Online find similar photo in Title/Summary

Similar Photo Cleaner
Similar Photo Cleaner is intended to help you organize your photographs and free storage space on your computer. It has a beautiful interface, which is quite self-explicable. In addition, the program comes with a nice tutorial that leaves no questions unanswered.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 12th, 2017

Similar Picture Find
Similar Picture Find could not possibly have a more descriptive name. This program lets you create picture repositories and find duplicate pictures in them. This feature will specially come in handy when you need to recover disk space or organize your images.
- Publisher: UNGSoft Developers Group
- Last updated: April 16th, 2012

Find Duplicate Images
With this program you can find similar images on your computer. Similar picture content is what program will search, not touching file name, date and other attributes. Find Duplicate Images is a freeware product and works on Windows 98, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 7.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: October 20th, 2011
Online find similar photo in Description

ArcSoft Photo+
ArcSoft Photo+ can help you view and classify photos with ease. It can be used as an alternative for Windows Photo Viewer. It supports opening practically every picture format, including the native RAW formats of many cameras. When installed, this application creates file associations to most image formats and it will be used as the system’s default picture viewer.
- Publisher: ArcSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: July 13th, 2013

Photo Finale
Smart Retailing, Easy Ordering! Today’s internet is all about exploration, creation and social interaction. Photo Finale Web – Lucidiom’s award-winning, white label photo website – offers all the whimsy, creativity and universal appeal needed to thrive in this social picturing world. A Photo Finale website is a destination, not just an uploader.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

Wal-Mart Digital Photo Manager
Wal-Mart Digital Photo Manager is a consumer-friendly photo organizer and Photo CD viewer with free photo moviemaking features and faster uploading to for online printing and photo sharing. With the Wal-Mart Digital Photo Manager, customers can create Web photo galleries and use basic editing functions.
- Publisher: Walmart Stores Inc.
- Last updated: December 1st, 2008

Subject Search Pad
SSPad is a bundle of a text editor that builds automatic file summaries, and a file classification utility that allows you to search in, categorize and find similar files stored in multiple data storage formats (MS Office, HTML, PDF, RTF, TXT, etc.).
- Publisher: Kryloff Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: October 13th, 2009

CryptaPix is a feature-rich image editor and manager that offers an extensive set of picture encryption and protection features. CryptaPix is capable of protecting images from unauthorized access using the reliable 256-bit AES encryption algorithm. It also supports a large number of image file formats.
- Publisher: Briggs Softworks
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012
Additional Online find similar photo selection

ArcSoft PhotoImpression
This perfect tool is upgraded with Picture Book, Color Tinting, color tone, Photo Email, Online printing features to provide powerful digital editing performance without any problem. Pictures can be copied from camera and other storage devices and can be captured from live videos and from video files.
- Publisher: Arcsoft Photo Impression
- Last updated: September 2nd, 2011

Everyday your friends share lots of useful stuff on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. Most of this content never reaches you since there’s too much to keep up with. Wajam gives you search results based on what your friends share, on top of your normal search results.
- Publisher: Wajam
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2015

AusLogics Duplicate File Finder
Duplicate File Finder can help you locate and remove files with same data. It uses intelligent algorithms to compare not only the file names, but also contents to ensure no false search results. You can easily customize the file-type (photos, videos, documents, programs, and archives) from its interface before scanning.
- Publisher: Auslogics Labs Pty. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SlimCleaner Plus
PC maintenance and clean-up is one of those tasks that we tend to neglect until we realize how little free disk space we have left. SlimCleaner Plus is one of those tools we all should have installed on our PC and, most importantly, use at regular intervals. This program can remove all junk files, duplicate files, and unnecessary large files and help us manage our Windows startup and programs.
- Publisher: SlimWare Utilities Holdings, Inc.
- Last updated: September 16th, 2021

Shadow Defender
Shadow Defender can run your system in a virtual environment called 'Shadow Mode'. 'Shadow Mode' redirects each system change to a virtual environment with no change to your real environment. If you experience malicious activities and/or unwanted changes, perform a reboot to restore your system back to its original state, as if nothing happened.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2020

Fast Duplicate File Finder
Duplicate files or simply older or obsolete versions of files are not always that easy to locate and remove without help. Fast Duplicate File Finder performs thorough searches using the most sophisticated algorithms to help you find and manage duplicate files, detecting even those dupes whose different names may lead you to think that they’re totally different images or documents.
- Publisher: MindGems Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Duplicate Photo Cleaner
While many duplicate finders merely check the size and the date of any two possible candidates to determine their level of similarity, Duplicate Photo Cleaner is capable of detecting not only the more obvious matches, but also pictures that share the same EXIF tag or subject, as well as those that are but variants of the same image file.
- Publisher: WebMinds, Inc.
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

MKV to MP4 Converter
MKV to MP4 Converter does what its name clearly suggests: it lets you convert MKV video files to the MP4 format. This will enable you to play MKV videos on the many devices that support the MP4 format, such as iPod, Sony PSP, Zune, Archos, iRiver, or Creative Zen Vision.
- Publisher: FreeStar
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 25th, 2016

UR Browser
UR Browser is intended to provide you with a more secure and private Internet browsing experience. It looks similar to other browsers, particularly those based on Chromium. Consequently, I do not think you may have difficulty to use the basic features present in this software.
- Publisher: AdaptiveBee
- Last updated: August 13th, 2019

MiniTool Photo Recovery
Whether you deleted them accidentally or lost them when formatting your hard drive, MiniTool Photo Recovery can bring back to life nearly all your gone image files, including RAW, PSD, or Adobe Illustrator graphic files. Besides, it also supports a number of popular audio and video formats, which will let you recover most of your deleted media files in just three simple steps.
- Publisher: MiniTool Solution Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 13th, 2017