Okino n8 in Title/Summary

Okino OpenFlight Installer
OpenFlight is an industry standard realtime 3D scene. Is the most widely used file format for visual simulation databases and is supported by dozens of vendors of realtime 3D tools. Military visual simulation includes battle simulation, fighter jet flight simulation, tank simulation. Visual simulation also includes geospecific terrain for accurate realtime fly through of regions of the planet.
- Publisher: Okino Computer Graphics
- Home page: www.okino.com
- Last updated: January 16th, 2009

Okino XAML Viewer (32-bit)
Features of the Okino XAML viewer include: Loading of XAML 2D and 3D content files The most important and critical feature is the custom Okino 3D interactive camera. WPF/XAML-3D is designed as a "presentation framework" and not as a 3D "interactive framework" which created a lot of headaches and work during the development of the Okino XAML viewer.
- Publisher: Okino Computer Graphics
- Home page: www.okino.com
- Last updated: January 26th, 2010
Additional Okino n8 selection

Advanced 3D Data Translation, Rendering & Scene Composition Software for Microsoft Windows. Includes all the functionality of PolyTrans inside NuGraf (PolyTrans is a subset of NuGraf).NuGraf is a fast, powerful and comprehensive 3D CAD/DCC/VisSim data translation, optimization, and comprehensive 3D rendering + scene composition program for Microsoft Windows.
- Publisher: Okino Computer Graphics
- Home page: www.okino.com
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

PolyTrans provides a complete set of precise and quality import/export converters for the most popular industry standard 3d model formats. The design philosophy behind their development since 1988 has been to create a set of ideal translators that can convert entire file
- Publisher: Okino Computer Graphics
- Home page: www.okino.com
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

This is an advanced 3D data translation, rendering & scene composition software for Microsoft Windows and includes all the functionality of PolyTrans inside NuGraf (PolyTrans is a subset of NuGraf). With its support of virtually every 2D and 3D file format you will need no other tool to visualize 3D models and translate them to your format of choice.
- Publisher: Okino Computer Graphics
- Home page: www.okino.com
- Last updated: November 11th, 2010