Offline date difference calculator in Title/Summary

Date Difference Calculator
With this application you will know, instantly the time difference between two dates in the form of date, days, hours, minutes, and seconds! This application knows the current date so it's possible to find out with greater ease the date difference between the current date and another date! You will be able to know the exact time between planned events.
- Publisher: Renato Alexandre Santos Freitas
- Last updated: May 15th, 2013

Time Difference Calculator
Time Difference Calculator will calculate the number of days, hours, and minutes between two dates and times. Just input two dates and times (such as Dec. 10, 2000 11:49 PM and 12/25/07 7:33 AM) and Time Difference Calculator will display the time difference. It will display this difference both as days, hours, and minutes and entirely as hours and minutes.
- Publisher: Leithauser Research
- Last updated: October 24th, 2011

Date Duration Calculator
Date Duration Calculator is a free date to date calculator to calculate duration between two dates or two periods of time. You only need to input two dates and it quickly calculates how much time is in between (how many days or how many hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and weeks).
- Publisher:
- Last updated: July 8th, 2015
Offline date difference calculator in Description

DayDiff is a small application created with an unique purpose, namely to provide you with a handy date calculator that can be used for determining the difference between two given dates in the calendar or finding a specific date.
- Publisher: Nalin Ratnakar
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2014

Time and Date Calculator
A powerful date time calculator, counter and converter. It has 5 main purposes: calculate target time, calculate time differences, count days of week/weekdays/weekends, convert between each time element, convert between UNIX time and calendar.
- Publisher: XiXi Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2014

Cycle Calculator
Cycle Calculator is a menstrual cycle calendar also known as fertility calendar. The software indicates days with increased probability of getting pregnant, makes predictions of upcoming dates and keeps records of previous cycles. Features: -Easy-to-use calendar predicts ovulation date and dates with increased probability of pregnancy.
- Publisher: SoundTells
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 16th, 2012

PhotoUtil software helps with managing of digital photographies. It includes features, which are not quite common in other commercial software.PhotoUtil is a full Windows© program. The PhotoUtil desktop will be instantly familiar to anyone who has used another Windows© program such a spreadsheet or a word processor.
- Publisher: Sergej Marsnjak
- Last updated: October 24th, 2008

GumNotes offers a feature called gum-effect, this means that you can attach a note to a file. In addition, you can also specify keywords and the application will keep track of the title of every opened window to show the matching notes. This way you can annotate documents, websites or Outlook. You can use this application the same way you use other annotation tools.
- Publisher: Axonic GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 11th, 2011
Additional Offline date difference calculator selection

Advanced Date Time Calculator
A full-featured date time calculator that used to get result date time, calculate differences and count the days of week, weekdays, weekends between two dates/times, get the conversion between various time elements/zones, calculate UNIX date.
- Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021

Date/Time Calculator
Date/Time Calculator is made for easy life.Easily add/subtract date time value. Parse date/time from string, convert date/time into string. Calculate the duration between 2 dates. You can calculate UTC/GMT Time, Unix Timestamp, Day of the year, Week of the year, Local time zone
- Publisher: Huang Kai
- Home page:

Date and Time Calculator
Date and Time Calculator will let you easily add and subtract dates and time intervals. It features common date-related calculations, detailed date information, moon phase information, birth date calculator, due date calculator, and much more!
- Publisher: Diplodock
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 9th, 2008

Ts3 Administration Tool
TS3 Server Administration Tool allow server administrators to easily administrate their server. Features: - Connect to ServerQuery - View All Servers (ID, Name, Slots, Channels, Connected Clients, Server online/offline, Date Created) - Edit Virtual Server Settings (All Settings But Host Message Mode) - Client Moderation(Ban Connected Client, Poke Client, Kick, View Client Connection Info).
- Publisher: TeamSpeak Systems GmbH.
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2011

PS Date Calculator
Date calculator is simple and friendly tool to work with dates. You can calculate the difference between two periods of time and see stats. There are several options for tuning calculation. Program can save results to disk in txt for further using by external programs. But it has not complete localization.
- Publisher: PolarSoft
- Last updated: August 7th, 2010

Date Calculator
Date Calculator performs a variety of calendar related functions, useful in business. It will display a perpetual calendar (a calendar for any month of any year). It will calculate the number of days between two dates, optionally not counting certain days of the week, such as Saturday and Sunday.
- Publisher: Leithauser Research
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2012

CSC Date Calculator
CSC Date Calculator is a small but useful application that includes different options to count days. The application allows you to select a specific date on the calendar and set a number of days to make a calculation after or before the current date. You can also calculate the days between two specific dates on the calendar.
- Publisher: Computer Solution Central
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

Acute Softwares Date Calculator
Simple utility to calculate the number of days, weeks, months or years between any 2 dates.Very handy for seeing how old you are in days, how many weeks till your 50th birthday , how many shopping days until Christmas.Main features:-pick start and end dates - can use offsets - great for generating useless statistics
- Publisher: Acute Software
- Last updated: September 18th, 2008

Moffsoft Calculator
Moffsoft Calculator can replace the calculator that is built in Windows as it includes a lot of other features. As most applications of this type, this one has been designed to resemble a real handheld calculator; so, it is quite unlikely that anyone has problems to use its basic features. However, some people may have difficulties performing financial operations.
- Publisher: Moffsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2014

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025