Omni-rig 1.7 in Description

The software has a real-time display of band conditions, maintains a long-term history of beacon observations, generates signal charts at regular intervals in a form suitable for Web publishing, also generates observation logs optimized for automatic analysis
- Publisher: Afreet Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 2nd, 2012

A COM component for transceiver/receiver CAT control. Multi-threading: multiple programs, written by different authors in different languages, can control the radio via Omni-Rig at the same time; external rig description files: the support of a new rig model can be implemented just by creating an ini file that describes the CAT commands of the radio;
- Publisher: Alex Shovkoplyas
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 26th, 2016

RCKskimmer is an application capable of searching for digital signals in a FFT-spectrum of a standard receiver with a NF-connection to the soundcard of the PC by using the MMVARI module. All bands and frequencies can be scanned in a row and all callsigns with CQ, QRZ, DE or TEST will be detected and listed with exactly mark-frequency by using the OmniRig Transceiver Control.
- Publisher: Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK
- Last updated: March 14th, 2016

JT65-HF HB9HQX-Edition
JT65-HF-HB9HQX-Edition is an open source amateur radio application designed for the transmission and reception of JT65 protocol. It includes characteristics such as: - Fast decoder - Log database (SQLite) - Dupe checking - Optional: Acoustic alert - Optional: Adjust time via internet timeserver (SNTP) - Optional: CAT with OmniRig or HamLib
- Publisher: Beat Oehrli HB9HQX
- Last updated: March 21st, 2014

LogHX3 is a logger software, designed as a complete Ham Radio environment. LogHX can be connected with your TRx`s CAT by OmniRig or directly. MMVari, MMTTY, CWServer are included into LogHX as embedded modules. One of the LogHX features - multiwindows structure - allows you to use the needed tools only and keep your monitor screen free for another application.
- Publisher: Alexei Chernobai (RX4HX)
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2015
Additional Omni-rig 1.7 selection

Hamport (with Omni-Rig engine)
Hamport is a small program for RIG control. It can read and set mode and frequency on your transceiver. This is beta version. The program can only control ICOM, Yaesu and Kenwood transceivers at present. Also can say that is an universal program for RIG control.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008