Object oriented case tool in Title/Summary

MOT and MOT Plus are object-oriented modeling tools intended to express various fields of knowledge as graphic knowledge models. These models attempt to give a dynamic view on a particular field that is often vast and complex, and on the existing links between knowledge objects.
- Publisher: Licef
- Last updated: May 4th, 2011

ArcFM Solution Object Reader
ArcFM consists of a family of models that provide a comprehensive application for energy and water/wastewater utilities. ArcFM Object Reader allows maintenance and viewing of data, using company specific business rules, and includes applications to configure the data models and tools to work together.
- Publisher: Telvent
- Last updated: May 28th, 2012

Mystery Case Files: Huntsville
Mystery Case Files: Huntsville is a fantastic hidden-object game in which you must collect clues that help you solve a great variety of cases. Throughout the game you will visit different scenes and you will have a list of objects that you must find in a certain time to be able to collect clues. However, you don't need to find all clues to solve a crime.
- Publisher: Big Fish Games Inc.
- Last updated: October 29th, 2009
Object oriented case tool in Description

ER/Studio Software Architect
Embarcadero ER/Studio Software Architect is an object-oriented modeling tool for application architects to visually analyze and design complex software applications. The program simplifies the design stage of a project by organizing and visualizing the requirements, subsystems, design patterns and audit metrics of intensive software systems.
- Publisher: Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2011
- Publisher: Sparx Systems
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008
- Publisher: Sparx Systems
- Last updated: November 8th, 2009

KREDOR Business Object Framework for .NET
In today's competitive business world, companies demand quickly developed sophisticated software systems that match their business model, are easy to maintain, and adapt to future needs.Instead, typical .NET business systems take months, or sometimes years, to develop and are not easy to maintain. This should not be the case.
- Publisher: KREDOR
- Last updated: December 15th, 2009

However, jCOLIBRI 2 does not include the authoring tools that in version 1.x allow to build a CBR system without writing a single line of code. Authoring tools are under development for jCOLIBRI 2.x but, in the meantime, version 1.1 can be a better solution for those users that don't want to write Java code.
- Publisher: GAIA - Group for Artificial Intelligence Applications
- Home page: gaia.fdi.ucm.es
- Last updated: October 7th, 2009
Additional Object oriented case tool selection

Kepware's ClientAce OPC .NET Toolkit provides simple-to-use tools for developers wanting to build an OPC client application. ClientAce is an object oriented programming tool consisting of two main parts: the DA Junction and the .NET API. ClientAce is currently supported for Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010.
- Publisher: Kepware Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: May 28th, 2010

OPCAT (the Object-Process CASE Tool) is an Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool that supports system development employing the Object-Process Methodology (OPM). OPM is a holistic system approach that captures the structure and behaviour of a system within a single frame of reference. It enables drawing OPDs, generating automatically OPL scripts.
- Publisher: Iris Reinhartz-Berger
- Last updated: March 18th, 2009

Python is an object-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java. It comes with a large standard library that supports many common programming tasks, such as connecting to web servers, searching text with regular expressions, reading, and modifying files.
- Publisher: Python Software Foundation
- Home page: www.python.org
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

XWidget helps you customize your Windows desktop, mainly by creating and adding widgets. Right after the installation, the application’s icon appears at the System Tray, from where you can access most of its features. Three widgets also appear by default: a photo browser, a clock and weather info, which are enough for the user to know what the program is about.
- Publisher: XWidget Software
- Home page: www.xwidget.com
- Last updated: September 12th, 2014

V-Ray for SketchUp
V-Ray for Google Sketchup helps engineers and 3d programmers to develop engineering and product designs and also helps in many more applications alike. The tool is full of features which help to take it to the ranking software in this industry. The main feature is the Core Architecture.
- Publisher: Chaos Software
- Home page: www.vray.com
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

MySQL Connector C++
MySQL Connector/C++ is a MySQL database connector for C++. It lets you develop C++ applications that connect to the MySQL Server. MySQL Connector/C++ offers the following benefits for C++ users compared to the MySQL C API (MySQL client library): - Convenience of pure C++; no C function calls required - Supports the object-oriented programming paradigm.
- Publisher: Oracle Corporation
- Last updated: December 28th, 2016

The choice of 0.2 million Structural Engineers worldwide, STAADpro is guaranteed to meet all your structural engineering needs.
- Publisher: Research Enigneers Intl.
- Home page: www.bentley.com
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

Pacestar UML Diagrammer
Create activity diagrams, class and object diagrams, communication diagrams, use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, state charts, package diagrams, and component diagrams, deployment diagrams, composite structure diagrams, interaction overview diagrams, and even traditional flowcharts. Packed with aids to make UML diagramming easier.
- Publisher: Pacestar Software
- Home page: www.pacestar.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

The RubyInstaller project provides a self-contained Windows-based installer that contains a Ruby language execution environment, a baseline set of required RubyGems and extensions, and integrates into an MSYS2 installation. This is a self-contained Windows-based installer that includes the Ruby language, an execution environment, important documentation, and more.
- Publisher: RubyInstaller Team
- Home page: rubyinstaller.org
- Last updated: May 19th, 2017

Visual Prolog
If you ever thought of developing your own application, the Prolog Development Center offers you a comprehensive software program that allows you to fully control the details of your project, such as environment, variables, parameters and other settings. The program is called Visual Prolog, and it's based on the logic programming language Prolog.
- Publisher: Prolog Development Center A/S
- Home page: www.visual-prolog.com
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019