Oce scaner agent win98 in Title/Summary

Oce Scanner Agent
A utility called SCANdump is installed together with this software. When running this utility all vital information stored in the scanner's non-volatile memory is saved to a file in your TEMP directory. In case of trouble with your scanner this file can be e-mailed to technical support in order to ease diagnostics of the problem.
- Publisher: Océ
- Home page: www.Oce.com
- Last updated: January 24th, 2012

Win98 Tweak
This program will allow you to change some of the Windows 98 features. You can also enable or disable some different animations, change the menu speed and remove some items from start menu. Now you can also remove the LogOff icon from your start menu.
- Publisher: Ojars Krumins
- Last updated: June 24th, 2008

Bidata win98-2000
Bidata is a program for beekeeping and queen breeding. Bidata is a database program specifically developed for use in beekeeping, for both normal hive note use and queen breeding. The purpose of the software is to make hive note writing simple and efficient, and to assist the beekeeper in judging the various qualities of the queens, based on notes taken throughout the bee year.
- Publisher: Jorn Johanesson
- Home page: apimo.dk
- Last updated: July 19th, 2012
Oce scaner agent win98 in Description

Java EE 6 JSP and Servlet OCE Training Lab
Labs SCJSD 6 Training Lab are includes: - Training Lab provides enough information about Java EE 6 JSP and Servlet OCE certification/exam objectives. - Set goals against each Java EE 6 JSP and Servlet OCE exam topics for your preparation. - Set schedule for your preparation and measure your progress.
- Publisher: Knowledge Probe Inc.
- Home page: www.epractizelabs.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012

Is a program that offers a complete and accurate color elaboration of images. The aim of CorobIMAGE is to give to the user the possibility to : Load digital image from a file or acquire it by a scaner Define different area inside the image change the color of different masks chosing from a suitable color database
- Publisher: cpscolor
- Last updated: March 7th, 2010

Brahms Agent Environment
The Brahms Agent Environment replaces both Brahms Personal Agent and Professional Agent and is a collection of tools for developing models of work practice for the purpose of simulating work practice or for developing agent-based solutions to support the people that are part of a work practice.
- Publisher: NASA Ames Research Center
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

PDF to Html Converter
PDF To HTML Converter is a PDF conversion tool that allows for the batch processing of Adobe PDF documents to HTML files,PDF To HTML Converter convert PDF to HTML without requiring any Adobe product. PDF to HTML keeps page layout within conversion
- Publisher: Blue Label Soft
- Home page: www.e-pdfconverter.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2008

Singapore Airlines A380 Desktop Agent
This small utility is a commercial news desktop agent of Singapore Airlines and its A380 planes. The program will show the latest news and flights from this airline. You ought to have an Internet connection to receive the latest news. The utility locates an icon in the Task Bar.
- Publisher: Singapore Airlines
- Last updated: February 7th, 2010
Additional Oce scaner agent win98 selection

Mail.Ru Agent
Mail.Ru Agent is Russia’s most popular online communication program providing for you to remain in touch with your friends and to make new acquaintances. • Use voice and video communications for free; • Send and receive messages in popular social networks and messengers; • Send free SMS; • Share your impressions via microblogs; • Take part in multiuser conferences.
- Publisher: Mail.Ru
- Home page: agent.mail.ru
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

ASUS WebStorage Sync Agent
ASUS WebStorage is a Cloud Storage Service that helps user backup data, sync file between devices, and share data to friends. Wherever there is internet connection, ASUS WebStorage can help you to retrieve your data to your notebooks, smartphones, or tablets.
- Publisher: ASUS Cloud Corporation
- Last updated: April 8th, 2014

WebMoney Agent
WebMoney Agent is a new handy utility added to "WebMoney Keeper Classic" as of the version It works without starting the Keeper and lets the user to trace the arrival of new payments and messages. This useful utility checks if there is a new transfer, bill or a message.
- Publisher: Softomate
- Last updated: October 1st, 2008

OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent
OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers configurations and the software installed on the network. The program is also able to detect all active devices on your network, such as switch, router, network printer, and unattended devices.
- Publisher: OCS Inventory NG Team
- Last updated: September 21st, 2016

OCS Inventory Agent
OCS Inventory NG Agent Deployment Tool is a free software utility that allows you to install the OCS inventory ng agent for windows and for linux. This tool uses Windows SysInternals Psexec and PuTTY remote execution tools. You can download this tools and specify the path on the options menu.
- Publisher: OCS Inventory Team
- Last updated: February 15th, 2012

Lightspeed Systems User Agent
User Agents efficiently accomplish the singular task of reporting the user/machine information of the client to the TTC Security Server. This information allows for: more accurate application of content filtering policies and more defined traffic reporting.
- Publisher: Lightspeed Systems
- Last updated: September 9th, 2014

Cisco NAC Agent
The Cisco NAC Agent provides local-machine Agent-based posture assessment and remediation for client machines. The Cisco NAC Agent is designed to provide user login capability on a wide range of Windows client machines, including clients running 64-bit operating systems, and offers "double-byte" support to enable native localization for a large variety of languages.
- Publisher: Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: May 10th, 2016

ManageEngine AssetExplorer Agent
AssetExplorer helps to keep up-to-date information of all your assets by periodically scanning the software, hardware & other ownership information. Track and manage any workstation or network devices say Windows, Linux, Mac, AIX machines, Solaris, Printers, Routers, Switches etc., in your domain or network. It offers you both agent-based scanning & agent-less scanning.
- Publisher: ZOHO Corp
- Last updated: June 13th, 2014

FusionInventory Agent
FusionInventory is used to inventory your IT assets.FusionInventory is able to make a complete inventory of computers: hardware and software. Inventory is performed by an a agent, installed on all computers. It can be installed on many systems: Windows 32 and 64 bits since version 2000, Linux 32 and 64 bits, BSD, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Mac OS X (Intel and PowerPC).
- Publisher: FusionInventory Team
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

DevID Agent
DevID Agent is a Windows application that automatically installs missing drivers and upgrades outdated ones. The program can detect which devices require drivers and which drivers require updates. The utility's driver database is updated daily. You can send feedback about the work of the agent, or suggestions for improvement.
- Publisher: DevID
- Home page: devid.info
- Last updated: May 25th, 2018