Online option strategy in Title/Summary

Option Strategy
Option Strategy could be used for analyzing risk sensitivity of option strategy. It is implemented using JQuantlib and JFreeChart library. Thanks for Open Source Initiative the program consists of four major components: Calculator, Portfolio Table, Sensitivity Table and Sensitivity Chart. Option Calculator: It provides additional risk parameter such as Vomma, Lambda, Vanna...etc.
- Publisher: Derivtech
- Home page:

Age of Empires Online
Age of Empires Online is a massive multiplayer online real time strategy game. It is developed by Gas Powered Games and published by Microsoft, who also produced the entire Age of Empire series. It has both PvE and PvP playing modes, co-op mode for some quests. To download and play, it you need a Windows Live account.
- Publisher: Gas Powered Games
- Last updated: June 17th, 2011

Empires Online
Empires Online is a free multiplayer online strategy game that combines fantasy and strategy in battle for territory and resources. Human and wizards coexist in this continent, every player controls a kingdom, striving for power and glory. It provides you a thoughtful game design, a lot of strategies to learn, becomes more complex the longer you play.
- Publisher: Empires Online, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Online option strategy in Description

Quant Analyzer
Quant Analyzer is an online trading strategy analyzer that can find weak points and potential for improvement. It lets you review each strategy and find out if it can be improved, for example, by not trading on special days using What If scenarios. It uses Monte Carlo on strategy back-test to find out if the strategy will survive in real world.
- Publisher: StrategyQuant Com Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2017

Sign Language
Common words signed and illustrated. This application was updated on January 2010. If you are using a PC running MS-Windows and you are on a computer that you are allowed to download to, Download is clearly the best option. The program will have a much higher resolution, the speed and animations will be better, and the program is on your own PC to use whenever you wish.
- Publisher: HiYah
- Last updated: November 4th, 2008

Army of Earth
Army of Earth is an online action-strategy team combat game: * Free to play * Small download (less than 8 MB) * Friendly player community * Emphasizes gameplay and teamwork rather than visuals * Runs on older PC's and laptops * Supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
- Publisher: Fundictive LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 19th, 2011

Army 21
Army 21 is an online action-strategy team combat game featuring base warfare. In this game your aim is to build up and defend your own base and destroy the bases of the other teams. You can either play Co-op or Versus game mode. A maximum of 60 players are allows on 6 teams.
- Publisher: Indiegama Pte Ltd.
- Last updated: May 6th, 2015

GW Team Builder
If you have ever designed a 8-player PvP build for Guild Wars, or have tried to discuss it with your mates, you will have found out one thing: It is hard. It is hard to keep eight players' skills in your head, and it is hard to keep track of the skills when everyone has a suggestion. "GW Team Builder" is designed to make all of this easy, and fun!
- Publisher: Robert Mischke (aka Xanon)
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2009
Additional Online option strategy selection

TrackMania United
TrackMania United brings the same crazy and fun formula that made Nations a big hit, and although this game isn't free, it also offers a huge package for your money. More cars, an amazing number of tracks, and hour after hour of great harmless fun. This is one of those games that are simple yet incredibly fun and addictive.
- Publisher: Nadeo
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Impossible Creatures
Impossible Creatures, previously known as Sigma: The Adventures of Rex Chance is a game that has all the elements of real-time strategy game available for the enjoyment of RTS lovers. It is characterized by its original concept of replacing traditional armies formed by men for others entirely formed by robot animals.
- Publisher: Relic Entertainment
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Aika Online is an epic fantasy MMORPG. Aika presents three PvP modes. This comprehensive PvP system is unique among current MMORPGs for its gigantic scope, along with a massively detailed fantasy world and storyline has helped the game gain many enthusiastic reviews.
- Publisher: JOYIMPACT
- Last updated: June 27th, 2014
- Publisher: Play sp. z o.o.
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

Game of Emperors
Game of Emperors is MMO strategy known for its deep gameplay, a near perfect blend of strategy and simulation. You get to build your capital, claim new territories by establishing provinces, trading posts and military encampments. You can also train your army to spy on the enemy and defend your empire.
- Publisher: Imperia Online Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 16th, 2017

Necroxia Nova
Necroxia Nova is a free to play multiplayer RPG strategy game for Windows OS. All players will be able to use the skilling tiles, this means that you will no longer need a premium account to use the skilling tiles after that you reach level 80 in a skill.
- Publisher: Necroxia
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 28th, 2015

Features: - Internal Directory at a glance, online status, click-to-call. - Customer Directory at a glance, ready for search, click-to-call. - Initiate a conference call at any time, easy to use. - Increase call-in mode that provide web call-me as an option. - many more.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Picaroon is a massively multi-player strategy game set in a grim water-world future where the remaining inhabitants fight it out for possession of what remains above sea-level. Picaroon is free-to-play and requires only a 50MB download; full release this winter or play the beta now.
- Publisher: Nice Technology Ltd., Cambridge, England
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2011

Option Crawler
Provides complete stock option chains from Internet, calculates all standard option values including Theoretical Value, Percent to Double, Implied Volatility, the Greeks, Historical Volatility. Allows for easy building of option strategy by pointing and clicking on individual contracts from the displayed option chain.
- Publisher: Option Crawler
- Home page:

Bravatech Online Backup
The Classic View offers three different modes for selecting files that need to be backed up. After logging in, click on Classic View from the “Advanced” menu on the top right corner of the application display. In the Classic view, navigate to Backup Mode. There are three different ways to look for data that need to be backed up.
- Publisher: Bravatech Online Backup