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Oop program to calculate gpa in Title/Summary

Free GPA Calculator

Free GPA Calculator

Free GPA Calculator is a program that enables you to calculate your grades. The program enables you to easily get the results of your GPA score. You can also use this program to make a cumulative GPA calculation in order to avoid making mistakes common to manual calculations.

Schneider Software OOP-Diff

Schneider Software OOP-Diff

The Schneider Software OOP-DIFF is a file diff tool for software developers. The tool understands the basic structure of a programming languages (C# and VB.NET and CSS so far).This makes comparing many refactorings or other codes changes much easier.

  • Publisher: Schneider Software
  • Last updated: February 6th, 2012
Quick Calculate

Quick Calculate

Quick Calculate is a wonderful free game which helps anyone to develop an interest in solving mathematical problems. It has a very simple and interesting user interface. The game is restricted to ten levels, but it takes a very high speed as well as a good level of accuracy to complete those ten levels with a high score. Levels get difficult as game progresses.

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Oop program to calculate gpa in Description

Any File Split And Join

Any File Split And Join

Any File Split and Join is intended to split large files into any number of smaller ones and to join them back to reconstitute the original file. Splitting becomes necessary when we need to send large files via email or when the file size exceeds the maximum available storage capacity. This application also solves the problem of e-mailing this type of files.

  • Publisher: EXNP Inc
  • Home page: www.exnp.com
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2012
LED Calculator

LED Calculator

LED Pro was created to help you make informed and educated flashlight modding decisions, and to calculate aspects of your design, by entering certain known variables. To use LED Pro, you merely enter all but one of the variables and let the program calculate the unknown one.

  • Publisher: John Trotto
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012


DeskProto is a 3D CAM program (CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing). It can import STL files from any 3D CAD program, calculate CNC toolpaths and then write NC program files for any CNC milling machine: 3-axis, 4-axis and 5-axis. DeskProto is aimed at designers for Rapid Prototyping.

  • Publisher: Delft Spline Systems
  • Home page: www.deskproto.com
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2014
Pigeon Planner

Pigeon Planner

Pigeon Planner is free and open-source racing pigeon software. The goal is to be a simple, yet powerful pigeon organizer. Enter your pigeons with all of their details in the user friendly interface and let the program calculate the pedigree and relatives.



An application for University of Bahrain (UOB) students, allows them to calculate their Cummulative GPA, Major GPA, and visualize the results on GPA charts and more! The latest version includes : Semesters Editor, Schedule Builder and the amazing Enrollment Checker, All-in-One!

  • Publisher: uob.me
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2011

Additional Oop program to calculate gpa selection



Teachers and students can use multimedia screens, virtual instruments, sound, and animation to create, test, and safely repair circuits. Real-time 3D graphics and lifelike 3D components will captivate your students as they build circuits in the real 3D world. Edison also comes with over 100 experiments and problems that teachers and students can use immediately.

  • Publisher: DesignSoft Inc
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2011
MYOB AccountRight Plus

MYOB AccountRight Plus

MYOB AccountRight Plus is an accounting and payroll management program. The present version is updated with the latest tax rates. You can customize your invoices and purchase orders, create documents required for your business, etc. You can also manage your business using the mobile app.

  • Publisher: MYOB Technology Pty Ltd
  • Last updated: July 7th, 2014
Satellite Antenna Alignment

Satellite Antenna Alignment

Satellite Antenna Alignment is a program that might come in handy when installing satellite dishes. With its help, you can calculate the angles necessary for installing satellite dishes. The utility doesn't bring you a built-in help manual, but you can find plenty of useful hints and usage instructions on the homepage of the developer.

  • Publisher: AL-Software Team
  • Home page: www.al-soft.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021
Accurate Times

Accurate Times

Accurate Times was designed by the chairman of the ICOP, its main function being that of calculating the prayer time of the Islamic people. The mechanism of the program is simple: it automatically calculates the correct direction and time that should be used by Islamic people who pray so that they can position themselves to face the right imaginary direction towards Mecca.

  • Publisher: Mohammad Odeh (JAS)
  • Home page: www.icoproject.org
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014
Chess Eye

Chess Eye

You get step-by-step exercises which help you to increase your chess visualisation. Main Features: - 11 exercises - All other exercises have 128 test questions. - Real-time visualisation - Offline & online ranking - Multilingual - Lifetime free online update - Multiple user support

Pixum ePrint

Pixum ePrint

Pixum ePrint 1.2.5 is a software to order printed copies of your digital photos stored in your drives. This software is intended to work only to place orders within the European Union to www.pixum.com. You can pick the pictures you want to print from any folder in any drive and drag and drop them to the right panel.

  • Publisher: Diginet GmbH & Co. KG
  • Home page: int.pixum.com
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2008


Steady is a computer program that provides a generalized model to represent wastewater treatment plants. The model assumes steady-state conditions for the influents to a given plant and characterizes wastewater with the traditional environmental engineering parameters (BOD5, TSS, VSS, TKN, and NH3-N).

  • Publisher: University of Texas at Austin
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2010
Difference Between Two Dates Software

Difference Between Two Dates Software

Find the number of years, months and days between two dates.

NoVAB 2000

NoVAB 2000

NoVAB 2000 is Nooteboom Vehicle Axle Load Calculation Program. Is a PC-program for calculating the optimal cargo location on trailers to avoid overload. In NoVAB-2000 several loads can be placed on one vehicle. The cargo can be positioned one after the other, next to each other, or stacked. You are free to choose where you want to position the loads, for instance on the gooseneck.

Reinforcement Development Length Calculator

Reinforcement Development Length Calculator

The program uses the ACI 318 equations to calculate the required length for rebar. This results in the absolute minimum length required to develop a bar's strength. Calculate tension and compression development and splice lengths for any grade of rebar and concrete strength.

  • Publisher: S.E. Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2011