Officesip softphone listening ports in Title/Summary

OfficeSIP Softphone
You can enjoy a highly straightforward interface of a typical Windows program without any fancy skins and confusing button placement. The SIP softphone is simple and easy to use while giving you everything you need to facilitate communication around the office.
- Publisher: OfficeSIP Communications
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2010

OfficeSIP Alerter
OfficeSIP Alerter is a simple, easy-to-use and free sip messenger. It was not designed for prolonged chat, it is handy when you need to send or receive single message. It is good replacement for old-fashioned Alerter Service.OfficeSIP Alerter has simple interface but it is based on Session Initiation Protocol.
- Publisher: OfficeSIP Communications
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 21st, 2009

OfficeSIP Messenger
OfficeSIP Messenger provides enterprises with advanced instant communications for free. Compatible with Office Communications Server 2007, OfficeSIP Messenger delivers reliable performance combined with trouble-free deployment and management. OfficeSIP Messenger is based on industry-standard libraries used by Microsoft Office Communicator.
- Publisher: OfficeSIP Communications
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2012
Officesip softphone listening ports in Description

MatSpoon CloseTheDoor
CloseTheDoor indentifies all the listening ports TCP/UDP over IPv4/v6 and the associated program files. This will help you to detect security holes and close backdoors when you want to prevent remote attacks. MatSpoon CloseTheDoor is a useful and reliable security tool.
- Publisher: MatSpoon
- Last updated: July 19th, 2011

Mizu Softphone
Mizu Softphone is a professional VoIP softphone based on the open standard SIP protocol with an easy to use interface for the Microsoft Windows operating system. With MizuPhone you can connect to any SIP (proxy and/or registrar) server on the public internet or on your local area network. The program will integrate seamlessly with your desktop without disturbing you in your everyday work.
- Publisher: Mizutech SRL
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 28th, 2014

IP Port Scanner
IP Port Scanner allows you to find security holes and check a host or IP for an open or listening port in their own sysmtes. To scan a host just enter the host name or the IP address in the box and give a range of ports to scan.
- Publisher: FreeConvertSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2015

OfficeSIP Server
OfficeSIP Server is a simple and efficient application that allows you to use regular telephones for intra-office and inter-office calling without paying. OfficeSIP Server is designed for instant messaging, enabling VoIP communications in SIP-compliant software and hardware clients.
- Publisher: OfficeSIP Communications
- Last updated: July 15th, 2014

Process And Port Analyzer
Process And Port Analyzer is a useful network security utility that enables you to monitor all your open ports and lets you view all the processes' details of your active connections. The program can view and dump data packets and even work as a packet sniffer for any IP.
- Publisher: Jamshaid Faisal
- Last updated: April 5th, 2008
Additional Officesip softphone listening ports selection

iConnectHere SoftPhone
Making Internet phone calls, often referred to as PC to Phone calls allows you to make low cost calls to any phone number in the world from any country in the world. A PC to Phone Dialer from iConnectHere offers some of the lowest rates in the world for both international and domestic calling.
- Publisher: deltathree Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 19th, 2012

TOEFL iBT Listening-Speaking-Writing Conqueror Suite
TOEFL iBT Listening-Speaking-Writing Conqueror Suite is a three-in-one collection that is specially designed to help those people who plan to prepare for the TOEFL Internet-base test. This application, as its names indicates, covers three main areas that deals with learning English as foreign language, that is, listening, speaking and writing.
- Publisher: CloudCrown Studio
- Last updated: July 11th, 2008

Free Virtual Serial Ports
Though it's free, Free Virtual Serial Ports is also one of the best tools of its kind, as it's really reliable and accurate, allowing you to emulate a large variety of serial ports, all correctly registered and visible in Windows device manager under standard Ports (COM & LPT) device class, and all behaving exactly like real hardware serial ports, with full serial port functionality.
- Publisher: HHD Software, Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 19th, 2015

TOEFL iBT Listening Conqueror
TOEFL iBT Listening Conqueror is an affordable teaching course that is specially developed to help us pass the listening part of the TOEFL Internet-based test. In my opinion, the exercises provided are suitable not only for the test applicants but also for students of English as a foreign language in general.
- Publisher: CloudCrown Studio
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

IELTS Listening Conqueror
Are you planning to take the IELTS examination? Do you need to improve your listening comprehension? If your answer is "yes", then you may find that IELTS Listening Conqueror is the right program for you. This application provides many audio conversations on a variety of topics and contexts.
- Publisher: CloudCrown Studio
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

BT Broadband Talk Softphone
Softphone will allow you to connect to BT online phone service. Your username will help to identify you while you are signed into BT Softphone. Other users will see your username and will use it to contact you through instant messaging. It needs to be in lower case and to be between 4 and 32 characters long.
- Publisher: BT
- Last updated: February 1st, 2012

Active Ports
Active Ports is a tool that monitors all open TCP and UDP ports on a local computer. You can watch which process has opened which port, because the program maps ports to its owning application. Active Ports 1.4 also displays a local and remote IP address for each connection and allows you to terminate the owning process.
- Publisher: DeviceLock, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

QsoNet is a new system which uses the internet to receive audio signals from a ham radio transmitting station, then instantly reflects the audio back to all stations listening on that frequency. The result is a simulated ionosphere for worldwide amateur radio communication.
- Publisher: QsoNet
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2008

Ports of call simulator 3d
Ports Of Call Simulator 3d (POC Sim3d), the container ship simulator, is called by POC XXL for berthing and maneuvering through reefs and icebergs, but can be also played standalone. Ports Of Call Simulator Sim3d supports two simulation modes. The arcade mode is more like in the old poc easier and faster to play, the simulation mode is more like the real ship with more inertia
- Publisher: Dipl. Ing. R.D.Klein
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Callcentric Softphone
This is a small and simple softphone application that will allow you to make and receive calls with Callcentric, an international VoIP provider using your broadband Internet connection. It is easy to install and there is no configuration required, it only asks for your Callcentric´s username and password.
- Publisher: Callcentric
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008