value Converter dialog does the conversion of a specific value into another presentation or measurement unit. : -Time tab -Distance tab -Angle tab -Lat/Long tab -Color tab -Sun tab These are just some of the things and values you can convert.

  • Publisher: GISEYE


ASP/Export2ExcelPack is a server side COM component that allows web developers to export from DAO or ADO recordsets into MS Excel, HTML Table, XML, TXT, CSV, SYLK and DIF. Updated v1.30 - Bug fix for long data string for export to excel format.

Wise Data Recovery

Wise Data Recovery

After a severe data loss or an involuntary deletion of sensitive files, counting with a free tool such as Wise Data Recovery does make a difference. This utility offers quick and deep scan processes to recover recently erased files and others that may have already been rewritten, respectively. It can recover all types of files from all kinds of drives and devices, including SD cards and phones.

FonePaw Android Data Recovery

FonePaw Android Data Recovery

This program can recover deleted photos, videos, songs, WhatsApp and text messages, contacts, call logs, documents and other data from Android devices and SD cards. It can quickly scan your phone and provide you a preview of all the recoverable data. FonePaw Android Data Recovery can be used on data-loss scenarios such as accidental deletion, OS crash, rooting error, and virus attack.

  • Publisher: FonePaw Technology Limited
  • Home page: www.fonepaw.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
OBD2 TekLink

OBD2 TekLink

OBD2 TekLink™ is a software application the lets you transfer Diagnostic Data from your OBD2 Code Reader to a PC. Transferred data can then be displayed, saved, emailed and printed. The software also allows you to upgrade your Code Reader via the Internet.

  • Publisher: Innova Electronics
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008
Sunny Data Control

Sunny Data Control

The free software archives the data from the data logger long-term on the PC, evaluates and presents it visually on the monitor. A further advantage: Sunny Data Control can be configured to directly communicate with your inverter and a PC. Thus it is possible to set your system's parameters without a data logger.

  • Publisher: SMA Technologie AG
  • Last updated: August 1st, 2008