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Ocs pt 154 in Title/Summary

fs-freeware.net Installer - Tu-154 B2 Lufthansa

fs-freeware.net Installer - Tu-154 B2 Lufthansa

The complete package features a new visual model, 2D panel with ten sub-panels, virtual cockpit, sounds load editor. Liveries include Siberia Airlines, Krasair and Ural Airlines. Manual comes in Russian and English. FSX Comments: Gauges/VC: Most seem OK but some are missing. Run/OK gauges when prompted. Glass: - visible. All else seems OK.

  • Publisher: Project Tupolev
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2012
Sinus 154 data II

Sinus 154 data II

Sinus 154 data II

  • Publisher: T-Com
  • Home page: www.telekom3.de
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008
fs-freeware.net Installer - Tu-154-B2-Aeroflot

fs-freeware.net Installer - Tu-154-B2-Aeroflot

Contains Project Airbus Air France A380, Air France Airport bus and Air France airship. Project Airbus A380 virtual cockpit (VC), model and textures included. Both DXT3 (FPS friendly) and 32 bit HD textures included. Air France airport bus model by Cameron Dougall. Air France airship model by George Diemer.

Ocs pt 154 in Description

Intermedia Single Sign-On

Intermedia Single Sign-On

Intermedia Single Sign-On is a single sign-on application which allows the Exchange user to perform the following actions: Initial connection to Exchange mailboxes and related services: - Download Outlook 2007/2010 client - Upgrade Outlook 2003/2007 to Outlook 2010 - Download and install OCS 2007 client or Lync Secure IM - Configure Outlook profile automatically - Change password for a user.

  • Publisher: Intermedia.net, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2012
OCS IM Archive Viewer

OCS IM Archive Viewer

The OCS IM Archive Viewer tool provides an easy way to retrieve peer-to-peer instant messages and instant messages that were sent during a conference from your archiving database. The OCS IM Archive Viewer tool works with the archiving databases in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 and Microsoft Lync Server 2010.

  • Publisher: GTSC Turkey
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2012
SpellID Demo

SpellID Demo

Advantages: -Self-instruction at difficulty levels APPROPRIATE FOR YOU. -Unlimited practice with IMMEDIATE feedback AND SCORING. -MIDI input for Pitch ID, Spell ID, and Melodic ID for attached keyboards (not required). -Spell ID includes a companion 154 page music theory ebook in .pdf format to view or print.

  • Publisher: Gyl Trythall
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2011
OCS Inventory NG

OCS Inventory NG

OCS Inventory NG management server is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers configuration and programs that are installed on the network. You can collect information such as Logical drive letter, Type (removable, hard drive, cd-rom, network, RAM), File system (FAT, FAT32, NTFS), Total size in MB, Free space in MB, display monitors.

A third-party Pidgin plugin for OCS/LCS

A third-party Pidgin plugin for OCS/LCS

This project develops a third-party plugin for the Pidgin multi-protocol instant messenger. It implements the extended version of SIP/SIMPLE used by various products: - Microsoft Lync Server 2010 - Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS 2007/2007 R2) - Microsoft Live Communications Server (LCS 2003/2005) - Reuters Messaging

  • Publisher: aavelar
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2012

Additional Ocs pt 154 selection

OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent

OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent

OCS Inventory NG Windows Agent is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers configurations and the software installed on the network. The program is also able to detect all active devices on your network, such as switch, router, network printer, and unattended devices.

  • Publisher: OCS Inventory NG Team
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016
OCS Inventory Agent

OCS Inventory Agent

OCS Inventory NG Agent Deployment Tool is a free software utility that allows you to install the OCS inventory ng agent for windows and for linux. This tool uses Windows SysInternals Psexec and PuTTY remote execution tools. You can download this tools and specify the path on the options menu.

  • Publisher: OCS Inventory Team
  • Last updated: February 15th, 2012


The objective of cutting optimization software vary from minimizing the size of rectangular sheet or maximizing the number of parts in the sheet.

Ava Find

Ava Find

Ava Find 1.5.154 is a program to search, find and categorize the files stored in your computer. When you install the program, it will ask you to wait some minutes while it builds the search cache, by examining the content of your disks. You can save the searches and the listings of results in a file, for further reference.

  • Publisher: Think Less Do More
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
FusionInventory Agent

FusionInventory Agent

FusionInventory is used to inventory your IT assets.FusionInventory is able to make a complete inventory of computers: hardware and software. Inventory is performed by an a agent, installed on all computers. It can be installed on many systems: Windows 32 and 64 bits since version 2000, Linux 32 and 64 bits, BSD, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Mac OS X (Intel and PowerPC).

  • Publisher: FusionInventory Team
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021
Aerosoft's - MyTrafficX

Aerosoft's - MyTrafficX

MyTraffic X is an add-on for Microsoft flight simulator X. It adds some great features like a realistic in-flight and aircraft ground traffic. This is exactly similar to the customized radio communications used at airports. This add-on generates more than 475.000 flights per day. This includes 7.800 worldwide airports.

Who Can Federate Tool

Who Can Federate Tool

Who Can Federate Tool will scan through your Outlook contacts and give you a "heads up" on which of your business partners have public Microsoft Lync or OCS federation enabled. This is a great tool to run for people who do or don't have Microsoft Lync to show them who they could connect with in their own contact list.

  • Publisher: Landis Computer
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2013
Wildgrape NewsDesk

Wildgrape NewsDesk

Wildgrape NewsDesk is a fast, convenient, and easy to use RSS headline reader for Windows. NewsDesk reads headlines from thousands of sources, including popular websites and weblogs. You can get the latest headlines from around the web, delivered automatically to your desktop

  • Publisher: Wildgrape.net
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2008
Telephone Integration Client for MS CRM 2011

Telephone Integration Client for MS CRM 2011

Telephone Integration for MS CRM 2011 connects your phone system (TAPI, Skype, OCS and/or Lync) with your Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. Main functionalities are Click-to-Dial for outgoing calls. Incoming calls will be recognized and shows details of the caller. The new design improves the Microsoft Dynamics 2011 online and on-premise user experience by simplifying call handling.

  • Publisher: PTM EDV-Systeme GmbH
  • Last updated: November 1st, 2011


Snomtastic helps make your deployment of Snom VOIP handset with OCS / MCS (Microsoft Office Communications Server) 2007 R2 and Lync deployment easy! This code complete application has a web service and client app to make deploying, managing, and configuring your Snoms flexible, powerful, and accessible!

  • Publisher: SHFA
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012