Oc guru startup in Title/Summary

Startup Guru
Startup Guru is one of the best startup managers I have ever used. It enables you to manage all the programs and applications that automatically launch themselves when your computer starts up. The best and a unique feature of this program is its application launcher utility, which can help launch any program or EXE file using a single keystroke from your keyboard.
- Publisher: Lincoln Beach Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

FXpansion Guru
High-quality built-in effects, including compressors, EQs, delays, reverbs are available right under your fingertips, as well as sample manipulation capabilities like reverse, bitcrusher, and resonant filters - all the power you need, whether you want to mangle your sounds or just tweak them.
- Publisher: FXpansion™ Audio UK Ltd.
- Home page: www.fxpansion.com
- Last updated: April 9th, 2010

Video Edit Guru
Video Edit Guru is a 3 in 1 program that consists of three types of video editing programs which are video converter, video decompiler and video cutter & splitter.
- Publisher: Malware Remover
- Last updated: October 26th, 2008
Oc guru startup in Description

Guru4 Utility
Guru 4 Utility uses Microsoft ActiveSync technology to synchronize your Guru 4 data with the Golf Guru Servers. Desktop application to allow configuration of GPS Golf Guru handheld device. Guru 4 Utility requires that Microsoft’s Windows Mobile Device Center software be installed on your computer.
- Publisher: Golf Guru
- Last updated: April 22nd, 2010

Web Image Guru
Web Image Guru is a comprehensive image editor that works both as a stand-alone application and as a plug-in for your favorite image-editing tool. It includes a wide variety of options to optimize and enhance your digital images, to add attractive effects and to change their shape, size and format. It supports JPEG, PNG, TIF, GIF, WBMP and TGA files.
- Publisher: VIMAS Technologies
- Last updated: April 14th, 2008

Isher Micro Media
A powerful Search Engine with many unique options for instant search of any Line/Word from Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, Varaan and Kabit .Incorporated with the three Teekas of SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI, one Teeka* of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, one Teeka* of Varaan Bhai Gurdas ji (along with notes and cross references provided by SGPC Amritsar) and two Teekas* of Kabit Bhai Gurdas ji
- Publisher: Bhai Baljinder Singh Ji
- Last updated: August 27th, 2022

Performance Guru
With performance Guru we have put together a package that is the best combination of products and services found on the market today. Used on a daily basis by operators worldwide, Guru should be in every Flight Bag. In addition to this, you have instant access to an engine failure Take-off procedure for the runway should you ever need it
- Publisher: Flygprestanda
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2010

Guru Meditation Screen Saver
With Guru Meditation Screen Saver you get a trip down Memory Lane. This is a funny screen saver that shows the Guru Meditation screen from the good old Commodore Amiga.Before you are able to run the program you need the following installed on your system:- Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0.
- Publisher: Bullzip
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2010
Additional Oc guru startup selection

Startup Delayer
Startup Delayer gives you the power to optimize your Startup Process by delaying applications from starting up as soon as you log into your computer.By delaying the applications during start up, your computer becomes usable a lot faster. Startup Delayer will then start launching your delayed applications when your computer is more idle.
- Publisher: r2 Studios
- Home page: www.r2.com.au
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Quick StartUp
This program enables the user to modify, delete, or add applications to Windows startup. The application window is easy to use, with a list showing all the startup programs. Information about the selected entry is displayed at the bottom of the application window.
- Publisher: Glarysoft
- Home page: www.glarysoft.com
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

Startup Control Panel
Startup Control Panel is a very effective and small sized application which is used to configure windows startup programs. The software is very simple to use and small in size. Startup control panel is compatible with almost all common Windows versions such as Windows 98, 2000 , Me, NT and Windows XP.
- Publisher: Mike Lin
- Last updated: August 25th, 2008

OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition
OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition is a utility designed with educational purposes in mind, specifically to help users be introduced to the domain of networking. This piece of software is aimed at being used with appreciated networking manuals and it is helpful in learning how to design and analyze network models.
- Publisher: OPNET Technologies, Inc.
- Home page: www.opnet.com
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Startup Faster!
Startup Faster! is a lightweight application that helps you reduce the waiting time before your computer starts up. Usually, there are many programs which intend to launch all at once when Windows is loading. As a consequence, the system's waking process is slowed down. To solve this inconvenience, Startup Faster! comes with an intelligent solution that optimizes the boot sequence.
- Publisher: URSoft Software Inc.
- Last updated: January 11th, 2012

Startup Defender
Startup Defender is a small Windows startup manager program that sits in your Windows tray and constantly monitors in real time the startup locations on your PC to help prevent programs from auto starting up behind your back. If a program tries to write itself into any startup location Startup Defender will pop up a windows
- Publisher: Zards software
- Home page: www.zardssoftware.com
- Last updated: June 7th, 2012

Anvi Startup Booster
Anvi Startup Booster makes all auto-start programs be apprehended at a glance to help you easily configure which one to run when Windows starts. It helps you obtain an optimized system start-up by disabling unnecessary programs and deleting harmful ones.
- Publisher: Anvisoft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Startup Inspector
Startup Inspector 2.8 is a program that gives you control over the programs that Windows opens on startup. Besides, you can check the author´s web page on www.windowsstartup.com for information on more than 4900 programs that can be run at your Windows startup process, whether a program is necessary to the system, or the program is a spyware.
- Publisher: Startup Inspector for Windows®
- Home page: www.windowsstartup.com
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Startup Optimizer
Startup Optimizer inspects startup programs and provides useful information for harmful programs like spyware, virus and diallers. It makes your system healthier and maintain a higher degree of privacy.
- Publisher: Cyberlion Solutions Inc.
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Chameleon Startup Manager
Chameleon Startup Manager is a powerful utility that gives you full control over which programs run at Windows startup. Chameleon Startup Manager is not only an easy-to-use tool that comes with a very neat, simple and intuitive interface, but also a powerful application that offers a lot of handy features, functions and options.
- Publisher: NeoSoft Tools
- Home page: www.chameleon-managers.com
- Last updated: April 11th, 2016