Old man biking weather key in Title/Summary

Tesla The Weather Man Demo
Use weather control powers to stop Thomas Edison and his army of DC-powered robots! You play as Nikola Tesla after the triumph of alternating current has sent Edison into a violent rage. Use experimental technology to harness the power of lightning, flood valleys, freeze lakes, levitate boxes, and more in this historical parody puzzle platformer.
- Publisher: Thoughtquake Studios
- Last updated: June 26th, 2011

Tesla The Weather Man
Use weather control powers to stop Thomas Edison and his army of DC-powered robots! You play as Nikola Tesla after the triumph of alternating current has sent Edison into a violent rage. Use experimental technology to harness the power of lightning, flood valleys, freeze lakes, levitate boxes, and more in this historical parody puzzle platformer.
- Publisher: Thoughtquake Studios
- Last updated: April 27th, 2011

Street View Plugin
Old Man Biking's Street View plugin is an addon for Google Street View. This plugin can display Google Street View, when you select locations on the map. In order to configure and use this, select "Street View" in the menu at the upper left of ST's map window.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking's SportTracks Plugins
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022
Old man biking weather key in Description

GPS2PowerTrack Plugin
Can calculate power tracks for activities from speed, climbing speed and calculates calories spent based on these power data. Features: - AfterImport plugin: power calculation and weather import will be done automatically during import - Weather plugin: provides weather information (wind, temperature, ...) that can make power calculation much more precise and so much more.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2012

Coast Bike
Coast Bike is a continuation of a famous biking game Nuclear Motocross. It's an adventure game that offers you the possibility to take a race and develop your sports skills. You can make biking racings in a virtual space created with beatifull graphics and designs.
- Publisher: Free Game Pick
- Last updated: February 21st, 2010

WeatherBar is a small and simple freeware that displays the weather forecast for your location in a very convenient manner, right on your desktop. Unlike the many other similar weather forecast displaying tools that require you to access their main windows in order to see the weather data, this one provides a different approach. It can display the weather info right on the taskbar.
- Publisher: DennisDelimarsky
- Last updated: September 10th, 2013

Join Isador, the inquisitor monk, on an epic journey through Europe ravaged by years of conflict. The fate of the world lands squarely on your shoulders, as you visit great European cities isolated from each other for hundreds of years, trying to find the person who escalated a personal conflict into a quickly unfolding drama that encompasses the known world.
- Publisher: Arxel Tribe
- Home page: www.arxeltribe.com
- Last updated: December 7th, 2008

Block Load
Carrier's Block Load program is a powerful, fully featured HVAC load estimating program suitable for commercial buildings of any size. Block Load is a tool for consulting engineers, design/build contractors, HVAC contractors, facility engineers and other professionals involved in the design, analysis or installation of commercial building HVAC systems.
- Publisher: Carrier Corporation
- Home page: www.commercial.carrier.com
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008
Additional Old man biking weather key selection

Weather Plugin
The Weather Plugin retrieves and displays detailed weather information for your activities. This software tool displays a line chart, minimum, average and maximum value for several weather parameters that were gathered with the 'Find Weather Information' action and more
- Publisher: Old Man Biking's SportTracks Plugins
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Ciclosport Import Plugin
Ciclosport Import Plugin adds an importer for Ciclosport bike computers (HAC4, HAC4Pro, HAC4000, HAC5, CM434,etc). Features: Adds two new imports to SportTracks: 1. import CicloSport ".dat" files and ".tur" files , the file formats used by the CicloSport HACtronic software 2. directly import from CicloSport bike computers connected to your PC - without having to use the HACtronic software
- Publisher: Old Man Biking
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Power Tap Import Plugin
Adds an importer for CycleOps PowerTap power meter files. Click on "Import" in the "Other Tasks" menu of SportTracks and select a file with "csv" extension that you have saved with the software that came with your PowerTap power meter hub. Click on the "Next >" button and follow the usual import steps.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking
- Last updated: April 7th, 2012

Activity Documentation Plugin
This plugin has grown into a real Swiss Army knife. You can create, print, email, blog and upload a complete documentation of the activities in your training logbook or create appointment items in your personal calendar. A major part of the documentation are reports that let you easily analyze and document your performance over time, spanning possibly hundreds of training sessions.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking
- Last updated: July 31st, 2012

SRM Import Plugin
SRM Import Plugin is a tool that lets you add an importer for SRM power meter files. The plugin imports: the power track the heart rate track the cadence track the distance track the temperature track (needs the Weather plugin) timer pauses splits
- Publisher: Old Man Biking
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Waypoints and Courses Plugin
Waypoints and Courses Plugin ia a very powerful plugin that seamlessly integrates GPS waypoints and Garmin courses into SportTracks, features for which you would have to use Garmin Mapsource™ and Garmin TrainingCenter™ or similar 3rd party applications otherwise.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking's SportTracks Plugins
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Equipment Plugin
Equipment Plugin is a new and useful software that you can get it at a low price. A easy to use software that you must have it on your computers.Adds detail pages to SportTracks' equipment view that let you plan and track equipment maintainance, track the cost of your equipment and add information to your equipment (e.g. manuals, photos, etc).
- Publisher: Old Man Biking's SportTracks Plugins
- Last updated: February 26th, 2012

Track Coloring Plugin
Provides a very intuitive visualisation of your ride or run by coloring the track on the map according to speed/pace, heart rate and lots of other parameters. Track Coloring plugin is a port of parts of our ST2 "Map Overlay plugin" to ST3. It took a while, but now this outstanding work has been done. The plugin has two major features: track coloring and map info popups for selected ranges.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking's SportTracks Plugins
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Backup Plugin
This program is a backup plugin for the SportTracks. With it you can backup and restore the settings and data of SportTracks and most of its plugins. This plugin automatically creates backups, when the SportTracks application is closed. Also, you can transport your SportTracks settings and data from one PC to another.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Nike Plus Plugin V2
This plugin was designed to extend your possibilites - it lets you import your Nike+ data into SportTracks. While Nike+ really is a nice portal, SportTracks provides better tools to analyze your workout data. So the plugin frees your Nike+ data from the Nike running "vault".
- Publisher: Old Man Biking
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022