Online hex file to binary in Title/Summary

S-Record and Hex File Viewer
The SRecord package is a collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load files. All of the tools understand all of the file formats, and all of the filters. It reads and writes numerous EPROM file formats, and can perform many different manipulations.
- Publisher: Scott Finneran
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2015

Febooti Hex Editor
It's a simple freeware utility that allows to modify file binary content in both hexadecimal and ASCII modes. It's fully integrated into Windows property pages, with full support for copy / paste, bookmarks, text search, shortcuts, and more. It allows to edit regions of file without affecting the layout of file or prevent "content shifting", thus giving a perfect control over data.
- Publisher: febooti software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2018

Free Hex Editor
HHD Software Hex Editor is a powerful yet easy to use editor that enables you to work with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data. This incredible program allows you to view, modify, analyze hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard, insert new data and delete existing data, as well as perform other editing actions.
- Publisher: HHD Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Online hex file to binary in Description

Digital Challenge
Digital Challenge consists of twelve activities to assist teaching basic digital circuit concepts. Virtual breadboarding of simple digital circuits is included. The activities are designed to supplement classroom lecture, textbook lessons, and laboratory exercises.
- Publisher: ETCAI Products
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 17th, 2011

Seasave V7, an entirely new version of Seasave, was officially released in 2007. Improvements over the previous Windows versions include: More robust data acquisition / increased stability with a new architecture for data acquisition. Note: Seasave V7 is actually two applications -- Seasave.exe automatically launches SeasaveAcq.exe when data acquisition is commanded to start.
- Publisher: Sea-Bird Electronics
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

UDP Test Tool
Simple Com Tools UDP Test Tool is both a UDP packet generator and listening application in one. UDP Test Tool provides the ability to both create and capture UDP packets from any PC to or from any PC, server, or IP device. It provides a incredibly easy way to to debug UDP packet transfer and helps resolve issues that are unobtainable by most other network analysis tools.
- Publisher: SimpleComTools
- Last updated: October 29th, 2011

ASCII Converter
This program will convert plain text to AND from Hex and Binary based on the standard ASCII character set of 256 characters. You can Save (Export) and Open(Import) files into either text field. The program can also copy the result of the conversion to the Clipboard if necessary.
- Publisher: Valera Trubachev
- Last updated: May 19th, 2009

Sheep Friends - Hawk
Hex based and ascii based view, handy app for quick viewing a file. Runs stand alone, no registry needed. Hawk is an easy to use application really ultra fast. Add a shortcut to Hawk in your "Send To" menu. So you can always right click on a file and view it quickly with Hawk.
- Publisher: Sheepfriends
- Last updated: January 1st, 2009
Additional Online hex file to binary selection

Bring your entire workflow together on one integrated platform that works with the tools you already use. Edit PDFs, share videos, sign documents, and collaborate seamlessly with internal and external stakeholders—all without leaving Dropbox. Get to your files and photos wherever and whenever you need them—on desktop, mobile, or web.
- Publisher: Dropbox, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 31st, 2024

After you set up iCloud on an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac, you can use iCloud for Windows to access your photos, videos, calendar, files, and any other important information on your Windows PC. Your information stays up to date on all your devices.
- Publisher: Apple Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In
Office File Validation is used to validate that Binary File Format files conform to the Microsoft Office File Format. Office File Validation verifies that a particular binary file complies with the application’s expectations. Office File Validation can help prevent unknown binary file format attacks against Microsoft Office 97-2003 file formats.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: July 21st, 2014

Hex Workshop
The Hex Workshop Hex Editor is a set of hexadecimal development tools for Microsoft Windows, combining advanced binary editing with the ease and flexibility of a word processor. Hex Workshop integrates advanced binary editing and data interpretation and visualization with the ease and flexibility of a modern word processor.
- Publisher: BreakPoint Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

HHD Software Hex Editor Neo
Hex Editor Neo is a binary files editing utility for Windows. It's rich and handy set of features will help all software and hardware developers working with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data. You can make patches, manipulate your EXE, DLL, DAT, AVI, MP3, JPG files with unlimited undo/redo options.
- Publisher: HHD Software Ltd.
- Last updated: July 30th, 2024

MediaFire Desktop
MediaFire Desktop is a free-to-use online storage platform. With this application you can access all your media, anywhere you go. Sync seamlessly across devices and easily share any file or folder from your desktop. Also the app allows you to share files with your friends.
- Publisher: mediafire
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2013

mikroProg Suite For PIC
This software is used for programming with ALL of Microchip microcontroller families which includes:PIC10F, PIC12F, PIC16F, PIC18F, PIC18F-K, PIC18F-J, PIC24F-KA, PIC24F-J, PIC24H-J, dsPIC30F, dsPIC30F-SMPS,dsPIC33F-J and PIC32MX. It is compatible with all MikroElektronika programmers for Microchip devices.
- Publisher: MikroElektronika
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 26th, 2012

Ponyprog is very powerful and popular microchip programmer. Ponyprog enables the user to program EEPROM, FLASH and PIC's using user friendly tools and multiple programmer types. Ponyprog supports AVR, SPI eeprom, AVR micro, 12C bus 8bit eeprom, PIC 16 micro, PIC 12 micro, AT89S micro and SDE2506 eeprom family chips.
- Publisher: Claudio Lanconelli
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2017

GoodSync automatically synchronizes and backs up all your photos, music, e-mail, and other important files between all your desktops, laptops, servers, and external drives. With a simple interface, you can easily create synchronization jobs with one-way backup or two-way sync settings.
- Publisher: Siber Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Most of us have, at one time, deleted important files from our PCs by accident, haven't we? Fortunately, there are file recovery tools such as FreeUndelete. It allows you to recover practically any deleted file or folder, even once you have emptied your recycle bin. The program fully supports NTFS file systems, but also older ones, such as FAT32, FAT16, and FAT12.
- Publisher: Recoveronix Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 27th, 2011