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Odbc drivers spss informix in Title/Summary

OpenLink Lite ODBC Drivers for Informix 9

OpenLink Lite ODBC Drivers for Informix 9

The OpenLink Single-Tier Drivers for Informix are a Type A class of driver developed using the Informix ESQL/C call level interface and assumes the prior installation of the Informix Connect software for the target Informix Server release. ODBC Drivers for Informix are a single component installed on a data-consuming

  • Publisher: OpenLink Software
  • Home page: uda.openlinksw.com
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2010
IBM Informix-Connect

IBM Informix-Connect

Informix Connect is a runtime connectivity product that includes the runtime libraries of Informix CSDK. These libraries are required by applications running on client machines when accessing Informix servers. Informix Connect is needed when finished applications are ready to be deployed.

  • Publisher: IBM
  • Home page: www-01.ibm.com
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2011
Informix SQL Editor

Informix SQL Editor

This is a GUI tool for executing SQL commands on Informix databases, replacement for original Informix's SQL Editor, with the following features: - fully keyboard centric. - allows you to execute only a portion of SQL commands in editor. - allows execution of multiple SQL commands at once, displaying query results in separate tabs. - keep the results of an SQL command.

  • Publisher: Ognjen Orel
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2011

Odbc drivers spss informix in Description

LabelPath Barcode Label Maker Software

LabelPath Barcode Label Maker Software

LabelPath barcode label printing software includes all label-design and data-processing features needed by most labeling professionals and first-time label designers.

  • Publisher: VDPSOFT INC.
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Connector/ODBC is a standardized database driver for Windows, The MySQL Connector/ODBC is the name for the family of MySQL ODBC drivers (previously called MyODBC drivers) that provide access to a MySQL database using the industry standard Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API.

  • Publisher: MySQL
  • Last updated: February 3rd, 2012
Visual Query Tool

Visual Query Tool

Visual Query Tool is a powerful, high-flexibility, end-user friendly universal tool for database querying, processing and maintenance - based on structured parameterized SQL command collections. It is compatible with all ODBC compliant databases.

  • Publisher: NetWorks Ltd.
  • Home page: www.networks.ro
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2009
Web Chart Creator

Web Chart Creator

Web Chart Creator is your tool for fast creation of dynamic 3D charts for the Internet/Intranet projects using databases of any type.

  • Publisher: Ankord Development Group
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2009


CompareData is a native Windows cross-dbms application that allows you to visually compare and synchronize data between two SQL databases using ODBC drivers. You can retrieve some/all data for a table/view from two databases and compare the data visually to see differences highlighted on the screen. You can also compare data of two sql queries and dbms metadata.

  • Publisher: Zidsoft
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Odbc drivers spss informix selection

Trend Analyser

Trend Analyser

Trend Analyser is a software tool for analysis and documentation of archives of measured data. TrendAnalyzer runs under Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Windows7. ACCESS Databases, EXCEL sheets, (csv-formatted) text files and all data sources with installed ODBC drivers are evaluated.

  • Publisher: ICS GmbH
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2012
Microsoft Data Access Components SP1

Microsoft Data Access Components SP1

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) SP1 contains core Data Access components such as the Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB provider and ODBC driver. This redistributable installer for the MDAC SP1 release installs the same Data Access components as Microsoft Windows XP SP2.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2012
Python eGenix mxODBC

Python eGenix mxODBC

mxODBC is a poweful Python ODBC Database Interface. mxODBC is the eGenix flagship product for connecting Python to all major databases, on all major platforms, using a fully Python DB-API 2.0 standard compatible ODBC interface, with many extensions and enhanced support of stored procedures with input, output and input/output parameters.

  • Publisher: eGenix.com GmbH
  • Home page: www.egenix.com
  • Last updated: June 17th, 2015
Alloy Network Inventory

Alloy Network Inventory

Alloy Network Inventory is a comprehensive, budget-friendly, easy-to-deploy network inventory solution that provides you with accurate and up-to-date information from every computer on your network. Free trial version is available for download.

Altova DatabaseSpy Enterprise Edition

Altova DatabaseSpy Enterprise Edition

Altova DatabaseSpy 2016 Enterprise Edition is the unique multi-database tool from the creators of XMLSpy. It connects to all major databases and eases SQL editing, database design, and other tasks much more affordably than single-database solutions.

  • Publisher: Altova, Inc.
  • Home page: www.altova.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
PaperPath Variable Data Publishing Software

PaperPath Variable Data Publishing Software

PaperPath variable datal printing and publishing software includes all template-design and data-processing features needed by most professionals and first-time template designers.

  • Publisher: VDPSOFT INC.
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Email Parser

Email Parser

Extract data from incoming emails and export it to Google Sheets, Excel or a database. It can parse email text from the email itself or from the attachments.



RazorSQL is a software solution for users who need to execute SQL scripts and work with all major databases like Oracle, SQL Server, Sysbase or MySQL. This SQL tool embeds various features that allow users to create, alter, execute, describe and drop database objects such as tables, stored procedures and functions.

  • Publisher: Richardson Software, LLC
  • Home page: www.razorsql.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
DTM ODBC Manager

DTM ODBC Manager

DTM ODBC manager is an easy-to-use ODBC Data Sources manager. The program allows you to export data source definitions into a file and then restore it on a local or remote system. The program allows you to audit local and remote data source definitions, remove DSNs and import definitions created on one of the computers on a remote system right from your workplace.

  • Publisher: DTM soft
  • Home page: www.sqledit.com
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2012
Query Tool (using ODBC)

Query Tool (using ODBC)

Query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, and more.

  • Publisher: George Poulose
  • Home page: www.gpoulose.com
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2020