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Online modbus crc calculator in Title/Summary

F-CRC Calculator

F-CRC Calculator

F-CRC calculator it used to find out the CRC32 and MD5 codes of any file. A file's CRC code is characteristic to the file contents. It is especially used to compare two files of the same name and size. If they show the same CRC code then these files are exactly the same and not otherwise.

CRC Calculator

CRC Calculator

The CRC Calculator is used to see if the contents of a file have changed. This is particularly useful if you must do something to a file that might accidentally change it, such as storing it on a floppy disk for a long time or sending it over a network or phone line to another computer.

febooti fileTweak Hash and CRC

febooti fileTweak Hash and CRC

It's a simple tool to compute most popular file hash checksums such as MD5, CRC32, SHA-1, SHA-2 and others. Easy to use interface allows to verify file integrity by comparing calculated checksum with a clipboard or checksum files. Integrates natively into Microsoft Windows file properties.

  • Publisher: febooti software
  • Home page: www.febooti.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2018

Online modbus crc calculator in Description

RS232 Hex Com Tool

RS232 Hex Com Tool

Hex Com Tool is a serial software terminal program that can be used to communicate with just about any rs232 peripheral. This reliable serial software program is great for embedded developers and it can transmit and receive serial data in Hex or ASCII. RS232 Hex Com Tool is a rs232 setup data can be saved for multiple peripherals and later retrieved for easy setup of each individual device.

  • Publisher: Virtual Integrated Design
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2008
RAR Repair Toolbox

RAR Repair Toolbox

RAR Repair Tool is the market leader for recovering WinRAR archives no matter what version was used to generate them. You can now quickly repair files using our artificial intelligence powered, simple to use recovery tool. Download RAR Repair Tool!

Vutog GPS Simulator

Vutog GPS Simulator

The Vutog GPS Simulator is a ?Virtual GPS Device in a box? which provides a complete suit for all GPS Simulating needs. It is designed to maximize the productivity in development, testing and debugging Navigation Applications & Android Mobile Apps.

  • Publisher: Vutog
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


Titan Poker Calculator is an online Poker Odds Calculator designed to attach itself to your Texas Hold'em Poker Room Table and instantly display all the Odds and Game Information you need to help play and improve your game. Titan Poker Calculator is custom made to fit on all you're favourite tables! If you play at a poker room that we do not support, contact us and we will add it ASAP.

  • Publisher: Shay Software Ventures Private Limited
  • Home page: www.titanpoker.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2012


Any container application that can embed ActiveX controls can use SMTX. At design time, you can access your Modbus device from SMTX's test property page. This makes start-up and troubleshooting a snap, all without writing a single line of code! To further get you going quickly, SMTX also includes extensive online HTML help files with detailed examples for Excel, Visual Basic and Visual C++.

  • Publisher: Sapia, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Additional Online modbus crc calculator selection



ASDIP Steel is a structural engineering tool that lets you design steel base plates, steel and composite beams, steel columns, shear connections, etc. It is based upon the latest AISC specifications (AISC 360 and AISC 341 Seismic). It can also help you design anchor rods and shear lugs per the latest ACI provisions.

  • Publisher: ASDIP Structural Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Texas Calculatem

Texas Calculatem

Texas Calculatem is a tool that you can use to unlock the power of statistices to take your games to the next level. Best of all, it's super easy-to-use. It automatically reads your hand and calculates your odds of winning. It even gives you advice on whether you should fold, call or raise.

  • Publisher: Texas Calculatem, LLC
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2012
GoldScrap Calculator

GoldScrap Calculator

The GoldScrap Calculator software has been designed to save you both time and money. By using this application you will be able to speed up your precious metal scrap selling or purchasing operations.GoldScrap Calculator software completely eliminates the possibility of errors and mistakes and provides a fast and easy approach for all calculations and weight conversion needs.

  • Publisher: Red MiniBox Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2009
Online Calculator

Online Calculator

This is a simple calculator extension for Chromium browser. It has an interface with number pads and other arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You also get the percentage calculation function. It supports integers and floating point numbers.

Advanced Date Time Calculator

Advanced Date Time Calculator

A full-featured date time calculator that used to get result date time, calculate differences and count the days of week, weekdays, weekends between two dates/times, get the conversion between various time elements/zones, calculate UNIX date.

  • Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
  • Home page: www.TriSunSoft.com
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2021
Calculator Prompter

Calculator Prompter

Calculator Prompter is a tiny and useful application used to evaluate mathematical expressions in natural form such as (2^E) + SIN(2 * PI), it's super portable with only 500 KB in size, the perfect tool for those two are used to (or prefer) typing than clicking.

  • Publisher: Softaddress
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2011
SSA Benefit Calculator

SSA Benefit Calculator

SSA Benefit Calculator is a handy tool developed by the Social Security Administration of the United States of America to help contributors to calculate, or better said estimate, their social benefits. As obvious as it may sound, this tool is only useful for people who have a social security number.

  • Publisher: Social Security Administration
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2014
BMI & BMR Calculator

BMI & BMR Calculator

BMI stands for “Body Mass Index” and BMR for “Basal Metabolic Rate”. The body mass index is pretty popular these days and it’s basically a number that tells if you’re underweight, overweight or normal. The basal metabolic rate is the number of calories that your body needs each day (excluding any physical activity).

Norton Online Backup

Norton Online Backup

Norton™ Online Backup automatically safeguards your files, music, photos and other important documents from loss. Does all the work for you — automatically backs up your digital photos and videos, downloaded music, financial documents, and other important files to our secured data centers.

  • Publisher: Symantec Corporation
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2020
Citrix Online Plug-in Web

Citrix Online Plug-in Web

Citrix online plug-in supports the XenApp feature set. Using Citrix XenApp with the Web Interface, you can integrate published resources with users’ desktops. Centrally administer and configure the plug-in in the Delivery Services Console or the Web Interface Management Console using an online plug-in site created in association with a site for the server running the Web Interface.

  • Publisher: Citrix Systems, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2012