Olympus gps log convert in Title/Summary

Gps Log Book Sync
The GPS Log Book Sync Application is a piece of software which will need to be installed before you first connect the device to your computer. This software forms the connection between the device and the GPS Log Book server allowing data to be uploaded to the server when the device is connected to a computer.
- Publisher: Digital Matter Embedded
- Home page: www.gpslogbook.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2013

OLYMPUS A-GPS Utility can be used to download A-GPS data for Assisted-GPS supported cameras. The A-GPS data is valid only for 14 days, and new updates are to be downloaded after that period. A-GPS data helps the device in faster triangulation of your position.
- Last updated: October 6th, 2014

OLYMPUS Utility Software C-5.11
OLYMPUS Utility Software C-5.11 is an application that can be used to download the latest Assisted GPS data for faster positioning and write it to OLYMPUS Digital Cameras that support Assisted GPS. You will need to write the latest Assisted GPS data to your camera periodically by using OLYMPUS A-GPS Utility.
- Last updated: June 7th, 2017
Olympus gps log convert in Description

Atom GPS freeware easily geotags your photos directly from your GPS device or track log. By simply connecting your GPS Device to Atom GPS and selecting your photos you can add their geolocation in one click. This action allows you to write the geolocation data to your photos exifs (information stored about your pictures including date, time and other such information about your photos).
- Publisher: VSO Software
- Last updated: July 19th, 2011

KML Generator
The KML Generator is a useful and reliable utility which enables you to easily analyze GPS log files containing NMEA string data and then generate Google Earth (TM) compatible KML files. It is a free to use application and has a simple and friendly interface.
- Publisher: Jacob Madsen
- Last updated: March 28th, 2012

MB-GPS2KML is a great tool that converts a GPS log file (in plain NMEA format) to a KML file (placemark file for Google Earth) and opens this file in Google Earth. Velocity, number of satellites and HDOP are interpreted as height, color and size of the icons.
- Publisher: Markus Bader - MB-Softwaresolutions
- Home page: www.markus-bader.de
- Last updated: December 13th, 2011

Vutog GPS Simulator
The Vutog GPS Simulator is a ?Virtual GPS Device in a box? which provides a complete suit for all GPS Simulating needs. It is designed to maximize the productivity in development, testing and debugging Navigation Applications & Android Mobile Apps.
- Publisher: Vutog
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

GeoVisu is a program that displays georeferenced data (images, graphics) and downloads data recorded by some GPS devices.GeoVisu has a "Moving map" navigation function, which can be used with any NMEA 0183 compatible or Garmin USB GPS device.
- Publisher: GeoVisu
- Home page: geovisu.free.fr
- Last updated: July 17th, 2011
Additional Olympus gps log convert selection

ExpertGPS is a GPS map software, which helps you plan outdoor adventures. It can show GPS waypoints and tracklogs from any handheld GPS receiver over aerial photos and US topographic maps. Thus, you can plan trips using scanned USGS topo maps and send routes directly to your GPS receiver to guide you in the field.
- Publisher: TopoGrafix
- Home page: www.expertgps.com
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2023

GPSBabel is a well-known application to all those who deal with maps and GPS devices on a frequent basis, as it’s the most powerful and comprehensive solution to convert tracks, waypoints, routes, and other GPS-related files among many formats. Hundreds of formats for a lot of GPS receivers or mapping and navigation programs are supported.
- Publisher: Robert Lipe
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

GPS Tracker Data Logger
GPS Tracker Data Logger allows you to collect data from an unlimited number of various GPS trackers simultaneously. The obtained data is processed, uniformed and written to a log file or a database. Also, the program has a set of interfaces so other applications can get data in real time.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Home page: www.aggsoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

NovAtel Convert
NovAtel Convert was developed to convert all or specific NovAtel logs contained in a file from one format to another. NovAtel Convert accepts ASCII, binary or GPS file formats and converts them to ASCII, binary or RINEX format. This application is free-to-use.
- Publisher: NovAtel Inc.
- Last updated: February 29th, 2016

Hemisphere GPS MapStar
MapStar PC software enhances Satloc guidance systems through its mapping and file conversion capabilities. It also reads and displays Satloc log files so you can analyze and convert application data to GIS-based file formats.MapStar allows you to display a variety of GIS-based file formats as background maps on Satloc guidance systems
- Publisher: Hemisphere GPS, LLC
- Last updated: November 30th, 2011

Kinomap GPS File Fixer
Kinomap GPS File Fixer allows you to process some treatments on GPS file: - convert almost any GPS file to standard NMEA 0183, compatible with Kinomap - fill the gaps between points when your file is not 1Hertz: the extra point will be recreated by interpolation - cut a long file in which there are loops of data (example: race) in several parts
- Publisher: ExcelLance

Schlumberger Log Data Toolbox
Schlumberger Log Data Toolbox 2.2 is software that integrates, functions which can be used for log data and graphics. The software consists of multiple programs such as DLIS to LIS converter, LIS to DLIS converter, Log Data converter, DLIS to ASCII converter, LAS certify, ASCII info view, DLIS info view and PDS view.
- Publisher: SCHLUM~1|Schlumberger
- Last updated: March 20th, 2012

GPS TrackManager
The GPS TrackManager is an application for planning routes and managing routes, waypoints and trackpoints. The application support functions such as: open and save trackpoints files in various formats (GPX, Ozi Trackpoint file, Ozi Waypoint file, NMEA log, EasyGPS file), transmit Trackpoints, Waypoints and Routes to Garmin GPS receivers (Geko 201, GPSmap 60C) and much more.
- Publisher: Frank Hamaekers, Write4u
- Home page: www.write4u.nl
- Last updated: December 4th, 2009

GPS Sway
While weighing in at only 124kb the program provides advanced features. This program works great to get coordinates in any form for any program. Uses include taking coordinates from your GPS receiver or Google Earth and translating them into a standardized form.
- Publisher: GPSFileDepot
- Last updated: November 26th, 2008

Baidu Browser
Baidu Browser is a free-to-use web browser for Windows OS. Baidu Browser’s built-in Media Downloader lets you easily download video and audio directly to your computer, so you can put it on your phone or tablet and enjoy it again and again. Log in with your Google account and all of your bookmarks, history, plug-ins, skins and settings will be seamlessly transferred over.
- Publisher: Baidu Inc.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2020